In your daily life as a young going bald man, you might be wandering what is the appropriate behavior for you.
Should young going bald man be more like a junk yard dog or Afghan greyhound video:
Should you be walking with hight nose, being too clean and polished, always polite and nice with amazing manners like an Afghan greyhound?
Or should you be dirty, mean, angry, aggressive protective like a junkyard dog?
The answer is – combination of the two.
Often great manners won’t serve you very well. And being too clean and polished won’t give you the respect you deserve.
And the opposite is true too. If you don’t have any manners and you are dirty, scrappy and angry all the time, in many situations it will be used against you.
I grew up like a junk yard dog and I’m thankfull for it!
My parents were poor! They separated early. Poor my mom with 3 boys year a part each stayed alone to take care if us.
It was just too much for her. She did everything she could. She loved us as a mother could love her kids. But she just didn’t have a time to be with us that much.
So we were roaming the concrete communist poorly maintained neighborhood jungle with my two brothers daily.
Looking for trouble.
Making bonfires from old tires.
Getting in fight a lot with other scrappy neighborhood kids. And coming home for occasional band aid, or needed visit to hospital for stitches.
Would I let my kids have a childhood like that? No I wouldn’t!
I would be too afraid something will happen to them. But that’s kind of sad too!
They’ll never experience childhood like I had. Living like a junkyard dog was actually lot of fun and incredible learning experience.
Looking back, I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Yes, kids these days don’t have childhoods we used to have. There is way too much of helicopter parenting going on. I’m guilty of it as well.
So yes there is a lot of junk yard dog in me. And hopefully at least little bit in you too my fellow young going bald man.
And it’s ok to show it in right times!
And there is a bit of an Afghan greyhound in me too. And I’m sure there is some in you too young going bald or already bald man.
Combination of the two is what you want in well rounded attractive young bald man.
Yes, the combo of these 2 is the key to your success. I’ll explain.
Being hungry and aggressive. Pursuing the goals of your life.
The junk yard dog in me scrapped the last amount of money I managed to save from my jobs I had while in college, raised the middle finger and left my past life behind. I headed for USA. Hungry, agressive, dirty and resilient. And all those junk yard dog qualities served me well in my new home country.
I was the one who never complained. I was the one who worked the hardest. I was the one fittest. I was the one who never got sick. Yes I was the one in the bar who manager designated to kick the bad guys out.
Yes exactly! I was the junk yard dog!!!
Generous, confident, polished with manners Afghan greyhound.
While scrapping by and living like a junk yard dog for first few years in US, I was becoming more and more confident in my abilities.
I realized, while I still had a junk hard dog in me, that my confidence and status is raising. That all these spoiled week guys around me who were acting like Afghan greyhounds at all times are just a weak, sickly, always complaining guys who never got anything done.
I was becoming a different Afghan greyhound. The kind with some junk yard dog in him.
And you my fellow young going bald or already bald man have to become one too!
So, to answer my question if you should be more like a junk yard dog or more like an Afghan greyhound: You should be combination of these two my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Be the junk yard dog in right times! And be the Afghan greyhound in right times too. You deep down already know which times those are. Listen to your instinct and act accordingly youg going bald man on mission to become irresistibly attractive bald man.
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