How are you doing my fellow bald man on the mission? Can you seriously say that you’re just doing amazing? Life is exciting! You feel a lot of fire in your life because you’re thrilled about your life and your interesting projects?
Unfortunately most if us can’t say that!
It’s usually the same answer like: Same all, same all! Nothing special. All is well!
Well, nothing wrong with that, but I don’t think we were put on this earth to just survive and maybe do well. I believe we were ment to thrive. To feel exciting! To feel amazing! To be in charge! To change this world!
So how do you do that?
You are probably thinking now: Milan are you crazy? I already am crazy busy, I’m barely making it, I’m stretched to the max and I don’t have much time left at all.
And you want me to go ahead and change the world? Yes that’s what I want you to do my fellow going bald or already bald man!
Difficult but exciting projects light up life’s fire and give it a sense of mission
We all have jobs to go to. We all have household duties to do. We all have certain agendas other people have for us. I get it!
But I believe your duty in life my fellow going bald or already bald man is to set at least 1 hour per day to work on a difficult but very exciting project! Everyday!
First you get the sense that you’re heading somewhere exciting. Second, you learn a lot about yourself. Doing anything worthwhile gets the most out of you. And third, you never know, you might as well get it right and make it big and get really really rich and famous. Not that that’s the most important thing in life. But it surely beats the 9-5 life in cubicle working for some faceless corporation.
Start life changing project or two on the side today my fellow bald man and get rocking!
How do you do that?
First dive deep into your interests. What makes you really fired up? For example me, I like helping people. Hence the Bald Attraction project. And I love it! Is it changing the world in some way. I know it is! It’s not my job, it’s my big thinking world changing project. And I want you to start one within a week or so my fellow bald man.
Do something you’ll stick to for the long term! Something only you can chose! Thing big!!!
Examples of life changing projects on the side for bald mans world changing big thinking:
Look at the problems out in the world and and find a completely different solution, even if it is little twisted one to solve it. Think differently!
Start a business of any kind and change 1000 people’s life’s and get rich at the same time.
Help underprivileged kids in some way
Now this one was already invented, but you might want to consider similar one: Elon Musk – tech entrepreneur wants to travel to Mars before he dies. That’s why he’s driving all his companies to grow and thrive. He will need at least 50-100 billion dollars to accomplish that! Now that’s a big thinking world changing project! Hopefully we will get to go someday too if he beats the space path to it. And I know he will! I’m certain that all Martians are actually bald!!! All good looking creatures are!
Mine is and you already know it: I want to make every bald man, young or old one of the most attractive men in the world.
One at the time!
There is no way that a beautiful guy with hair is more attractive than fit, intelligent, confident bald man with style. I repeat and I am sorry for my French: No fucking way!
Plus I believe I’ll influence James Bond franchise to eventually make a bald man next 007 agent. I actually got the change to talk to Daniel Craig, the recent 007 agent. And guess what? He’s going bald!
Attractive successful bald man is changing the world
Attractive successful bald man if you still don’t have an interesting life and world changing project on the side, it’s time to change that! Being not ambitious, having no clear purpose in life, staying average is not a good option for going bald or already bald man. You have to change that! You my fellow bald man, and I repeat myself here agan, but it’s that important! You were put on this planet for a reason. You have an incredible potential! You should be changing the world today! The beautiful thing that comes out of it too is, that you get the other benefit from this pursuit of being more attractive, more interesting bald man standing out of the crouds! Now that is a pretty great reason to pursue the world changing mission. Good luck on your journey! It will be very exciting one! Guaranteed!
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Bald too young story
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Young bald man turn toward your fear
Young going bald or already bald man, can you identify a major fear in your life that’s irrational, meaning that you wouldn’t be in any real danger if you acted in spite of that fear?
Let me give you few examples from my early fearful young going bald mans experience:
Approaching attractive women and asking them for date
I used to be frightened to approach a beautiful girl and start a conversation. It was debilitating fear. It was seriously a kind of fear like she would chop my head off with machete just turning around and reacting on my: Hi how are you?
And I know a lot of bald men that are frightened of approaching beautiful girl. Now this kind of fear is very irrational. And if you really think about it. I mean really think about the moment when you approach this girl, there is only one outcome: You can only gain from it!
First, you mustered the courage and used the courage muscles. They just got stronger. Second, you actually got a chance to face and talk to this beauty. And third, you might get that date eventually.
If not, there is no harm!
You didn’t have your yes before you talked to her and you don’t have your yes now. Nothing changed!
So, I too eventually broke this irrational fear. And I broke it by forcing myself to approach and talk to many beautiful girls. It certainly needs to be a right approach and I’ll talk about it in some other articles, but mustering the courage to make the move is crucially important.
And I started having hot dates in my life since I did put this debilitating fear into proper perspective. And you need to do the same my fellow bald man. And you’ll certainly get the same results I did.
Now I’m out of the dating game. I am happily married to one of those beauties I took the courage of approaching her in spite of me being very afraid to do so. Happy ending!!! You’ll get the same results my fellow young going bald man! Just act inspire of your fear! That’s where the real benefits lie! That’s the first thing I’ll teach my own kids!
Cutting my hair very short and my fear of doing it
I still remember the the fear I felt before I finally cut my hair very short. I would contemplate doing it for over a year, but I didn’t find enough courage to just do it.
After I finally made it happen and cut my hair short, I realized how unreasonable this fear actually was. Yes I changed my overall look and image drastically, but the feedback I got from other people was great! I even started really liking my very short cut in about 3 days. And I never turned back. Now I cut my hair regularly in 3 mm length and maintain it that way.
What seemed like a very scary action to do – biting a bulletproof and just cutting my hair very short, turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
My fellow young bald man, if you’re afraid of what’s going to happen, how people will react after you cut your hair very short, that’s ok. But if you really want to do it, than just do it! It’s ok to be afraid. Be afraid, but move boldly and make it happen! Today! My guess is, that 3 days later you’ll be telling yourself why you haven’t done it long time ago.
Speaking in front of large group of people and fear that comes with it
I used to start seriously shaking when I had to say something in front of larger group of people when the eyes were all on me. I would get frightened, turn red and of course the speech would turn out terrible. I was scared! And I wasn’t alone.
There was a research done about what scares people the most. And number one thing ended up being – speaking in larger group of people.
Everybody is afraid to speak in front of the crowds. And off course everybody avoids it. I used to avoid it too. Not anymore!
One beautiful day in one fitness centre where I used to work I had to have a group orientation for members about some safe, effective core exercises. I was a beginner trainer than. The one almost everybody is. A personal trainer with no clients to train.
Of course I wanted them, but for some reason nobody wanted to hire me. Very typical for personal training industry.
Now my presentation was coming. I was scared! I tried to get out of it several times. But looking at it from hind side luckily with no success. I had to do the presentation. I was frightened! I felt sick just before it. That’s how scared I was.
The morning came and people were ready. There were about 30 of them. I didn’t sleep the whole night. I was a scared wreck!
Now the presentation started. I dove in and did my thing surprisingly with confidence. Yes I was still very afraid mainly in the beginning of it. But as time passed and I realized that nobody will bite my head of and probably won’t anymore, I grew less afraid and more confident.
When my presentation ended after an hour or so, people were standing around me with more questions and requests for private personal training sessions.
To make this story little shorter, this presentation kick started my personal training successful profitable bussiness. I have been doing more of it ever since. I’m still very afraid before any presentation I have in front of larger group of people, but I force myself to do it always no matter what.
Public speaking is one of those initially scary activities attractive successful bald man should master. The fact that everybody is afraid of it and nobody is doing it will make a bald man stand out of the crowds immediately! He will appear more attractive, more confident man everybody wants to be around. And his bank account will grow substantially too!
Attractive successful bald man turn toward your fears
It turns out that if you too my fellow young going bald man push through your fears and do what you really are afraid of doing, you’ll be surprised what will follow. Because, simply if you’re afraid to do something, face an uncomfortable situation or do something downright scarry, the outcome will always surprise you in a very positive way. You’ll be more likely to respect yourself and feel great about yourself. Because many would not act in your shoes. You’ll be growing more confident, calm and successful with every acted upon situation. You’ll be becoming an incredibly attractive, confident, successful bald man!
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Managing depression for young going bald or already bald man
It can be seriously depressing for a young mam to go bald. The earlier he experienced baldness the tougher it is for him. And if you’re one of these young going bald men, I understand your pain. I’ve been there! But there is an outcome from this situation. And it’s a great positive one. The ultimate outcome is that young bald man, even though often not realizing this, can and will live attractive successful life of a bald man. But it also depends on his attitude. Now you’re depressed my fellow young bald man. So let’s deal with your depressions first.
Managing depression for young going bald or already bald man video:
Young bald man is depressed by this early baldness situating he was thrown in. Again, I was one of you. Now, I am not the doctor and I am also not a fan of any drugs, but I had to deal with my depressions in my early twenties coming from baldness too. And I managed to do it successfully without any medication. So it makes me at least little bit qualified to give you my fellow young going bald or already bald man advice what to do in your situation, so you’re less depressed and possibly getting rid of depression entirel. I want you to feel amazing about yourself! And you will if you follow my advice.
Let’s get started!
There are 6 strategies I recommend for a young going bald or already bald man to manage his depression.
First of all my fellow young going bald or already bald man:
Never Give Up!
I know you won’t! It’s a done deal. You’re are a fighter. You’re going to get through this depression!
Do strength and interval training regularly
There simply isn’t enough physical work in peoples life’s anymore. All is automated, all is indoors, all work is done in sitting position. Now that’s making us partially depressed!
Young going bald man is smart enough to realize it. Heck he is young and strong and hard physical work has to be part of his life. And it has to be a big part of his depression management system. Why? Because it really works!
You! going bald or already bald man, do some combination of intensive strength and interval training 3 – 4 times per week – Every week! Regularly! Consistently! Intensivelly! My favorite words right there! And hopefully yours soon too!
So why intensive strength training and interval training? Our bodies and minds are wired and programmed to do intensive physical work in our life’s to function well. Building shelter, escaping saber tooth tigers, hunting for our dinner. Well those things don’t exist in our life’s anymore. Now all is safe, we have shelters and we have supermarkets full of food. Life is good. But is it really?
Hard physical work releases endorphins to your blood stream to make you feel better so you can keep hunting for that dinner. And that makes you feel great. Same applies to building and moving around.
Hard physical work keeps your body strong and that translates hugely to your mind, which means – Strong Positive Mind!
Anyways my fellow young going bald or already bald man, start doing some form of intensive strength and interval training to manage your depression. But the benefits of intensive physical work go far, far, far beyond that! Start intensive strength training and interval training today and never stop!
Take cold showers after your workouts
Now this one is for brave souls. But it is also an incredibly effective strategy for beating depression. And of course the whole well being and great health of the young going bald man included. Take cold showers my fellow young going bald man after you finish your intensive workout. Go ahead try it today and write me how you feel for the rest of your day. My guess would be: you’re feeling incredibly amazing!
This is how it should look like: after I finished my intensive strength training workout yesterday I went straight to the shower. I started the shower luke warm. But not too long after I rapidly decreased the temperature of the shower to just pure cold. I stayed there for another minute and a half (feel free to stay longer) and than I got out. The whole shower took me about 3 minutes. I put soap on in luke warm water and than rinsed it with cold water.
Is this very uncomfortable thing to do? You bet it is! But the feeling you experience after is quite amazing. You’ll feel very relaxed and in peace long after. It’s sort of feels like you just finished your surfing session on San Francisco’s ocean beach – my favorite surfing spot. The water is ice cold there. Much colder than water in your shower. Of course I wear a wet suite! But few times I went without it. Boy I felt amazing the whole day long after!
My fellow young going bald or already bald man, take cold showers after your intensive workouts. It is not only very beneficial for your health, it also works against depression. Give it a try a see! Happy polar bearing!
Delete additional sugar and flour from your diet
Food is a powerful drug. That’s what Mr. Sears said in his famous book -Zone Diet. And since the time I read his book, I stopped drugging myself with food. My mental and physical fitness improved by 10000 times.
Yes my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Food can seriously mess with your mood swings. Especially the food loaded with added refined sugar and flour. And that is pretty much all processed food.
But why Sugar and flour you might ask? Now, I don’t want to turn this article into a biology lecture, so I will answer very simply why. Sugar and flour mess up your natural insulin production ballance. And that’s causing you to feel high briefly after eating something heavy on these substances and than the crash comes. And guess what it brings with itself. Yes that’s correct – depression.
Eating natural wholesome unprocessed diet keeps your body insulin production in check and with that also blood sugar levels stable. If you manage to pull this simple but not easy step of eating diet free of additional sugar, flour and processed foods off, you’ll notice incredibly positive change not only on your mood and feel good state, but the overall health!
Young going bald or already bald man don’t put additional sugar, flour and processed foods into your mouth anymore and your depression might just completely disappear. Or you’ll at least manage it better.
Foods and drinks to avoid for managing depression: fruit juices, soda pop, any sweetened beverages, beer, candy, jams, breads, bagels, pizzas, energy bars, candy bars, sweetened yougurts, chocolates unless it high percentage – 85% and more chocolate based and many others.
The key is to read a label of the food you’re buying. If it says in the ingredients list – sugar, corn syrup, rice syrup, honey, maple syrup or any kind of concentrate, it’s all sugar. Don’t buy it!
Be more selfish be happier
Young going bald or already bald man often pays too much attention to what others think about himself. And he wants to fit in no matter what. But often he’s neglecting his own needs and wants.
My advice to you my fellow young going bald man is to tune out more others and needs and wants of others and put yours first!
What do you love to do? What makes you happy? Do more of that! Stop paying too much attention what others want you to do and be. I know it’s often hard to do that. But you must try. Your own well being is at stake!
Let me give you one of my examples of being more selfish and ultimately feeling better. I go surfing once per week now. Now few people already told me that I need to be available this particular day and driving 20 min. to my surfing spot and than driving back and surfing for 3 hours is just waist of time.
I say no, no, no! It’s my selfish feel good time. And I will continue doing it no matter what. Do others suffer by it? Yes they do a little! But they’ll be ok. I don’t care! This is my selfish action and it will stay in my life. I have many, many others mind you? And you my fellow young going bald or already bald man need them too!
Start building something and never stop
Us men are builders by nature. We are hunters and we are builders. That’s how our minds are wired. We were mend to go and hunt the wholly mammoth and build villages and pyramids. Now give a man a office desk, computer and decent paycheck and he’s stuck forever just pushing papers and envelops not ever needing to hunt or built anything. And guess what suffers the most?
Yes, his mind, his happiness, his sense of mission and acomplishment. And the depression sets it. To manage depression better my fellow young going bald man, you need to start building something, hunting something even if you have a desk and a good paycheck. Something is missing!
Let me give you few of my examples:
I build and weld metal structures and statues. I hope to do more of it in the future.
I build this web site: over long time, and I’m planing to stick with it forever.
I build a fit body and the work never stops.
I build my family – I have 2 beautiful kids I love. And we are all a big works in progress.
Those are my projects that keep my mind positively engaged to what I was mend to do – building and hunting!
Now yours hunting, building projects my fellow young going bald or already bald man will be different. Pick something that you will love doing, something that will deeply satisfy you and challenge you. Do it and you’ll be amazed what great positive changes happen in your mind. You’ll find that managing your depression will be a lot easier.
Work toward ambitious goal or goals – your own goals
Having a sense of mission, a big mission is very good for your well being. Suddenly everything makes sense. The road is clear, direction is set. I want you my fellow young gong bald man to create a big goal or few big goals right now to work toward. These goals must be big challenging goals! I call them missions of change. It means that if you achieve them, your life will change substantially in a very positive way.
Let me give you few examples of life changing goals – missions:
Move to different country and live there for a year or more.
Travel around the world for a year.
Achieve six pack abs fitness levell.
Start and build a business that can run without you and generate income for you.
Train for and finish marathon.
Write your own book.
Learn to play musical instrument.
Learn new language.
Go to and finish college and get a degree in a field you love.
List goes on my fellow young going bald man. The key is to make these goals big enough so they actually change your life when you reach them.
Now what does achievement of big goals in your life has to do together with managing depression? A lot!
When you set a big challenging life changing goals you’re excited about, you gain a positive direction that excites you. Plus you realize that you need a lot of energy to accomplish these goals. So you’re more likely to not wast any in dwelling on how your life suck.
You become a driver of your own life and that’s very empowering! Not necessarily easy, but very rewarding! How fantastic! Now get on it my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Write down 3 big life changing goals on the paper. And start working toward them today!
You young attractive going bald man without depressions!
It’s time to conquer your depressions my fellow young going bald man and live happy attractive successful life! And these few simple strategies will help you do that. Apply them in your life and you’ll feel amazing! Guaranteed! Now go get to work!
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Attractive successful bald man always has some fuck you money in the bank
Attractive successful bald man is a creator of his own life. He lives bold attractive life that he creates for himself. He is bold in his actions. And he’s living up to his true potential. And he doesn’t do anything that prevents him to live life like that. And huge part of it is to not smell like you desperately need money. Because once you do the bad people and bosses take advantage of it.
I saved my money, I stayed out of debt and I have a fat bank account and so should you my fellow bald man. Never put yourself into a situation that people take advantage of you because you just need that paycheck to survive.
If I get fired tomorrow from a job I love a lot actually, and it might happen. Hell it might happen today and to anyone. First think I will do is, I will take 5 month surfing all around California time off. Second, I will enter aggressively a new career I will love. I have 5 potential careers on my list I can start doing tomorrow that I’m inclined to really like. And finally third, I’ll triple my income I had in my previous job.
Does that sound like words of a confident bald man. You bet. But, I position myself to create fertile conditions for that – fat fuck you money account is always there when I need it. Now let’s start your own confidence building fuck you money bank account my fellow bald man. You owe it to you yourself. It will improve every aspect of your life. Guaranteed!
Live well but live simple
Do you need to drive BMW like my wife does? No! I hate BMWs. First of all it’s not such a great quality car as everybody thinks and second, it costs 3 times as much as my Jeep Liberty. I am not just trying to pick on BMWs. There are many overpriced so called luxurious cars you don’t need. Save that money and fund your fuck you fund instead my fellow bald man.
I can go on with examples how people get in huge debt and become slaves to the system that is ultimately destroying their confidence, freedom, egos and ultimately the whole life’s potential. Two main items are – houses and cars. Keep the prices of those in check and stay free of debt my fellow bald man.
Never stop funding your fuck you fund
No matter how small your income is, you should be able to save 25% of your after tax income. If you can do that and invest your saved money, soon you will realize that you’re not in mercy to anyone and any boss out there. You might also start noticing your confidence growing rapidly. Yes often to the point you become cocky. It happened to me before, and sometimes I need to keep my cockiness radar in check. But how great for you my fellow bald man!
Observing young bald man being so confident that he’s cocky is my favorite thing to see. I love seeing bald men being very confident!
Keep funding that fuck you money fund/high confidence fund young bald man on a mission. And with that watch your actions, behavior, opportunity radar and confidence grow! Having fuck you money is part of living confident, successful, attractive bald mans life. Now, go make it happen my fellow bald man! Enough of that F. word Milan now!!!!!!
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Young going bald man never give up!
My fellow young going bald man, promise me one thing – you’ll never give up and settle for mediocre life. A life of what ifs and holding back because of your early baldness. No matter how severe and early your early baldness comes, you’ll be the winner eventually. You’ll go through hell and you’ll keep going through it no matter what. And if you don’t find the way out of it, you’ll keep going until the hell freezer over 1000 times. That’s the way to persist and win!
The hell you’re going throug
And boy, it is a hell! You’re young and nobody from your peers is bald. You suffer a lot by it and you don’t see a solution in your baldness situation. You get depressed several times per day and every time you look in the mirror. Just looking at a pretty girl makes you frightened and think: “I will never have a girl like that in my life because I am a bald man!”
Now that’s bullshit of course. I dated some of the most beautiful women in the world while completely bald and so will you if you don’t give up and come out of this hell as a winner. And I am convinced you will me fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Keep going!
So how do you keep going through this miserable situation you’re in now? I have an answer for you my fellow young going bald man.
Life is a marathon! You don’t see it now. You’re a teenager or a man in his twenties and you think this is it. But it is not. Not at all my fellow bald man. I repeat: Life is a marathon! And you have very long way to go.
So what does that have together with not giving up and keeping marching forward through hell? A lot!
So, let’s say you’re in your last year of high school. That makes you about 17 years old. Maybe you’re much younger, or much older, like 27. It doesn’t matter. You create a plan that will guide you through this hell and you’ll emerge from that hell like a true winner. Several years ago I was in the same situation you’re now my fellow young going bald man.
When I finish my marge through the hell and came out of it, I was 25 years old. I was the fittest from all my peers. I was the most self confident man around. I met love of my life. I was a man on a mission. I had big goals and I was going aggressively after them. I had growth positive mindset that I developed in my hell. Life felt fantastic!
But I paid my dues while I was in my very similar to yours hell. And I believe you can create the same situation and experience for yourself. You simply must young bald man on mission!
Create a plan
Now you’re still in hell my fellow young bald man! But now you’re creating path out of it. The plan consists of:
Achieving fantastic physical fitness!
Achieving fantastic mental fitness!
Achieving bulletproof high self confidence!
Developing goals and a sense of mission and going aggressively after them!
Striving for overall self improvement!
Gaining high motivation!
Developing positive, growth, abundant mindset and positive thinking!
Becoming a little bit more selfish and engaging more in activities that bring you joy/fulfill you!
So how do you achieve all these beautiful traits that will shoot you to the stardom and make you irresistibly attractive bald man living fantastic bold life with no regretts? Dig little deeper into where you’re now: That is exactly a focus of this website.
Young going bald man that’s going through hell: Persist! And keep going through that hell. But use that time effectively to become attractive successful bald man that actually emerges from that hell as an attractive successful confident happy bold in his actions bald man. I’ll tell you, it’s the fantastic thing to be! Do anything you can to get there and enjoy the incredible benefits it brings! Deep down you already want it!
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Bald attractive successful man acts and lives with no regretts
Going bald or already bald man somewhere out there in the world, is there anything that your baldness prevents you to do today? A week from now? A month or few years from now?
Is there anything you haven’t done in the past regardless of your baldness problem? If there is, it’s time to reconnect with that pursuit. It’s time to start pursuing it today. Now! Why am I telling you that?
The worst things in life are regrets.
No, no the kind of regrets when you did something and failed, or caused some pain or made somebody miserable. No, those are normal failures and they are not going to hurt you in the long run. You tried your best. And as long as you try, it counts.
The kind of regrets I am talking about are those, when you know that you want to do something, go somewhere, asks somebody something scarry, try something and you hold back and don’t do it. Those are the kind of regrets that will cause the most pain in life.
Let me give you little example from my life. It happened 13 years ago and it is virtually one of my biggest regrets of my life.
I left my home when I was 21 years old. I kissed my mother, looked at her, smiled and told her: I’ll be back mom! I didn’t know when, but I knew it’s going to be a long time from seeing my mother last. I still remember her standing in the glass and metal gate of the entrance to the big apartment building so typical for the post communist countries.
She was looking at me, wishing me good luck, she was smiling with tears in her eyes. Like she already knew she sees me last time.
Me, I was excited. I didn’t cry or feel sad at all. I was arrogant 21 year old leaving the Eastern European town Bratislava, my birth place and home until than. And I was leaving and heading to California. In my mind I was leaving a place nobody knows and cares about and going to place everybody knows and wants to be there. And yes, I was already going bald at that time. And it did bother me already a little bit.
Just to make long story short, I did arrive with my friend couple days later in San Francisco, California. Our adventure was just starting. And I felt amazing! I felt like I was in top of the world. We worked hard, we partied, we surfed, we lived careless life’s of young arrogant adventurous vagabonds.
In the meantime I kept receiving emails from my mom. She would be writing me what’s happening at home and she wanted to know how I’m doing and how things are. I was glad to hear from my mom. And I read every email she wrote me. I still have them all.
But I wrote back to her very sporadically. Once a week, than once a month and than I stopped. My mom kept writing me. And she was wandering how we are? How are things? Of course she was worried! Of course she was looking forward to open her mail box and see my mail.
But I didn’t write back. I was going to soon, I told myself. “I will write you about it all mom! But not now. I don’t have time.” There was a cool bar to go to. There was just another trip to some beautiful park like Grand Canyon to go to. Excuses, excuses!
About a year later after I left home. And about 3 months of me not writing anything to my mom, I received what still is the saddest news of my life: “Your mom died yesterday”. My friend delivered the news. Our moms were friends and she called him and told him.
It was a terrible accident that took my mom away forever. And still until today, I have the biggest regret of my life so far. And that is not writing my mom and telling her how I am, that I love her and miss her so much. I deep down knew, I should have write her. But I was putting it off until it was too late!
Bald attractive man, live with no regrets
Young attractive bald man on mission, you might be facing some completely different actions that you’re putting on hold than I did and do. But no matter what they are, you should listed to that nagging voice and take them seriously. Is there something you should do or should have done? Is there something you’re afraid of doing, but you know you should be doing? Is there something you want, but can’t muster the guts to do it? I believe we all have these stuff that are put on hold. You too my fellow bald man. Now go and make them happen, starting now! Don’t let another regret become part of your life. Act boldly on your goals and dreams! You’ll never regret that! Even if you fail miserably. Live life with no regretts! Amen!
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Be a bald winner every time
The best way to live your life is to think like a winner every time, every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Is this hard to accomplish my fellow going bald or already bald man? Not really. It’s a mindset switch. that is what’s required. But, this switch to a winner thinking will seriously change your life. You’ll become a serious bald winner! And the world needs more bald winners!
Be a bald winner every time video:
Our minds play game with us
Sometimes, actually quite often our mind just wanders. It goes wherever it wants to go. And guess where is it going after you just experienced some kind of failure? It goes to a negative self defeating loop. That’s quite normal.
Everybody’s mind wants to go to this negative loop after something negative happens to them. Unless, you rule your own mind. And I believe that, in order to become a constant winner, you have to rule your mind. Is that hard to accomplish? I believe it’s not.
Rule your mind or it will rule you
Yes my fellow bald or going bald man, I want you to become a ruler of your own mind. You are going to be the one telling your mind where to go and wander. It might take some time in order to become a master at it, but once you do become one, you’ll become a serious winner.
So am I a master ruler of my own mind. I’ve got pretty good at ruling my mind over time. But I am far away from being perfect at it. There is still work to be done on my mind. But I really like the progress I am making in becoming a winning ruler of my mind. And I want you my fellow young going bald man to do the same.
Why young going bald or already bald man has to become a winner and his own mind ruler?
The simple answer to that question is, that we become what we think. Our thoughts create our life’s. And if that’s truth, and I believe it is, than it is very important to have the right thoughts – thoughts that make us bald men winners!
No matter of the situation, you can always be a winner in it. Did you just failed the important exam? Or did you get fired from the job? Did somebody laughed at you because you’re bald? Or maybe you got rejected by a girl you asked out.
Regardless of the situation, you can think like a winner every time! You can learn from the situation and move on. You don’t have to get down on yourself? You can’t get down on yourself! You have to have a growth mindset and move on like a winner.
Let me give you one very recent example from my life. It’s kind of stupid, but it’s still fresh in my memory.
I gambled in the casino the other day. I lost $450. Now that’s a big money for me. I could have stopped with a loss of $150 and I knew that would be the right think to do. But I kept gambling and hoping I will recoup my loss. But of course that never happens.
So, from just an innocent fun try on roulette table, I left casino short of my weekly sallary. Now, I could be very depressed about it and get really down on myself like: You’re such a looser!only losers play in casinos! How could you loose so much! You’re stupid! And, yes those are all true statements! It was a dum think for me to do! Yes! Yes! Yes! I know! I failed!
But, instead I applied a winners mindset and I told myself this: Yes I failed miserably and it was stupid from me to keep gambling after I lost a lot! But I learned a lesson for the future. No more casino! Don’t even enter if you can’t be disciplined. Give the money to the homeless guy instead!
And I also told myself this: Bad luck in casino, good luck in love and health! And those two things I really care about the most. So guess what? I am expecting a great health and lots of love for me, my family, my friends, all bald guys and all the good people out there in the world. Why in the hell would I even want to win in the casino? To loose all those good things? Hell no!
11 minutes later I feel like I actually made the right decision and went to a casino to loose lots of money. I feel great about it! Not in a stupid way, that I will do it again or anything like that.
I am expecting a lot of love and health in the future. And I know, that I won’t gamble this way anymore! What’s the point? I don’t want to win! Remember, I am superstitious about this. Winning would mead the opposite of love and good health! Take it like you want my fellow going bald or already bald man. But I am feeling like a big winner!
Enough about me! How about you young bald man on the mission to become a winner all the time? Did you experience a failure recently? How did you react to it? What happened? Is it so bad? Did you learn something? Did you look for something positive that came out of it? If not, do it!
Find a positive lesson in your failure. Something you learned my fellow bald man. A little hint might be, that you won’t make that mistake anymore! And that’s a winning thought right there! But try to get more out of it if you can.
Trying an failing is essential to
People who don’t fail, don’t try things and subsequently don’t succeed. People who fail big time, try big things and many of them succeed big! But they usually don’t succeed on the first time. They fail miserably! So what gets them to try and try and try again? It’s the winners mindset. It’s the ability to fail forward. It’s the ability you my fellow going bald or already bald man are developing now. It’s the way successful attractive people live their life’s. And now you are one of them!
Today, become a big failure seeker my fellow going bald or already bald man. Fail, fail, fail! Than apply your winners mindset. And succeed, succeed, succeed wildly!
Become a bald attractive successful winner every time!
Bald attractive man who is a true winner has a winners mindset. It’s a growth mindset where every failure experienced is celebrated as an opportunity to learn and grow! Now go make it happen my fellow bald attractive man on mission. Become a winner totay. No! Become a winner starting now!
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Bald man be bold be creative
Bald attractive successful man doesn’t let anybody put limits on his own boundaries. He sets them up with his own boldness and creativity. And the boundaries stretch far with those 2 acquired skills. Very far!
When I hear people say this, I know they can be better. But what holds them from reaching their true potential in life are others and other things. And for the most part, it is the easy thing to be stuck in. You’re just average. You tell yourself that it is a good place to be.
“How many are below average! You reason.” I used to do that all the time!
Than I read this quote:
How people get trapped in life? Killing one safe secure day at the time.
– Peter Burton
This is a perspective of a dying person. Peter Burton died of stomach cancer when he was 51. He coauthored a book where he described his view on life from a perspective of a man who has 2 years left to live. It’s called Not Fade Away.
Yes the book is sad as hell. You’re going to cry my fellow bald man. But you should still read it. To basically sum it up, Peter recommends that we all should try to live great life, up to our true potential, fail a lot, learn and aim higher. The quote says it all.
Don’t let others put limits on you
Let’s get back to our example – bald average so so happy Joe.
Other people, neighbors, family members, Joes’s boss, Joes’s safe job put limits on himself. They set the boundaries for him. I was one like him not that long ago. And there is nothing wrong with this situation until you start looking at life from a little bit different perspective.
What have you got to lose?
Seriously attractive bald man in making, if this kind of safe, so so average life situation applies to you too, and it’s keeping you from feeling amazing about your life and yourself, I am asking you: what have you got to lose?
Yes you might be feeling safe and secure. But is that really why you were put on this planet? I don’t think so. Everything around you, material things was or is just a star dust and it will turn back to a star dust. All you have is this short time, right now to make some serious difference! To live great, fantastic, fulfilling life. That doesn’t necessarily mean easy life though.
Attractive successful bald man disrupt the boundaries with boldness and creativity
Now I urge you my fellow going bald or already bald man, disrupt the boundaries others or other things put on you. Listen very deeply to your own voice. It already knows where it wants to go. You just have to listen and than do what it’s saying. That’s your true bold creative self.
Let’s take a simple example here. You’re young and you’re doing great. You have a safe corporate job with great benefits. You’re shuffling the paper from one side of the desk to another. And you’re getting paid well for it. Not necessarily great, but way beyond enough.
After a while doing the same thing on your job over and over, in spite of life being nice and comfortable, you start feeling little emptiness when you realize that weeks are rolling in and out like those garbage cans you have to set in front of your house every Tuesday. Something is missing.
What you’re experiencing is what people were experiencing millions of years ago too. And they are experiencing it now. But instead of them taking a good paycheck for it, they went and they did something about it. They disrupted the comfort for their pure survival. Something hardly seen today.
They explored!
They ventured further!
They went to hunt the wholly mammoth!
They kept moving forward toward their greatness rather unknowingly!
Sure there were some that didn’t, but majority did. Now give people safe government jobs and they’ll stay in their 50% fulfilling situation for their whole life. What a waist!
If you happen to be in this situation, I want you to disrupt it. Now! What is it you truly want to do? Deep down you already know it.
I have a friend who wants to be a swim coach, but his safe secure job doesn’t allow him to do it.
Now, what I believe is, that he has to follow his instincts. He has to force himself to live fully fulfilling life. He has to disrupt the boundaries today and live up to his true potential! He has to follow his calling and become a swim coach!
Bald creative bold man without boundaries is very attractive man
People who are disruptors, yes attractive successful bald men too, who have that sparkle in their eyes and follow their own dreams and goal are also incredibly attractive. They radiate life energy and sex appeal!
I am not exaggerating here, it is true. They listen to their hearts. And they follow it with boldness and creativity. Yes, they often are scared of certain actions they have to take in order to reach their calling. But they proceed through the fear and worry. How incredibly attractive! Plus they are also very successful and and maybe rich! Not that it really matters. But it’s a nice side effect of being bold, creative and following ones true heart calling.
Attractive successful bald man in making, I urge you to not let anybody or anything set the boundaries on you. Listen to your heart! Don’t be afraid to act on what it’s telling you. Be creative and act boldly. You’ll not only live up to your true potential, you’ll also be happy, successful and others will find you very attractive too. And that’s what real success is: Living up to your true potential and calling. Go make it happen my fellow bald man!
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My favorite quote ever for you bald men out there
Bald men have to live attractive successful bold life’s.
Bald men should never let themselves be held by anything to achieve their true life’s potential. And I don’t know any other better words that will guide you in that direction than those I am about to share with you. Yes, the man who said those words was a bald man too. Now remember it my fellow bald or going bald way too young man and let it guide your life.
Best quote ever for bald mans life success:
Amen to Steve’s words!
Now go and rock the world as an attractive successful bald man! Don’t hold back and live up to your true potential! Start today!!!!!!!
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Attractive successful bald man become an entrepreneur
Young bald man out there, starting your own business can be one of the most satisfying, confidence building, growth supporting activities you can ever do in your life. And now you’re young, you have plenty of time and energy and no commitments. Put all those to work and achieve something majority only dream about. Live a life of challenge and personal growth by starting your own business.
Attractive successful bald man become an entrepreneur video:
Young bald mans emotional energy channeled the right way
You are young and you’re going bald. That bothers you! I know, I’ve been there! And the thoughts about your early baldness keep paralyzing you. That has to stop my fellow bald man!
That waisted emotional energy has to be used on better things in your life! It has to be used on the productive things where you benefit in every aspect of your life. And starting your own business is one of those things.
There is a lot to do to start a business and becoming an entrepreneur. A lot of energy and right attitude is required. And you as a young bald man have all those. They just need to be pointed into the right direction.
When I first started my personal training business, I didn’t know what I was doing. But I kept pushing through until I learned, failed and succeeded. And now, having my own personal training practice feels very satisfying. And it also gives me a lot of confidence and sense of accomplishment. And off course a lot of extra cash$.
My young fellow bald man, I want the same for you. If you have a lot of time on your plate and you are ambitious and you should be, start thinking about starting your own bussiness. Start looking at the world like an entrepreneur.
Should you do what you love or not?
Should you start your own business in something you really love doing? Like I mentioned in the video above, my own dream is to own a surf shop sometime in the future. But, the problem with a business like that is that it will not make you money. And actually, it might make you start hating the passion you choose to follow.
So keep your hobbies your hobbies. Don’t create businesses out of your hobbies. And I am telling that to myself too. No surf shop Milan! Surfing is your hobby and you want to keep it as your hobby.
Instead I have a different approach toward starting your own bussiness.
Help people and make serious money!
My fellow young bald man, you might think that you need that idea, that original concept to succeed in your business. And you simply don’t have it.
But, you don’t need it! All you need is to help people and fill the need. And boy, there are so many people that need help around you. Trust me on that.
Today, attractive successful young bald man on a mission, identify 3 needs people have around you.
Start looking at the world from a perspective of what do people need, how could you help them. And that’s exactly where your brake through ideas is!
Than just pick one and try it. Just do it! Don’t think too much about it. Give it a spanking good try! Fail fast! Fail cheap! Don’t invest too much in it. And than if it’s not working, try something else.
Some of the most successful businesses started this way. The owner started small or saw the need and if the concept seemed to be valid, he slowly built it over time.
Tootsie rolls is a perfect example. A young I think he was bald man started making Tootsie rolls in his kitchen for his young daughter. And they become a huge success for all neighbors. To make the long story short, Tutsi roll was bought by craft foods and now it is a billion dollar bussiness. The rolls definitely shrank in size, but the wallet of the owner grew at huge rate. And the incredible satisfaction with it.
You never know! You might be the next maybe not billionaire but young millionaire with a successful business! And very happy and confident man with it.
The real school of knocks
Starting your own business and succeeding at it is not easy. It’s actually very challenging thing to do and accomplish. Daily failures are certain and all that with a lot of energy invested.
But here is exactly where your advantage and opportunity is. You’re young and going bald. You have a lot of youthful energy. You can make anything happen if you want to and willing to. And plus you probably feel little disappointed with your early baldness and feel like you are falling behind in living a great attractive successful life of a young man.
Well it’s time to prove that to be wrong!
It’s time to rock and accomplish everything you set your mind into. It’s time to challenge yourself greatly, to succeed, to be very healthy and strong. It’s time to start living up to your maximum true potential.
It’s time to succeed wildly!
It’s time to live like a rockstar. And rockstars do out of ordinary stuff. And starting your own business and putting your youthful energy into it and trying hard to succeed at it is a rockstar kind of action.
Young bald man, live life of a true Rockstar
What do true rockstars do in their days? I don’t mean here the lead singers in metal bands who sing and take drugs. What I mean is a true rockstar actions!
True ROCKSTAR gets up in the morning with a big to do list full of ROCKSTAR actions! Than he hits the street accomplishing them. Yes, that means also failing miserably often, trying again and not giving up.
Now look at your own to do list. What’s on it? Does it seem ROCKSTAR to you? If not, change it! Start waking up to a ROCKSTAR to do list everyday. And starting your own show/business is one of those ROCKSTAR things.
Be bald bold entrepreneur
There could be a lot of emotional pain in a young going bald mans life. And it’s understandable. Early baldness is a hard thing to deal with at this very young age. And there is a lot of youthful energy wasted on this emotional pain. Well, I have a great way for you young bald man out there to channel this youthful abundant energy in a very positive way. Start your own bussiness! Enough said.
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