No, this article is not about me bragging how amazingly awesome and attractive I am. I’m a bald man! Just a regular bald man!
But when I look around at the poor male population walking around me, that makes me realize that I’m not that regular.
I’m superman! Bald superman!
Hahahahahahaha! Yes I am!
Unfortunately it’s true!
But it’s not because I’m so attractive.
It’s because the bar is set so low!!!
Another bragging ment: And yes I set it very high for the rest of the guys.
Men, young men included are very unattractive flabby slobs who behave like cave men around women these days. That’s the majority of men. It’s sad but it’s quite truth.
The reason I’m telling you this my fellow young going bald or already bald man is that there is a huge opportunity for you in life!
Huge! Huge! Huge!
And it’s not going to change anytime soon!
And I wouldn’t stop at reaching that low set bar out there young man loosing hair looking for answers.
I would set that bar very high!
Very very high!
You can do that!
You have to do that!
Don’t tell me it’s too much work!
Yes it is!
But so what!
It’s available to you!
And you too want the most attractive women in the world undressing you with their eyes too!
Don’t tell me you don’t!
We all do!
I don’t consider myself being that attractive at all!
But women stare at me wherever I go!
No Joking!
I’m not making this up. And I know the right thing to do is to not talk about it! And be quite.
But I’m not going to be quite!
Because I want you to know it’s possible.
It’s actually very probable if you do what I want you to do.
On another note. What do you think about the guy who talks and writes about how awesome great attractive he is?
He’s a jerk!
Yes I’m willing to be a jerk right now to prove you my fellow young going bald man, that you can achieve the same.
Same what?
Beautiful girls and women staring at you all the time! Undressing you with their pretty eyes!
What a terrible thing to shoot for!
Isn’t it?
Well, maybe it is terrible, but it’s pretty much all we guys want π
Yes off course we want more, but what we really want the most is the attention from the most attractive women and girls.
That off course means, that you’re a straight man. If not you’d want the attention from most attractive guys.
You can have that!
Believe me, you can have it!
It’s not that hard!
I’m a bald man. I’m happily married bald mam with 2 little kids. Yes I was bald when I was very young, but now I’m 39 and not a spring chicken anymore. I don’t need pretty eyes on me. I love my wife, she’s beautiful and I wouldn’t change her for anything.
But I can’t help it and yes I’ll repeat it and be a jerk again: Pretty women are undressing me with their eyes a bald man everywhere I go! Now go and use my example my fellow young going bald man! Make them do the same to you!
My call to action for you young going bald man:
Don’t let the early baldness limit you at anything you do and want to do!
Starting today!
The pretty eyes want to land on you and undress you! Go attract them!
Related articles:
Confidence for attractive bald man – part 5
Bald too young and taking advantage of it
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 3
One more reason I love puppies
Live bold bald life!
Bald men should be little cocky
Do women find bald men unattractive?
Becoming Bald Superman – part 2
Bald superman is highly confident, athletically very fit and mentally strong man who has style, has goals and has a lot of fun in his life.
He’s attractive and attracts the most attractive!
Becoming Superman – Bald Superman – step 1 video:
Now, that might sound almost impossible to accomplish for a young balding or already bald man.
But it is very possible! You need time, effort and you have to pace yourself. Relax! It takes some time and consistent effort. With that you can achieve anything you want in life.
I am not expecting any young going bald man to become a bald superman over night. No!
It takes time, effort and stamina. I repeat.
But it’s also not as hard to become one as you might think my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
The key is to brake it down into a small manageable pieces.
And than slowly, everyday you should start to put these pieces together.
And several months up to a year from now you can be one of us – Superman. Bald Superman.
Let’s start with the first piece.
Bald supermans hairstyle
Hairstyle for a young man who’s losing hair like you and me few years ago is a hot topic.
Hide it?
Cut it or shave it short?
Wear a hat or hair piece?
Great questions!
And I have answers for you.
One of the most important part of being a Bald Superman is confidence, self belief and self respect. It means that Bald Superman is absolutely comfortable in his own skin and with his great look.
Now, this one might just be the most difficult part of becoming bald superman. And maybe this step should be taken at the very end of this becoming Bald Superman program.
So what is the first or the last step?
And YOU my fellow young going bald man will make that decision if it’s going to be first step or the last one.
It’s making peace with your hair loss, moving on and cutting your hair short.
The length is not important right now. Although I recommend 3-7mm. It can be progressively lowered from about 12 mm to 3 mm.
And than you maintain this short cut and cut it regularly every week and a half.
Doing it now versus doing it later
The only problem I have with cutting your hair very short right in the beginning of your Superman’s status pursuit is than it might not feel natural.
The confidence and comfort with discomfort is still not there. It needs to be built up. And every single step that follows next is confidence building step – to Supermas Mindset.
You’ll be improving at every aspect of your life and with that you’ll be getting more and more confident.
So if you’re an adventurous soul, go ahead and cut or shave your hear very short right now.
It’s a bold move!
And a right one!
But if you don’t feel like it right now, relax. It will come naturally later. And don’t stress too much about it either.
Give it some time and step into other Superman building key processes.
Your overall confidence will be growing and you’ll be becoming more and more prouder of who you really are. That’s the key!
My personal short haircut transformation took some time too.
First it was the shock!
Than it was the desperation!
Than came the realization!
Than came the confidence building skills and action to just do it and keeping it that way – short, very short!
And loving it!
Physical fitness helps your mental fitness and that will certainly help your bold hair cut decission.
So maybe my fellow young going bald or already bald man, it’s time to start with the step number 2 in becoming a Bald Superman. And that is exactly the way I started. Let’s start actively and intensively! In the next article you’ll find out how get and stay very physically fit. This is very important step on the journey to Superman like status. I require every single young balding man to take this step very seriously!
Related articles:
Becoming bald superman – part 2
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man
My secret private young bald mans story that will change your life
From balding loser to bald superman – part 1
No! I don’t think you’re a loser when you’re young and start losing hair way too early. No, no, no!!!!
It’s a situation you’ve been thrown in. And I’ve been there. I’ve been in your shoes.
I was way too young – 21 and I was going bald. It was devastating. And I’m sure it feels devastating for you too. And you might be even younger than me at the time of your hair loss.
Becoming Superman – Bald Superman video:
I was a teenager with fantastic hair. I was proud. I was an all star athlete, and very confident one. Life was great! Than my early hair loss hit me like a rock.
It’s interesting how that can really change your life so much. It’s like a hit by Mike Tyson’s right hand that makes you fly 10 feet before you land on the floor and you don’t get up anymore.
I believe it’s a hit, a change young man finds the most difficult to deal with. And you might be going through it right now my fellow young going bald man. You’re on the floor helpless. You’re lost, depressed and you don’t know what to do now.
And it was the same with me. On a top of my early hair loss, I was dealing with a personal family tragedy at the same time while my hair was falling. It was a hit together with my hair loss even Mike couldn’t produce at the top of his career.
Now, thinking back, what happened when I realized I’ll be a young bald man soon was a period of darkness and self pity. And it took way too long for my taste now to get through it.
I was wallowing for 2 years in a victim/losers kind of thinking and living. I was feeling sorry for myself. I was hiding and making a lot of excuses.
There were good looking girls I really liked and they wanted to go out with me. And I was turning them down, because I thought they’ll soon realize that they don’t want to hang out with a bald man.
Yes, exactly! I turned into a loser!
I was a young balding, almost bald loser! I wasted 2 years of my life on turning into my worst enemy just because when I looked into a mirror I saw no hair.
I don’t know how about you my fellow young going bald or already bald man, I find a lot of wrong in that!
Why should your attractive, successful, bold, superman kind of life like you had before when you had hair stop now?
The answer is simple one.
It should not!!!
Can you have your old full of confidence attractive and bold life back?
And even if you weren’t confident, attractive, bold young man with hair before, it’s time to turn the wheels into opposite direction and become a bald superman now!
Why not!
Why the hell not!!!!
Let’s define a balding loser – ME 15 years or so ago. And maybe you now my fellow young going bald man (no offense please) right now.
This classification of a balding loser is just to define where we are, so we can get the hell out of there, from this miserable place soon.
Balding loser as well as any other loser is a person, in our situation bald or balding man that is ultimately held back by his baldness.
And often there might be few different reasons like being lazy and paralyzed by going bald too early.
That happens too. Men tend to just generally give up when they lose hair.
Again, I’ve been there.
Anyway, a loser is a man that gave up. He complains a lot, feels sorry for his own situation he is in and is unable or unwilling to find the way out of it. He blames others or in our case other things – hair loss to prevent him from succeeding, feeling amazing, being ultimate attractive success and winner.
Often there is a desperation involved that paralyzes young going bald man. And I won’t define that as being loser. It’s an initial process of early hair loss that lasts for some time. But if this process lasts longer that a year, like in my situation, a man like me would turn into a loser.
Ooo my, all that describes me very well 13 years ago.
But don’t worry, this too has a happy ending. I wasn’t going to let my hair loss beat me. It took some time to get up, get some training and jump onto Mr. Mike while he wasn’t looking.
Maybe not fair, but very effective strategy!
I was on my way to become a Bald Superman! And you’ll be on your way soon too my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Now what is a bald superman?
It’s a man we want to become!
It’s a man you will become!
It is ME!!!! Hahaha just kidding?
Not kidding at all!
I am Bald Superman! In Bold Bald Superman!
Bald Superman.
A bald superman is very confident man. He knows what he is and he is proud of it. He’s an ultimate winner and has winners attitude.
And it all shows in his life!
A bald superman is in top physical – six pack abs kind of and mental shape.
He has manners and has style – dresses well and maintains clean hair cut and grooming.
he knows where he’s going.
He is ambitious and has goals he wants to accomplish. And he’s accomplishing them, failing in the process subsequently learning a lot, while still having a lot of fun in his days.
A bald superman is a very attractive man that attracts the most attractive. The most attractive are the most attracted to bald superman.
Because they have the highest standards for their dates and partners. It is as simple as that.
Bald superman knows, that to achieve all these great traits takes a lot of consistent work. He’s not afraid of hard work. He knows that the harder he works on his health, confidence, fitness, mindset, goals the better he becomes.
And I will all sum it up to one ultimate word who the bald superman is:
I’ll be lining up for you my fellow suffering young going bald or already bald man steps for your ultimate positive transition to superman like status. Stay tuned, follow the steps and you too will become a a bald man that is a superman.
Once you’re on the top, there is no competition.
Without sounding like barking bragging dog, I barely meet a man, be it a man with hair or no hair who can compete with me.
I repeat: There is no competition on the top!
It happens occasionally when I see a young man with great style, but the physical fitness is missing, or he behaves like an asshole. Or other way around. He’s very fit but dresses like my grandma or is slouching and has visible low self confidence.
Bald superman has it all!
Is it hard to have it all?
You bet it is!
Otherwise there would be a lot of supermen out there in the streets. But last time I checked unless I will meet you in few months, there is only one around me. And yes I hate to say that.
It is me!
But I don’t want that to be only me!
I want that to be you and other young and not so young bald men around me.
It is my mission in life!
To make every young going bald or already bald man like you happy, confident, attractive, bold, fit and healthy superman that lives his life up to his true potential. Let’s get started my fellow young man who’s loosing hair. Your attractive life will reach the top of Mount Everest.
Related articles:
Young going bald man destroy your competition and win
Sports are mandatory for young going bald man
Stop blaming your early baldness
Advantage of being bald – antifragility
One of the great advantages of going bald way too young is that in makes and prepares a young going bald man to by antifragile. A young going bald or already bald man has to face some adversity early in life. I know. I’ve been there! These times are hard. But they are not necessarily wasted. Actually, with a right attitude, they can be life changing in a very positive way!
Especially those youngest years of young going bald or already bald man in high school can be really tough. Even little later in early twenties. Than still after that you might encounter somebody who makes a remark on your baldness.
I’ve received one the other day. This, my guess 23 year old kid with pants on his ass asked me in a kind of a offensive way in front of his buddies: “Hey baldie, what time is it”? I turned around and got very close to him and I looked straight into his eyes with a smile on my face and said: “1:30”. My confident look and answer really kind of threw him of balance, I noticed.
I really contemplated to say: “1:30 fatty”. But it’s just not my style. I hate bringing people down. He might have been a kid that had parents who fed him junk food, or he might be fighting diabetes. And ultimately it is not his fault that he’s overweight. Plus, I am proud to be “baldie”! I wasn’t offended at all.
So I still at 38 face situations when people feel like making a remark about baldness. So what? I am antifragile! It actually makes me stronger! And I want you to be antifragile too my fellow going bald or already bald man.
The right attitude for young bald man
Now, my fellow going bald or already bald man, I am sure you heard the saying : “What doesn’t brake you will make you actually stronger.” And I fully agree with this statement. What doesn’t brake you will make you more antifragile! That’s correct!
But, there are a lot of young going bald or already bald men that are getting broken by these situations. Their spirits are seriously shattered by their baldness situation. And my mission is to change that.
So how do you protect yourself? It’s the mindset. It’s ok to be offended and to feel bad. How could you avoid it when you’re that young and somebody offends your bald head? It’s impossible. Even the crying is absolutely acceptable in this situation. I did cry myself in a situation like that before. No big deal! It’s normal.
What is crucially important though, is what you do when you calm down. What you do and keep doing when the heat of that kind of situation goes away. And here is your opportunity to excel and become even more antifragile.
Chanel that youthful offended revenge kind of energy into your self improvement
And that is the best smartest revenge for us young bald guys!
For young bald man it’s important to know, that there are things in his control, that can make him seriously attractive, successful, and very desirable man. And all these beautiful things like getting and staying physically super fit, eating healthy diet, setting ambitious goals and following them to completion, having some style and paying attention to it, having fun and learning new skills and many others are available to him. And they take a lot of energy, effort and good amount of antifragility to work on and stick to.
Now these situations when other people make remarks on your baldness should feed the fire for these positive actions to act on. They should be motivating you into action, instead of debilitating and paralyzingly you!
Baldness at young age makes bald men ultimately antifragile
People who change the world, people who do significant things in life, attractive people, successful people, people who live up to their true potential are antifragile people. But antifragility has to be earned. And it is earned through adversity. Bald man who has to fight this adversity from young age is building this antifragility. And that makes him ultimately antifragile! And that changes the world my fellow going bald or already bald man. Go and be part of it!
Related articles:
Young bald mans eye of a tiger
Advantages of being bald – professional advantage
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 5
Bald attractive man makes fun of himself
Confidence for attractive bald man – evil eye principle
Healthiest baldness cure
I believe that I know and have the healthiest baldness cure in the world. There are many, especially young men out there, who are desperately looking for the healthiest cure for baldness. I believe that to find the true healthiest baldness cure, a bald man has to look at his baldness from the completely different angle. And if the bald man gives himself a permission to do it, it can and will change his life.
Healthiest baldness cure video:
Bald man is like bonsai tree
The bald mans problem is pretty clear. He is bald, he doesn’t have hair or he is loosing it and that creates all kinds of psychological pain. And it is a very serious pain. It literally starts to debilitate a completely normal and able mans life. And this has to stop!
Young bald man becomes like a bonsai tree who wants to grow, but something is not letting him. Somebody always puts some weight on the branches, somebody always cuts the branches that are trying to grow, or bends them to a different direction. The bonsai tree is a state of the art piece, beautiful and formed. But it never grows to it’s true potential like for example an oak tree living in wilderness, free with fertile soil and plenty of fluids.
Who is stomping the bald mans growth?
Like a bonsai tree artist, bald, and especially young bald mans mind does the stomping of his own growth. Bald man himself sabotages himself to this kind of life of unfulfilled potential. Young bald man starts to thing, that because he is losing hair and going bald, he is loosing his natural attractiveness, and with that everything goes. Who can blame him? Today’s society, especially the western developed society puts so much value into how we look. And for some reason baldness is not having the greatest attractive feedback out there these days.
So naturally, bald man starts to think that he is not attractive anymore without hair. And the snowball, mind sabotaging process starts. Suddenly he is not trying as hard as he used to. This young bald man is not walking straight and looking confidently into peoples yes anymore like he used to. He is not pursuing his goals with a life and vigor like he used to. He hates looking into the mirror. And he feels unattractive around other people. He slowly over time loses his self confidence and ultimately lives less bolder life, with unfulfilled potential. He becomes like a bonsai tree – full of life and character and potential buried inside somewhere, that never manages to come out.
Now, my few humble words follow: Oh my Lord Jesus! This has to stop! There is not a reason for it! No one more bald mans life waisted in this vicious circle! No more! Not anymore!
Bald man can and should live the boldest, most daring, most trying, most self confident, attractive, full of fulfilled potential life. AMEN! And my mission is to point these especially young balding guys into this direction. And so far I have been very successful with it. There seems to be a little switch that needs to be turned on and few switches that need to be turned off in the brain of a young balding man. And I am still trying to find a perfect formula how to do it. And I am getting closer.
Bald mans attractive life
Now imagine a bald man living a great life. Dating the most beautiful girls and women. Who are also very intelligent at the same time. He is living very bold, kind of like sky is the limit life. He is very confident. And quite frankly attracting and being attractive to the most people out there. He is succeeding in everything, working hard on himself and not being afraid of some adversity.
How do you like a life like that? I bet you love it. And I bet you want to live life like that too. And I don’t blame you, because what I just described is my life. Yes, my life of a bald man, who started going bald when he was about 20 and was completely bald by 23.
Now, I am not writing about my life to brag about myself. Not at all. I want you young going bald man to live life like that too. And I have a formula for it. I believe every bald man can achieve this kind of life. Every single one of you out there in the world can live bold attractive life! Short, tall, fat, skinny, white or black. I don’t care, being Bald Attractive Man doesn’t discriminate. It’s achievable for every bald man out there. And this is the healthiest, most effective baldness cure that I know of. And I want you to try this imaginary pill that I created for bald men. But first let’s raise a white flag here to senseless baldness war!
Stop the baldness war
Many young bald guys are standing on the crossroad. I remember. I was there too. Now I am very far away from that crossroad. I chosed my road, that seemed right at that time. And I am not regretting it. I believe I choosed the right road.
So what kind of directions am I talking here about, you can go young balding man? There are two bald main roads on your crossroad. One is to start a war with your baldness and the second one is to raise a white flag to baldness war and become Attractive Bald Man. Now many young men chose the first road. And I myself started on this road too. It sort of goes like this:
You start noticing your hair thinning in your teens or early twenties. Now, you go and google something like this: How to stop my hair falling of, hair loss cure for men, or baldness cure and so on. You start to do the research. And, of course Google has a lot of options for you. The problem with these options is, that they are not effective. And almost all of them don’t work. You can go ahead and try few. I did. But it felt little weird to take a pill everyday at my twenties just to prevent the hair loss. And I am not going to go into the details here about all kinds of products and options for bald men. The bottom line is, they are not very effective. They don’t work! Period!
I decided to turn around quite soon, without waisting too much of my emotional energy on hair loss products. And as soon as I god back on the crossroad I started sprinting the Attractive Bald Man’s direction. And I never looked back. I strongly believe I choosed the perfect road for a young bald man. And I am here to convince you too going bald too young man to chose this road.
You’ll will most likely experiment for awhile with some products and cover ups for your baldness. And that’s perfectly fine. Even if you choose to go far and stick with some of these baldness beating claiming solutions, I respect that.
But hopefully I will convince you to return on the crossroad and take the road I did take. The road without fighting your baldness, the road I call becoming Attractive Bald Man and rocking the attractive world as a bald man road. And boy, did that work for me very well! Please consider it my going bald too young friend. And with that rise the white flag at the war with baldness.
Healthiest baldness solution
And all that brigs us to the main point of this article. The healthiest baldness solution is becoming Attractive Bald Man. The man the most attractive people are attracted to the most? And basically rocking the attractive world as a bald man. Is this possible? Of course it is! In my humble opinion, I do just that. And I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be doing it too.
So how do you become Attractive Bald Man? This whole web site is about that. But there are steps to take. And these steps will not only make you Attractive Bald Man, they’ll also improve every aspect of your life. And all that without taking that pill that promises you to get your hair back. I know, it’s not something you’re looking for right now. You want your hair back! But I really believe is that you are looking for this. Don’t fight it. Maybe do what I am saying and still use your pill for hair growth and see. I guarantee you, you’ll drop that pill eventually. And at the same time you’ll be well on your way to becoming irresistibly Attractive Bald Man.
Baldness advantage
When I talk about baldness advantage, a lot of men are confused. What do you mean by baldness advantage Milan? Isn’t baldness just plain disadvantage? Well, I have an explanation for that.
First the character
Bald man has character. Baldness is a beauty flaw that creates character. Now that character will be either a man who is desperately trying to hide it and cover it and it’s pretty visible that he suffers by it. Or it will be a character that shows a man with a beauty flaw of baldness taking it as it is and living with it comfortably and rocking the attractive world as a bald man.
Bald men often believe that people find baldness to look unattractive. But they don’t realize that people actually don’t care much about their baldness. What they care about is the whole person. How he behaves, how he reacts, how funny and confident he is, how fit he is, how dressed he is.
People are not gravitated to perfect. The kind of un perfection like baldness if all else is in place can make bald man more attractive than a man with perfect hair. You don’t believe me? Than check some famous people without hands and legs missing and than look at their girlfriends and wife’s. And that’s missing limb, which is much bigger beauty flaw that being bald.
So you are not perfect Attractive Bald Man on mission. No you’re not! You’re bald. And that can be huge advantage toward overall attractiveness. Because nobody really is perfect. But I want you from now on to be more perfect at everything else. And let that bald head be your attractive imperfection.
Than the hard work beats talent any time – applies to attractiveness too
The kid that was always the shortest on the basketball team, or the lightest in rowing team, or the one with biggest reading problems in his class will usually work way harder on his skills. And with that he will not only overcome his own limitations, he will pass everybody else.
Now what does it have together with being young and bald man? Everything!
I was completely bald when I was 23 and that made me really think if I want to let myself go or overcome it and work hard to be the fittest, nicest, with best style, with most ambitions guy out there. And I did. I became the fittest. I improved my style substantially, I became the biggest gentleman, I learn how to influence people and so on. I worked much harder on myself than my fellow men with hair. And it really made the hole difference in our overall attractiveness.
I immediately stepped in front of every one of them in overall attractiveness and that’s how it stayed untill now. I am not bragging here, but I have a lot of beautiful positive feedback on it π
I developed these habits and work ethic that will stay with me for the rest of my life. While others without beauty flaws didn’t feel the need to do what’s necessary to do to get ahead. Because of course they didn’t have to! But later in life they usually pay for it. Beauty is fleeting my friend. Even the most natural one. This is the skill must have for everyone.
Now, young bald man might consider this hard work as disadvantage, but he shouldn’t. It’s a huge advantage that will serve you very well for the rest of your life. And also, another important fact is, that almost no man is willing to go thorough this kind of work. Which creates huge opportunity for a young bald man. For every person who is willing to walk the stairs there are 100 who will wait until elevator shows up. Remember that Attractive Bald Man in making. That’s where your attractive opportunity lies!
Go rock the world as an attractive bald man
I am not expecting you to change over night my fellow young bald friend. But what if you really tried. And stick to it. I promise you, you’ll rock the most attractive world as a Bald Attractive Man – the most attractive man out there. Because the most attractive man in the world is a bald man. Can you guess who that is?
Related articles:
Bald attractive man case study – Kelly Slater
Confidence for attractive bald man
Baldness revolution
I was looking at a Bald Attraction website and couldn’t help myself but notice that it’s thinking might just be too small. What do you think Attractive Bald guys out there. What if instead of slogan: Become Attractive Bald Man, there was different slogan like for example: Baldness Revolution! I seriously want to think big here. No, let me correct it. I want to think Huge!!! I hope it doesn’t seem selfish. Maybe it is a little. And I apologize for that. But I will scream it from the maximum capacity of my lungs anytime!
Other possibilities and I am open to suggestions from you Attractive Bald Men out there:
Attractive Badness Revolution
Taking over the world one attractive bald man at the time
World belongs to attractive bald men
World is bald
Attractive world is bald
Attractive bald world domination
Attractive is bald, period
Something like this. What do you think guys? Please give me some more suggestions or pick the slogan you guys like the most. I would really appreciate it. And thank you in advance Bald Attractive Men out there.
And yes, I am trying to make this project huge. It will change the baldness how we know it. And I am not ashamed to claim that. Because I strongly believe that bald man can be the most attractive men in the world. That’s a fact! Amen!
Advantages of being bald – no hair bugs
I know, this might seem like an subject that is funny and not that useful for Bald Attractive Man. But, my fellow bald friend, you would be surprised how many men with hair have huge problems with hair bugs. I know, I have a friend with longish hair and he fights them all the time. Well, guess what attractive bald man? You won’t have this problem if you cut it short and keep it that way. Plus there is yet another advantage of this benefit for bald attractive man I talk about below the video part of the article.
Advantages of being bald – no hair bugs video:
This is one of the advantages of being bald that might seem not very important to a bald man who is on the journey to become attractive bald man and possibly the most attractive man in the world. But it is an advantage. And you as a bald attractive man might use it as a little joke for your surroundings, that you actually never have hair bugs. And the reason for it is because you are bald.
I usually say something like this: I love being bald. I never get hair bugs! And that usually loosens the moment and people open more and they feel they can joke with you about anything. I actually got quite a few dates like that. Just by not taking myself too seriously and cracking a joke about my baldness.
Hot intelligent women love it when you don’t take yourself too seriously. And that’s one of the main point of being attractive bald man that puts you in advantage of other men that are not bald. You’re so confident and bulletproof, that you can actually joke about something other people might find paralyzing and unattractive. Seriously, who gives the F&(< what everybody things? You love it. And that's what matters the most. How attractive that is! Bald attractive man makes fun of himself and he doesn't take himself too seriously. That is very attractive. Very attractive! And trust me, my friend and his wife with other friends, while we were enjoying drinks in a local bar laughed hard when I told them to go bald to prevent hair bugs. And on top of the joke, they seriously considered it and my friend ended up shaving his head the same night. Fantastic! Attractive bald man is aware of advantages of being bald and he is not afraid to make fun of himself. And that’s incredibly attractive! Use it to your own bald advantage! Amen!
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Bald attraction mission – live fantastic, attractive, bold, bald life!
Great life doesn’t end with bald head. Great life actually just starts with bald head. My life was very mediocre and honestly not that attractive before I went all bald. Than and only after I got bald, my life started being seriously great and attractive. And bald head is huge part of the reason for that. Hey, I was a virgin before I got bald! It was that bad with hair! No girls wanted to go out with me. I thank my baldness for every attractive woman I ever dated! Period!
My future soon to be very attractive bald man, if you think that your attractive life and good life with that is over after you loose all your hair, you’re wrong! I know a lot of you guys out there, especially you young guys that thing this way: Life will never be as good as it was with hair. Wrong! The exact opposite is actually truth!
Bald attraction mission video:
My mission and yes you can call it my life project here on Bald Attraction website is to show these especially young guys out there, that life is going to be amazing with bald head! No, it’s going to be F…..G FANTASTIC! Seriously!
And if you really want, yes I will say that, it will be full of attractive women too. That’s what my life is. And I don’t see any reason, why your life shouldn’t be the same my soon to be very attractive, very confident bald friend! Ok, I am married now, so I turn all those beautiful women down now π But you don’t have to, if you are single. They are all yours for taking my bald attractive friend.
I am an emigrant in USA. And they say and I agree, that America will be to you exactly how you make it to be to you. It all depends how you make it for yourself. And I’ve seen emigrants from many countries come and go, burn out, complaining that life in USA is just too hard. And than leaving back to their countries with their tales between their legs.
Guess what, being young and bald is similar. It’s going to be exactly how you make it to be. Are you going to head into the direction of living fantastic, attractive bald mans life? Or, are you going to head into direction of mediocre life, feeling sorry about your bald head. I hope you choose the former my bald friend. Because the later is not a good way to live. Life is short! Make the most of it! Use your bald head to your advantage! Enough said!
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Advantages of being bald – professional advantage
Baldness has it’s huge advantages. And as I mention before, us bald men, we have to know about them and use them to our own advantage. Another great thing of being an attractive bald man is it’s professional advantage.
Advantages of being bald – professional advantage video:
I ended up in a very competitive field of making a living. I am a personal trainer. No, I am not one of those running around in a corporate shirt serving a 24 hour fitness members and being ripped off 40% of each of my session. No, I am charging about 4 times that money and I take 100% of it. Very simply, I am one of the most expensive trainers out there.
And I don’t want to brag about how great and successful trainer I am. No! That is not my intention here. My point here is that my bald head takes a lot of credit for that. Baldness is more trustworthy. There are few studies out there about baldness and trust. Apearantly and I can confirm this from my own experience, bald men are trusted more in providing services and help for their clients. Either it is a doctor, lawyer, real estate agent, therapist or personal trainer, bald head is a great marketing tool.
Now, I am not saying that just by being bald, you already won it out there in professional world. There is more to do, to become, learn, and so on. You get the picture. But, you might as well know this advantage soon to be very attractive bald man and thank your baldness for it. Because if you use it in a very smart and intelligent way, with little bit of extra effort, you can be the most successful professional in your field. And I am not talking here only about those white color jobs. Bald, attractive, intelligent, confident plumber, carpenter, welder, contractor, or janitorial service operator. It doesn’t matter. Our bald head can help us become successful in our fields, businesses and careers.
Bald attractive man counts his blessings and thanks for them every day. And from now on, I want you to like your baldness for another reason. And that is really a valid quality reason. Baldness my soon to be very attractive bald friend is making you more trustworthy. And if you utilize that in a smart intelligent way, oh my, sky is the limit in your professional life! So go rock on! Succeed! Help people! And you might as well charge them a lot of money for that. You have to make some living anyway, so why not by doing something where people love to pay you for your help. Go, make it happen. Use your fantastic bald heat to your advantage!
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