Your instinct is right, listen to it!
You know that feeling when you absolutely know that, what you are about to do is right.
It’s the right thing to do however reckless it might seem. You get energized by it and you’re ready to act on your idea.
Than a different “appropriate, reasonable and scared” side of you starts working.
You start thinking “reasonably”.
“What if that what I’m about to do will hurt me somehow in the future”?
Is it safe to do this?”
“I shouldn’t rock the boat”!
“That’s crazy idea my boss will hate and I’ll get fired”!
Yes exactly!
Now you’re thinking as a normal average person that does only average stuff in life.
Your fear, reasoning and worry stomped the whole excitement about your new exciting idea that lasted about a day or so.
And that idea or action was most certainly a rockstar idea!
If they feel little scary to proceed, they are rockstar ideas and actions.
And those are exactly the kind of ideas and actions that you have to act on my fellow going bald or already bald man.
And now you completely abandoned your exciting idea. Because you don’t want to stir too much water with it.
Is that reasonable? Probably!
Is that smart? I don’t think so!
I believe our instincts are usually right. But they get pushed away by fear.
Yes you might risk your job in the process.
But you might be very well onto something very exciting and very rewarding too.
And my guess is that, that’s exactly what you’re facing.
Is it really scary to do?
Is it reckless?
Are you going to offend a lot of people?
But are you also going to please a lot of them too?
If all those questions are yes, you should proceed and act on your idea! Period.
Yes of course I’ll give you my example.
If you go on google and google my name, BaldAttraction.com comes up on the first or second place.
Is that good or bad?
Well for a jobs I’m doing recently, I don’t think it’s that good. I offend lots of people, it’s edgy and it’s bold.
And majority of bosses and people don’t like that combination.
If I am a real estate agent trying to sell a house, the owner of the house will google me. And yes Bald Attraction comes up in first or second search. What do you think the conservative 67 year old homeowner is going to do? Is he going to hire me or not?
My guess is that, he’s not going to hire me.
Do I care? I don’t!
Because I know that my project that I love doing, yes I help a lot of young going bald men to gain their confidence back, is more valuable to me.
No, I don’t make any money from it, but I am making difference in lifes. And that’s priceless to me.
So if I thought too much how the Bald Attraction might hurt me professionally in the future, I would never start it in the first place.
But I did!
I overcame the fear and worry.
And I acted on it!
And I am very happy I did!
Be brave and act bald man!
When you’re facing a difficult and scary decision my fellow bald man, but it excites you, you should act on it.
Don’t play it safe!
That would be my advice to you and my kids also!
This applies to your professional life as well as any other part of your life.
Again, I mean here the ambitious scary decisions. Not stupid scary decisions. And I am sure, you can tell which one is which my fellow ambitious attractive bald man in making.
Keep going, don’t give up, stay brave!
And once you understand the concept of moving beyond your fear and acting on your scary ambitious actions, I want you to live your whole life like that.
Don’t play it safe!
Life is way to short for that!
Play aggressively with your positive actions to win!
Be fine with criticism!
Yes, that kind of lifestyle will bring criticism.
Of course it will!
Some people might hate you for certain actions you do. But that’s ok.
I’m hated by quite a lot of guys with hair. And it doesn’t bother me at all. It’s just a natural consequence of doing something great!
But it took me a while to move to this kind of mindset. I wanted to be liked by everyone before. Not anymore!
Wanting to be liked by everyone is actually very selfish.
There will be a group of people that will really love you for what you’re doing.
People you’ll make difference in their life’s. And with it in your own life my fellow bald man.
Reap the rewards!
Living like this, acting on your scary, but exciting ambitious actions will make you live an amazing life full of possibilities and opportunities.
Because it’s so rare!
Everybody plays it safe!
And nobody is going anywhere with it!
They are stagnating!
They think they live good life’s that are just a little bit boring. Wrong!
They won’t reach their true potential!
And that’s a big failure!
You on the other hand, you’re moving forward, growing and achieving your true potential.
Yes that’s what it takes my fellow bold bald man: Acting in spite of your fears!
Go and apply it in your life now my fellow bald man on mission.
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