Bald men have to live attractive successful bold life’s.
Bald men should never let themselves be held by anything to achieve their true life’s potential. And I don’t know any other better words that will guide you in that direction than those I am about to share with you. Yes, the man who said those words was a bald man too. Now remember it my fellow bald or going bald way too young man and let it guide your life.
Best quote ever for bald mans life success:

Amen to Steve’s words!
Now go and rock the world as an attractive successful bald man! Don’t hold back and live up to your true potential! Start today!!!!!!!
Related articles:
Bald too young and taking advantage of it
Bald men should be little cocky
Hi Milan,
I’m from Belgium, I want you to know you’re really inspiring me. I started to lose my hair, which means incredible sheds because of the Male Pattern Baldness. Thanks to you I’m hitting the gym, I’m eating well, and because of that I feel much more fit and happy. I am 21 years old so really young to lose my hair. It made me feel terrible. The one thing that’s on my mind right now, is that I still have to manage to ‘survive’ two years of university. Picture yourself in a room filled with 250 people and you’re the only bald guy in there…Hair loss is just terrible, but I’m trying to get over it and I think I eventually will ! You gave me strength man, I want you to know that! Never stop doing this blog and your videos! Thanks for all!
Josh, thank you for your kind words! You really made my day! I am incredibly happy, that I make difference at exactly the kind of young men, you are Josh and I was not that long ago – young and going bald or already bald.
Josh, like you said, it’s tough to go through this, but you have great attitude toward it. Never let the early baldness brake your spirit. 2 more years and you’ll be in a wide world where bald is not a problem. And from here, you can start and it seems like you already started becoming a dominantly attractive, successful man.
Good luck on your journey Josh! Don’t ever hold back! Live attractive, successful, bold life up to your full true potential! And you’re already doing it.
Thank you again Josh for your note here! Milan
Guys, I think that after the university women just want a real man, after 25 they really look all the whole package, because they’re grown up and well, maybe because they start to hear the “bell’s toll”.
But jesus, i’m in the university too, and even if I kind of pull off the bald look all my dating game is tanked.
Of course I still can find potential girlfriends. Still, it’s waaay harder when it comes to get laid in parties. I’m not sure but maybe in this situation what really matters is how you look. When I was full haired it was easy to find a girl for a one night stand. Ok, compensating with confidence and an attractive talking is the rule, but now I have to make a lot of efforts to find someone who’s not ugly, especially because most of them think I’m older. Sometimes they even ask me if i am a student.
I know that is superficial and I love my life, but sometimes I miss something in my youth, and everybody has his rights to be stupid at this age.
btw, if you guys think I’m wrong tell me, this is just my personal experience.
ps sorry for my english, it’s not my mother tongue.
Tryingtorockmyworld, what a perfect nickname! Thank you for your note and your time and your question. I absolutely understand your feelings. I’ve been there.
You’re in college and you’re around young crowd. That can be tough for young bald man. Things get little better from here on my fellow bald man.
This is the way you should try to look at your situation. Don’t look at the bad of it. Like you’re saying you’re missing something or you missed something in your youth. When time passes it passes. You can’t live in past regretts. Look to the positive future ahead of you instead.
You’re obviously attractive bald man and things will be great from now on. I believe people who have to face certain adversity like us bald men who lose hair way too young actually gain from it. They gain the anti fragility. And that is so important for attractive successful life.
Your incredible advantage is being confident, bullet proof, fit attractive bald man. That’s kind of rare, isn’t it? But how amazingly attractive!
Tryingtorockmyworld, go and rock the world! Don’t hold back. Live attractive successful confident life as a bald man!
Thank you for your note! Milan
I’ll do my best, dude! It’s just a bit frustrating sometimes and maybe unfair, but you’re right, we have just to accept and deal with it. And let’s acknowledge that if you’re stopped only by a premature baldness, grow up asap kid, because life will eat you alive. About the girls, well, things will be bettere i guess.
Thanks for your time, Milan! you’re genuine as a lot of slovaks i met so far!
Thank you Mitch! Don’t just accept it Mitch. Make it work for you. Make it your advantage!