From today, YOU young or maybe not so young anymore bald man will settle for nothing less than the best girlfriend you can have.
Aim higher! No!!!
Aim highest!!!
Yes you Bald Man! That’s correct!
If I could do it, you certainly can too.
No more settling for average here. Aiming high is from today your only standard!
You’re the man with high qualities – fit, good looking with style, ambitious fun risk taker and positive thinker.
You are the best man a girl or woman can have as a boyfriend.
Yes YOU!!!!
And you have certain ideals for your girlfriend too. Yes you do.
Each of us do!
And you’ll get what you want!
End of the story!!! Done deal!
You’ll look untill you find her. You’ll ask her out and she’ll reject you. And than you’ll ask he out again and again.
And if she rejects you few times, you’ll ask other girl of your qualities out and so on until you have your ideal girlfriend and nothing less than that!
But I repeat, for that to happen, you have to be the best ideal quality boyfriend, man for your dream girl too.
And you already know how to achieve that.
A hint: it’s written all over this website! And I hope you’re applying what you’re learning.
And if not start today!
No, start now and get everything you deserve!
And you get what you deserve if you don’t settle!
And if you are working hard on yourself my fellow going bald or already bald man, and you have the highest qualities as a man, you deserve the best! THE BEST! End of the story!
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Live bold bald life!
Do women find bald men unattractive? – part 1
Bald mans success and it’s consequences
One more reason I love puppies
Bald is attractive!
Becoming bald superman – part 5
Boldness and Mental fitness of Bald Superman is a quality every young going bald man has to acquire. It’s crucial for attractive successful life!
Mental fitness of Bald Superman video:
What does it mean to be mentally very fit?
What kind of mental fitness does superman have?
Superheroes in the movies sometimes wrongfully become bad guys in eyes of the crowds.
For whatever reason, the real villain will put a superhero in a spot and everyone thinks he is a bad guy now.
Superman was set up, bunch of people died, it wasn’t his fault but now everyone thinks it was.
So does it make superman depressed? Is he going to crawl under the bed now, everything is lost, they don’t like me anymore situation?
Superman’s mental fitness is strong! He knows that that’s what villains do. Set superheroes up.
His mental state didn’t change at all!
He’s ready and motivated more than ever before to change it.
He’s mentally stronger and motivated more than ever before to put things straight in order again.
And he knows and is confident he will catch the bad guy eventually and prove him wrong. It’s only question of time!
He acts fast and very boldly. That’s how superman reacts to when people don’t like him anymore.
Young going bald mans mental fitness before superman like status.
Young man goes bald too early. It might be you now. It was me 13 years ago. What did I do?
I did exactly what superman wouldn’t do. I acted like a true willain. I thought people don’t like me anymore. I should stay away from people. I should hide. That’s what was going through my mind daily.
It was great before, but now it is all gone with my hair. Time to crawl under the bed.
Time to hide!
Yes that’s what I did. And you my fellow young going bald or already bald man might be doing the same thing now.
It’s time to change that!
It’s not what superman does!
It’s not what bald superman does!
Mental fitness of bald superman.
First things first – be and stay physically fit. This helps Superman daily to conquer his mindset and it will help you too.
I talk way too much about physical fitness and how to achieve a great one. No need to repeat myself here.
Do it my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Become very physically fit. And with that become confident man with fantastic mental fitness.
Confidence and mindset.
Superman never dwells too long on his misfortune and failure. He acts confidently and boldly. Yes, that’s the secret.
Trust yourself and act fast. And everything you do will be right. It’s that simple and Superman knows it.
And you know it now too!
Are you still going to make mistakes? You’re going to still make huge mistakes! And that’s perfectly fine! What is important is to not let them bring you down. Those are great learning experiences!
Even superman hits the skyscraper while chasing bad guy. Skyscraper falls, bunch of people die, it’s all good…….
Sheet metal yourself.
I talk about this fantastic strategy my father taught me in one of my videos.
What it means is that you imagine tough sheet metal all around your body. And nothing will chip on you physically or mentally. You’ll become invincible. Yes exactly like Superman for most of the time.
Positive mind.
Did you ever see Superman depressed and paralyzed for long time. No, me neither.
He’s positive thinker. Very positive thinker. And you have to be one too my fellow young going bald man.
Positive mind is strong mind!
Positive mind is attractive!
Positive mind gets things done!
Positive mind leads to succees!
Superman knows it and you know it now too!
Strong mental fitness.
It all boils down to strong mental fitness. You need one! You already have one. You too, like Superman himself can be very mentally fit.
You know who you are.
Superman does.
Even when everyone thinks temporarily that he’s bad.
He knows himself. That didn’t change. It’s the others perception what did.
You too young bald man in mission.
You know who you are. You are a man a positive hero with great values. You’re confident and strong. The hair loss won’t change that!
Life is short – what are you doing with the short time you have left on this planet?
Yes exactly! You’ll reach your own true potential. Exactly like Superman does! Your values, same way as Superman’s are the best! Stay mentally fit and achieve and be anything you want to be my fellow young going bald or already bald man!
Related articles:
Becoming bald Superman – part 4
Becoming bald Superman – part 3
Becoming bald Superman – part 2
From balding loser to bald Superman – part 1
Tenacity for young going bald man
Becoming bald superman – part 3
Body of Bald Superman.
However shallow it might seen to you my fellow young going bald or already bald man, physical strength matters a lot in our attractive life’s.
We are still and will be forever a primal physical beings. And a majority of men are forgetting this fact. And a lot of young ones like you too.
If you’re a young man who’s neglecting his physical fitness, you’re a criminal, causing crime to yourself.
Men think that in our modern technology ridden life’s, physical fitness is long time gone tool necessary for a man.
This is where Milan, my humble me steps in. This part is in fact my expertise.
Physical fitness and improvement of every aspect of your life with it. And my fellow young going bald man, it works like magic every single time!
You get fitter and your life improves. It’s as simple as that.
It is not an accident that increasing your physical strength and fitness is in fact the step number one after short hair cut decision in Becoming Bald Superman program.
Everything else builds on it!
Every single important thing in life, like the quote above says builds on it!
Don’t try to skip this step my fellow young man who’s losing his hair too soon.
This step is life changing!
Your great, successful, attractive life depends on it!
Keep reading! And start applying!
Confidence and self worth increases with better physical fitness!
Your overall attractiveness factor skyrockets with better physical fitness!
Boldness, decision making and overall success level in your life improves with better physical fitness level!
Your health improves and energy levels skyrocket with better physical fitness!
Your injury prevention and fast healing ability increases with better physical fitness!
Your ability to attract quality life partners exponentially increases with better physical fitness!
Those all and many many more not mentioned are certainly Superman like abilities!
I told you I’m not kidding that you really are on a track to become Superman.
Bald Superman!
And a real Superman has a Superman like workout routine that differentiates from normal mortals.
And I call it Renegade Fitness.
Renegade fitness will prepare you physically to take advantage of all the fantastic Superman like qualities that come with it.
Renegade Fitness as a lifestyle.
I lead a bootcamp in a local park. I love it! It’s my job!
But I’ll tell you the secret.
Bootcamps don’t really work. Actually they do, but only for the few that are incredibly ambitious and driven. And that’s not me. And it’s most likely not you too.
I’m a quitter. And you’re most likely too my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
But anywhere I go where it requires to take a shirt off, I’m by far the fittest guy out there!
And I’ll challenge Superman himself to come and show his body to compare.
He has no chance!
And I don’t do boot camps!
I lead them. That means, instead of exercising I’m the one just standing and yelling.
I don’t go to gyms regularly.
Once in a while I do.
Going to the gym regularly doesn’t work!
It really doesn’t!
You’ll quit!
Yes, have a gym membership where you go once in a while. But don’t rely on it. It won’t help much.
So where is the secret to a best shape for life for you my fellow young going bald man becoming Superman?
It’s what I call Renegade Fitness.
That means: Life and fitness connection.
Always! In default.
No scheduled workouts, no gym appointments.
Your gym is everywhere!
You interconnect your life with fitness and when evening comes, your core workout is done. No need to pack a bag and go to gym.
Yes you still can go to gym if you want to, but the main work is done. So even if you don’t feel like it, you’re fine. You’re done with your most important duty – your well being. Your strength training.
The reason Renegade Fitness really works is it’s default built in consistency.
And consistency together with intensity is everything for Superman like body and fitness levell.
4 basic core exercises and the repetitions of Renegade Fitness for Bald Superman.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays:
Pull ups – 5X maximum repetitions.
Push ups – 111 repetitions in shortest period of time.
Squat jumps – 111 repetitions in shortest period of time.
Floor crunches – 111 repetitions in shortest period of time.
Why 111 repetitions? I tested all kind of variations of repetitions and came to the conclusion that 111 is not only nice number, it’s also an optimal amount if reps to maintain and further develop your lean muscular athletic body.
Now feel free to experiment here my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Especially if you are already experienced in strength training.
No problem with experimenting. I actually encourage you to do that.
The main key to remember:
Stay consistent!
And this simple routine will help you to accomplish that.
3 additional exercises done ones per week.
Bar dips – 3X maximum repetitions
Dumbell shoulder press – 3X15 repetitions with an optimal load.
What is optimal load? It’s a weight you can barely finish 15 reps with, but you still do with proper safe form.
Biceps curl – 3X15 repetitions with an optimal load.
I prefer to do these additional strength training exercises on fridays. The reason for it is the longer recovery time it gives my body over the weekend. Do the same if you can.
Bald Superman – Renegade Fitness weekly schedule:
As I mentioned above: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays do your strength training routine.
Keep it simple to remember!
Do additional strength training exercises on Fridays.
Stay consistent!
Stay consistent!
Stay consistent!
Fun intensive skillful cardio.
Don’t tell me, that you want to spent that precious 45 minute time you have for little exercise on a treadmill somewhere in the stinky dark closed gym!
No! No! No!
I have a better idea for you.
And way more effective too!
Games and sports build Supermans Body and Mind.
Games and sports have in nature the most important factor in your exercise build in – Interval training.
Yes, you do interval training playing sports and you don’t even know it.
You’re having fun!
And you’re learning a skill!
And having fantastic workout at the same time!
I still don’t get why people spend so much time in gyms. Why is elliptical trainer so popular? It makes me really wander if we humans are just becoming hamsters in never ending spinning wheel who lack imagination.
Examples of perfect fun intensive activities/sports for Superman like fantastic fitness:
Volleyball, beach volleyball
Mountain biking
Road biking
Soccer playing
Basketball playing
And many others. Pick what you’re inclined to like and stick with it.
Build the skill!
Have fun!
Get fit!
Those 3 simple sentences sum up what your cardiovascular exercise should look like.
Bald Superman is a fit man who understands crucial importance of physical fitness and it’s connection to Superman Abilities. Yes that’s YOU now my fellow young going bald or already bald man on mission. You are becoming Bald Superman. And nothing less than that!
Related articles:
From balding loser to Bald Superman – part 1
Becoming Bald Superman – part 2
Stop blaming your early baldness!
Young bald mans plan after the punch in the face
Bald attractive man is build by attractive mind and body
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young going bald man
Energy, mindset and attitude switch for young bald man
This is huge!
This works!
I always thought it is just kind of wishful thinking. But it’s NOT!
I used to drift along. Days were passing. And I kept losing them.
I lost way too many days.
What is a lost day?
It’s a day when at the end of it you didn’t feel like a winner.
Are you too losing your days my fellow young going bald or already bald man?
Almost everyone does!
But you should not!
You’ll never get your day back. Once it’s gone it’s gone! You either won your day or you lost it.
Learn from my mistake of losing way too many days when I was in your shoes – young and going bald.
How to win your day.
I have a formula for winning your day now. If you follow it young going bald man on a mission you’ll start winning your days immediately!
Day before.
Write every evening down bullet by bullet 3 most important things you want to acomplish.
Under it write:
Embrace the grit!
Fail faster, succeed sooner!
Get up early.
I’m up everyday at 5 AM. Yes that includes weekends.
Morning workout.
I do my workout early in the morning.
I don’t eat breakfast. I just have a coffee with some butter and coconut oil in it. That’s enough to make me last until about 11 AM when I eat my first meal.
Creative work.
I do my creative writing after I finish my six pack abs strength training workout.
The words are just flowing fast after a workout + caffeine + coconut oil fasting state. I’m little hungry. And I find that to be my edge. You start acting like a hungry wolf who is restless in this state of being. Give it a try my fellow young going bald or already bald man on mission.
No news no internet surfing.
I don’t watch any news at all. I’m the least informed guy in the world regarding news.
But if you ask my anything about how to build bulletproof health, wealth and confidence, you found a guy!
Yes, try to concentrate your energy on important stuff like that my fellow young bald man.
This simple morning routine gives me energy. I’m fully awake. I did my creative work, I worked out, I feel amazing. I already feel like a winner while losers are just getting up ๐
Mindset daily work is important for every going bald or already bald man.
I keep reminding myself to be and stay positive. Always! Positive!
And if you do manage to pull it off and you should be able to, it’s life changing.
Young man with loosing hair has to apply the right winning attitude in his life.
There are 2 kinds of attitudes I see out there:
The victim attitude and the winner attitude.
Victim attitude is what majority of young going bald or already bald men chose to live their life at young age. It might change later in life for them. But I find it terribly depressing to live your life like this when you’re young!
And the alternative is to live your life like a winner with winning attitude right from the beginning of your hair loss.
I know it might take some time and trying. But ultimately this is what you should shoot for my fellow young going bald or already bald man – being a Winner!
Winner who wins his day!
Every moment, every day in your life you should live and think like a winner!
I know it’s easy to say and it takes some mind shifting. But anyone can make this most important shift in their life’s.
So what do winners do differently from wictims?
First they think like winners!
Winner finds the way. Victim stops looking for a way and gives up.
Winner fails and gets up. Victim stays on the floor.
Winner never complains and makes excuses. Victim always does.
Winner tries to get an edge always – better confidence, better health, better knowledge, better physical fitness. Victim stays stale and never gets better at anything.
Winner is and stays positive no matter what. Victim is negative in his thinking and that transforms into his life too.
Winner associates with other winners. Victim associates with other losers.
Young going bald or already bald man that leaves me only with one last advice for you here in this article: Chose to be a winner not a victim!
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Daily mantras for attractive successful bald man
From balding loser to bald winner
Bald attractive successful man choses on”>Bald attractive successful man choses only the best
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man
Going bald too young and becoming Antifragile
The majority won’t but you will young bald man
The overall life success and happiness, and I’m not talking here only about having money, comes down to this sentence:
Everyone already knows what to do, but almost no one is doing it.
That’s the majority!
That’s not who you are my fellow young bald man.
You will do what’s required.
So what’s to do for overall success, attractive life and happiness?
You most likely already know it.
And maybe you’re not applying it.
And you have to know, that you’re not applying it.
You have to be brutally honest with yourself.
The winners are responsible for their dinners! And they take full charge of it.
Losers forget about their dinners.
And they wander why they are hungry all the time and fat from eating crap everyone eats.
Young bald mans to do list.
Do it or stay a loser forever!
Is that too harsh?
Yes it is. But, that’s what it takes to wake up!
Young going bald or already bald man must dos:
Work on your confidence.
Don’t pay attention what others think of you.
Get in fantastic physical shape.
Have fun every day.
Work on being very proud of who you are – yes that means being bald too.
If you concentrate on doing that day in and day out and you measure your progress, you’ll become anything you really want.
Well you say that, you want people to like you and respect you, and girls going out with you.
You will get that too!
Now, it takes consistent work and constant adjustment.
And majority of people won’t do that.
But you will my fellow young going bald or already bald man!
Be different than masses! Brake lose from masses with massive action!
And the best way to do that, is to do what they never will. Because it takes work.
Get busy now!
Be anything you want to be.
Make a commitment.
Whatever you persceive, you can achieve!
You will while majority won’t.
They sink or drift while you rise.
That should be motivating enough to keep you going my fellow bald winner!
Related articles:
Bald mans magic 3 for ultimate success in life
What can Arnold teach us bald guys
True baldness cure – bragging, bragging, bragging
Stop blaming your early baldness
If you don’t succeed and thrive in your life as a bald man, you wouldn’t either as a man with a beautiful set of hair.
It’s a very hard statement to swallow. I know!
Now I believe this is a true statement. And it boils down to your overall attitude in life.
Off course you might disagree with me here. You might think that all your misfortune and sadness comes from the fact that you got bald way too young.
And it might be true for you now.
And it probably is.
But it is only true because you believe it is true. You set the extra 2000 pound baggage on you shoulders. And you have to Cary it everywhere.
And you made peace with it that it’s just going to be there forever.
Now what do you think is the wise thing to do now my fellow young going bald or already bald man?
Yes, exactly!
Drop the baggage down!!!
You don’t have to do it now.
It’s hard to do it fast.
It’s a process!
But just knowing and believing in yourself, that you’ll eventually drop that piece of load makes that load much more manageable.
And the day will come when there will be no more extra load on your shoulders. You will stop blaming your bald head and you’ll get busy succeeding and thriving as a young bald man. Go! Start making it happen!
Sports are mandatory for young going bald man!
Why are sports mandatory for young going bald or already bald man?
Sports are mandatory for young going bald ,an video:
3 main reasons:
First, the most obvious is health and well being connected to doing sports. And I don’t think I have to write too much about that. Everyone gets it.
For young going bald or already bald man physical and mental fitness and well being is crucial. Everybody gets it. Enough about that.
Second, sports enable you to handle fear and failure better in life. Sports are filled with experiences of fear and failure. You’re constantly exposed to these factors which means you’re learning how to handle them better.
Life is filled with fear and failure. It’s a big part of life. And who ever handles this part better is automatically ahead.
Young going bald man as well as every man is going to experience fear and failure in life daily.
The more prepared he is the better. And doing sports prepare everyone to handle these facts of life with success and winning attitude.
Next time I’ll win!
It’s scary and I’m failing. Not a big deal!
I’ll work harder! And I’ll not make that mistake anymore!
That kind of thinking gets developed in young bald mans brain.
Third is determined by a clear objective of success in sports. Rules are clear and whoever works better and harder usually wins. What a great lesson for life!
Whoever works the hardest usually wins!
Yes, there are exceptions like in everything else in life. But generally this rule applies 99% of the time in sports. And I’ll argue strongly that the same applies in life too!
Young bald man work harder on yourself!
Have strong work ethic and winning is certain in life!
These are 3 great reasons why every young going bald or already bald man – YOU have to engage in sports.
What kind of sports are the best to engage in for young going bald or already bald man to reap all these fantastic benefits?
There is not a specific group of sports that are the best. Every single sport has these benefits built in.
What is important is your overall interest my fellow young going bald man.
What sports are you interested in?
Don’t tell me you’re not interested in any!
Because as the name of this article says they are mandatory for young going bald or already bald man.
Which simply means that you have to do sports! There is no any other way around it.
Here are my sports I engage regularly:
I used to be a competitive rower, but I don’t row anymore.
Now I:
Surf, play ping pong, play soccer and tennis and I like mountain biking.
That’s it.
That’s all I do.
Here and there and always when I have an opportunity to do and try other different sports I use it.
How about you my fellow young going bald or already bald man, what are your sports you do? Write them down. And if you don’t have any, chose few right now and start doing them regularly!
Sports are mandatory for every young going bald or already bald man. Benefits of Heath, well being, experience of fear and failure as well as clear objective goal of sports are huge for young bald man. That’s why they are mandatory!!! Enough said.
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Attractive bald mans physical fitness
Bald attractive man earns his confidence
Bald attractive mans cardiovascular exercise
Tenacity for young going bald man
Pick something you know you can succeed at or someone else succeeded at wildly, and use tenacity to win at it young going bald man.
You are wandering now if you can succeed and live attractive bold successful life full of full-filed potential if you’re a bald man.
Now, without wanting to sound like I’m bragging, you have an example of a very young went bald man – ME that made it happen.
I dated the most beautiful women in the world. No, not many of them. Quality maters way more to me than quantity in this matter. One of them is my wife now.
I am living rich, happy, fit, successful bold life with no regretts.
I have health, happiness, beautiful wife and beautiful healthy kids.
I am a winner!
Now, I am not saying it to you my fellow young going bald or already bald man to piss you off and make you hate me.
Not at all!
I’m saying it to you, so you know it’s possible.
I was once young 23 year old bald man who felt ugly.
I was once very desperate young bald man filled with depressions.
I didn’t see myself succeed with my bald head.
I understand what you’re going through.
Tenacity for young going bald or already bald man
So you know it’s possible my fellow young going bald man.
It’s not only possible.
It’s highly probable that you’ll succeed wildly in life and be an ultimate leader and winner of your life!
So what should you do now?
Do this:
Every day you wake up, you tell yourself you’ll keep going and never give up.
You’ll stay at it no matter what!
Tenacity! Tenacity! Tenacity!
Every single day you should strive to get just a little bit stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.
You should be increasing your self confidence just a little bit every day.
Yes you should fail every day and not make such of a big deal out of it. You celebrate your failures and learn from them.
That also applies to rejection. I was rejected by so many attractive women and bosses and I eventually landed the best jobs and dated the most attractive and smart women of all. It’s a numbers game! And being rejected is part of it and not a big deal at all!
You should follow your goals and bring them every day closer to a completion.
You should follow your passions and activities daily and engage in them.
And than, never quit those pursuits and apply tenacity!
Tenacity! Tenacity! Tenacity!
If you do that, you’ll be a winner!
Your success will be certain!
You’ll live attractive successful, bold life up to your true potential as a bald man!
Now go and start making it happen my fellow going bald or already bald young man.
Never quit!
Apply: Tenacity! Tenacity! Tenacity!
And become: Winner who wins every time!
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Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man
Attractive bald mans body – 111 pull up challenge
Live bold bald life!
You need passions to win over your insecurities young bald man
Young going bald or already bald man has to fight with a lot of insecurities in his days. I know I’ve been there!
And I have a great strategy for young going bald man how to win this battle. It proved very effective in my own young going bald situation.
The strategy is: Engaging in your own passions and activities that make you happy and make you better at some aspect of your life like fitness, health, intelligence, knowledge, relax and so on.
It could be anything from all kinds of sports, outdoors activities to chess playing, woodworking or rare coins collection.
And preferably you’ll have several passions like this.
My biggest one is surfing in ocean. I can’t tell you how much I gained in life from this simple activity in nature.
Yours will be different my fellow going bald man. And you will have more of them too. Like I do.
This kind of productive, feel good, self fulfilling activities are a must for every young going bald man.
Especially the kind of young man I was – with a little or a big insecurity – early baldness.
It all starts with pressure and desperation
You are losing your hair. It seams like it’s going fast!
And you’re only 22. That’s a big hit into your psyche. It will leave a mark on you.
Now how do you react?
What do you do?
Well, it doesn’t matter. Because whatever you do it’s going to be tough!
But no matter how tough it is, you’re still going to win in life my fellow young going bald man!
You have a lot of energy
You’re young and you have a huge amount of energy.
Young healthy guys do have a lot of energy.
Huge amounts!
And that’s great! As long as you use it and channel it into right direction – into your advantage and point it toward your winning in life.
How do you do that?
Don’t sabotage yourself
First, don’t sabotage yourself!
Don’t become your own worst enemy my fellow way too young going bald mam.
There is a solution to your problem.
But you have to go easy on yourself and use some ignorance too.
It’s so easy to just go and turn against yourself, like thinking you look ugly and you’ll never have a hot date and you’ll never succeed in life as a bald man.
Not true!
Nothing can be further from truth!
Let’s get you on the right mindset mode my fellow suffering young man!
Chanel your abundant energy into a right direction
You’re young and you have a ton of energy. That energy has to be channeled. And it has to be channeled into a right direction.
I know I repeat myself here. But it is that important.
That direction is: You spend your energy getting better at every aspect of your life, staying healthy, happy and very positive.
Here is were your hobbies and passions come in place.
And you have to make sure, you engage in them very regularly.
They’ll set your mind on the right tune my fellow going bald way too young man.
Do stuff that make you happy and fulfill you
What activities make you happy?
What is your idea of fun? Do it!
And do much more of it!
Gain confidence and respect with it
When you have fun in life engaging in doing your favorite activities and passions and making them your priority, people notice.
You and your well being is your number 1 priority! Everything else is secondary.
Your and mine too number 1 duty in life is too keep yourself happy, healthy and comfortable with who you are.
And that’s way being little or a lot selfish by concentrating on activities that make you happy, better and fulfill you emotionally is your number 1 duty.
Be more selfish!
Be more cocky!
Than and only than you will be at a great position to help others.
First you have to help yourself!
Than and only than other people will see a young man that is on a mission and a man that respects himself no matter if he has hair or not.
People automatically gravitate to a person like that – YOU! With all that your confidence rises young bald man on a mission. And with that everything in your life benefits! Go now and start applying it in your own life!
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Bald mans magic 3 for ultimate success in life
Bald man, young bald man, every bald man has to acquire 3 most important things to ultimate success in life. And these 3 are very achievable with some mental and physical work on your part my fellow way too young going bald or already bald man.
Young bald mans magic 3 for ultimate success in life video:
I’m excited to announce that I possess 2 of these 3 traits.
Yes. That’s right, I’m still missing the third one. Can you guess which one that is?
Here are the 3 most important mental skills for ultimate success and the way to cultivate them.
Let’s start with optimism.
I live in US and it seams like even though people have much more than enough for a happy fulfilling life, the optimism in them seems to be decreasing.
Yes, people seem less and less happy around me? Why is that?
I’m not going to answer that question. Everybody has his own opinion about that.
But I’ll just say one thing. If you acquire large optimism, you’ll radiate it.
You’ll become one of the few left!
And if you connect that optimism with the other most important traits I mention bellow, you’ll succeed wildly in life.
My fellow bald man, realize that optimism is a choice.
Do whatever you can to acquire it!
Choose to be a person who’s an optimist. Your success, life and overall bald attractiveness depend on it.
People will tell you that you can’t accomplish something!
It’s too hard and unrealistic!
People will tell you that you look ugly bald!
People will try to bring you down!
Your duty and a magic trait number 2?
You have to ignore naysayers and everyone who’s trying to bring you down!
I know! It’s easier said than done.
But it is possible and you can train yourself to acquire this skill.
You have to apply a lot of ignorance in your life my fellow young bald man.
You have to train yourself to ignore right people.
You might start with simply ignoring everybody.
Go do it! Don’t stop until you truly master it.
Yes, if you guessed that this is the magic trait I’m somehow still missing, you’d be right!
But I’m working hard to master it and use it at the right times.
Ignorance can really get you ahead when you’re trying to tackle hard goals and also getting over your baldness problem.
Let’s keep working on this one my fellow bald man together!
Yes! This is magic skill or trait number 3. And it is a fantastic trait!
Confidence is a must to success in life!
Great news is, that confidence is trainable and attainable.
You can become highly confident man even if you right now don’t have any confidence in yourself.
Check my thorough program on confidence for bald attractive man and start acquiring this fantastic trait my fellow bald man today!
Don’t stop until you are certain, you have it mastered!
It will reward you well in life!
A hint?
The process never ends.
Put this 3 together and you become unstoppable
Yes, that’s correct!
You’ll go along with your days with positive outlook on life, ignoring the negative people, people who are trying to bring you down and you’ll be acting confidently on your goals and dreams.
That’s the golden formula for attractive successful life my fellow young bald man on a mission!
And your duty is to go and chance that kind of life!
And I know you will!
And I know that, you’ll succeed!
Stay positive, ignore everybody, including me ๐ and become highly self confident way too young going bald man!
Enough said!
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