Bald superman is highly confident, athletically very fit and mentally strong man who has style, has goals and has a lot of fun in his life.
He’s attractive and attracts the most attractive!
Becoming Superman – Bald Superman – step 1 video:
Now, that might sound almost impossible to accomplish for a young balding or already bald man.
But it is very possible! You need time, effort and you have to pace yourself. Relax! It takes some time and consistent effort. With that you can achieve anything you want in life.
I am not expecting any young going bald man to become a bald superman over night. No!
It takes time, effort and stamina. I repeat.
But it’s also not as hard to become one as you might think my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
The key is to brake it down into a small manageable pieces.
And than slowly, everyday you should start to put these pieces together.
And several months up to a year from now you can be one of us – Superman. Bald Superman.
Let’s start with the first piece.
Bald supermans hairstyle
Hairstyle for a young man who’s losing hair like you and me few years ago is a hot topic.
Hide it?
Cut it or shave it short?
Wear a hat or hair piece?
Great questions!
And I have answers for you.
One of the most important part of being a Bald Superman is confidence, self belief and self respect. It means that Bald Superman is absolutely comfortable in his own skin and with his great look.
Now, this one might just be the most difficult part of becoming bald superman. And maybe this step should be taken at the very end of this becoming Bald Superman program.
So what is the first or the last step?
And YOU my fellow young going bald man will make that decision if it’s going to be first step or the last one.
It’s making peace with your hair loss, moving on and cutting your hair short.
The length is not important right now. Although I recommend 3-7mm. It can be progressively lowered from about 12 mm to 3 mm.
And than you maintain this short cut and cut it regularly every week and a half.
Doing it now versus doing it later
The only problem I have with cutting your hair very short right in the beginning of your Superman’s status pursuit is than it might not feel natural.
The confidence and comfort with discomfort is still not there. It needs to be built up. And every single step that follows next is confidence building step – to Supermas Mindset.
You’ll be improving at every aspect of your life and with that you’ll be getting more and more confident.
So if you’re an adventurous soul, go ahead and cut or shave your hear very short right now.
It’s a bold move!
And a right one!
But if you don’t feel like it right now, relax. It will come naturally later. And don’t stress too much about it either.
Give it some time and step into other Superman building key processes.
Your overall confidence will be growing and you’ll be becoming more and more prouder of who you really are. That’s the key!
My personal short haircut transformation took some time too.
First it was the shock!
Than it was the desperation!
Than came the realization!
Than came the confidence building skills and action to just do it and keeping it that way – short, very short!
And loving it!
Physical fitness helps your mental fitness and that will certainly help your bold hair cut decission.
So maybe my fellow young going bald or already bald man, it’s time to start with the step number 2 in becoming a Bald Superman. And that is exactly the way I started. Let’s start actively and intensively! In the next article you’ll find out how get and stay very physically fit. This is very important step on the journey to Superman like status. I require every single young balding man to take this step very seriously!
Related articles:
Becoming bald superman – part 2
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man
My secret private young bald mans story that will change your life