This is a short young bald story of my life and my observations of it. I learned a lot from it. And I want to share my knowledge here with you my fellow going bald too young man. It might very well help you turn things around and kick ass as a bald man.
I didn’t have a role model when I got bald early. And I think it would be much easier transformation for me if I did. But there wasn’t anybody who I could listen and take as my mentor. So I decided to create that for you. If you let me be your going through the early baldness stage of life mentor and be open to some suggestions, I’ll be very happy to help.
You’re young and you’re going bald
I’ve been there where you’re now. Suddenly I started noticing hair free spots on my head. First I didn’t believe it. Than it got scary. Too much hair missing! Than it became a sad reality. At least I toughts about it that way.
Of course now I look at it very differently. But it took some trying and taking! My ego, my confidence, my hopes for ever having an attractive girlfriend were shattered! I was desperate. The cold sweat appeared whenever I thought about my hair in front if the mirror and my life going forward. It was depressing!
This is a pretty common reality for lot of young going bald men out there that go through this. Loosing hair at this young age is downright scary!!! It totally takes your positive spirit away from you. It’s self sabotaging situation that doesn’t serve young bald man well. It’s destroying him.
And it was destroying me than too. I was going down fast! Ad some of the hardest situations of my life I was going through than and it’s was a disaster about to happen.
But for few reason I found the right footing. I am still trying to find the stuff that deserves the credit for that. And I believe I got it. It might be the combination of things. But, I was lucky. My mind didn’t give up. It was dam close to it. But my lucky stars aligned well. And looking from hindsight at it, I am very great-full for it. Let’s see if I can help you to get through this scary situation my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Scary dark beginnings
Watching Brad Pitt movies wasn’t helping! And I watched a lot of those. It was quite depressing looking at these Hollywood actors hair. All perfect! All beautiful and rich. I guess that’s the idol of a man. Man with hair! Man with thick beautiful hair! That’s what I was thinking about all days long.
I was getting depressed. I hated it. Like you hate it too me fellow young going bald man. I know! It can really piss you off! It did piss me really off! All these guys around you that didn’t really deserved their hair in any way more than you. And they have it. And you are losing it! Fuck this!
Now this was the darkest time of my life when I started kind of feeling sorry for myself. I would make a lot if excuses and I started slipping into being a looser and complainer very fast.

I was becoming a looser, cynic and not a very nice guy. It felt right to be like this at this time of my life. You might be experiencing similar behavior my fellow young going bald or already bald man. While it’s quite normal to behave like this, it is certainly not serving you well. This is not a good way to live.
Balding loser
I became a balding loser. I made a lot of excuses. I was complaining a lot. I was hiding. I started blaming my bald head for all my misfortune. But all I was doing was behaving like a loser. Real loser! While I maybe had a reason for becoming a loser, the real loser is exactly that. First he has a reason for becoming one and than he stays one forever. Yak!
In one of the instances I was so low in self confidence and so full of self pitty, that I actually reacted angrily on a beautiful girl that I really liked question – Milan let’s have a drink! I thought she’s making fun of me. But she was serious. She wanted to just hang out with me. But me the loser was explaining it to myself differently. Like she felt sorry for me and tried to help. I don’t need any help girl! You can’t give me my hair back! I want to be alone! I thought to myself. Yes, exactly – looser who is hiding!
Sad reality comes from within
I know this now but I didn’t know it than. My sad reality of my early baldness was brought by exactly myself. I was the one making myself this miserable. I and my thinking was responsible for me becoming a loser. Yes, it was me who was my biggest enemy!
And my fellow young going bald man, you might be doing the same big mistake I was doing than. I was self sabotaging myself. Like going bald at this young age wasn’t bad enough! I was making it much worst! Much, much worst! Yes we can often do things to ourselves like this. Without even realizing it. And it has to stop! FAST!
You’re doing it to yourself!
I repeat it again! I was doing it to myself. Being a loser and a miserable person was me doing it to myself.
Now looking back, it was exactly truth. I was a bald loser on a fastrack to become even bigger looser. How fucking sad! Sad! Sad! Sad! Something had to change! But tell it to 21 year old that runs on testosterone and instincts all day long. I was doing it to myself! And you are doing it to yourself too my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
That change, the biggest change of my life came unexpectedly. My mother, the person who I loved the most at that time and the only person that seemed to support me and the only person that held all of our family together died suddenly. I still remember receiving that message from my friend who’s mother was also friend with my mother. We were having fun working trip with few other buddies in California than. And than I received the message. I still shake when I think about that moment.
I got home fast. It was a horrible flight and trip back home to gloomy cloudy Eastern Europe. It took me about 4 months of lying around on sofas of my brothers apartment watching tv shows or just sleeping. I was incredibly depressed and sad. It was undoubtedly the worst 4 months of my life.
Than rainy November came and the Christmas holidays. It was all very sad. It all felt depressing. Take all these sad times and connect it to a young balding man and you’ll get a total wreck of a man. Yes, that was me! I was on the fast track to hell! No place to live, no support of anyone. Depressed and sad. My life was a mess.
Than came the moment of a change. One cold January evening of 2002 I came to the bathroom and I looked at my balding head. And I was horrified what I saw. It wasn’t the hair that scared me. It was my face, pale, rings around the eyes, tired, looking kind of old. I was slouching and I looked weak. I realize than and there that I’m cliff diving and my health, good looks, youthful energy was disappearing fast.
That was the bottom I hit. The lowest point of my life. And I kicked from that bottom fast and hard. I told myself that, I can’t do this to myself anymore. I’m only 22. That’s it! From now I’m only climbing up. I cut my hair short right than, took my running jacket, put on running shoes and left the apartment.
It was raining hard! But I loved it! I run fast! Cold water was dripping from my head. My mind was racing! But instead of having depressing thoughts of a loser, now I was having thoughts of a winner. I was creating a plan of my transformation. And I never failed to follow that plan. That was my last day I felt sorry for myself, and hated my bald head. That was the last day of a young balding looser – Me. From than I became a winner.
You might be still waiting for your own transformation day my fellow young going bald or already bald man. And it might seem like it will never come. But I believe it will. Your day of rise, your day of transformation will come. It will! You have to trust, that it will come. In the mean time help it a little my fellow young bald man. Try to find that moment of transformation. But no pressure. If it doesn’t feel like it, don’t force it. It should come naturally. And it will! Give it a chance, be open to it and your day will come!
Mind of the winner
Since that day I hit the bottom and the darkest moment of my life my mind transformed to a mind of a winner. I slowly over time became a bigger and bigger winner.
Achieving a mind of a winner is a process. But eventually that process makes you a winner.
Having a mind of a winner changes everything. Your life will never be the same. You’ll feel confident. You’ll feel like you’re on the mission and you need to be healthy, strong and full of energy. All that will motivate you into positive action. And all that will make you more attractive bald man.
Eventually your attractiveness from this process of becoming a winner will become very high. You’ll find yourself being the most attractive man around. Guaranteed!
Attractive bald winner
It would seem very arrogant to say that I really am an attractive bald winner. Other people should be the judges of that. But I am attractive bald winner dammit! Why? Because I feel like it. It’s in my brain. That positive winning thought is always there.
Yes I am and attractive bald winner! I might repeat that 100 times per day too. And believe it or not my fellow young going bald or already bald man it transforms you completely.
And you too my fellow young bald man should start thinking as an attractive young bald winner. And act like one too . And if you keep that thoughts in your head daily weekly, monthly and yearly, you’ll certainly become one. As sure as gravity!
Transformation – your body does what your mind says
The message for you my fellow soon to be a bald winner every time is: You have to watch your thoughts. Because your thoughts make you who you really are. They are either supporting you or pulling you further down. That brings me to a final message of this articles:
Control your thought my fellow young going bald man! It’s important to be a master of your own thoughts!
Like I said before, it’s either making you winner everyday or making you loser. Choose to be winner!
Your thinking is everything my fellow young going bald man. I know it is hard to process your early baldness at your age. It’s a difficult situation to be in. But that’s why controlling your thoughts is even more important. Control your thoughts and become an attractive winner forever!
Act and work hard
When your mind is finally supporting you, it’s easier to get to work. And there is a lot of work to do my fellow young going bald or already bald man. You have to get on path of great physical fitness. You have to develop courage, confidence and boldness by adopting growth mindset. You have to pay attention to your style. You have to start living up to your true potential. And all that requires work. But ultimately, that work is in your own control.
And slowly over time when you apply that work consistently, you’ll become a courageous, attractive, successful bald winner. An attractive bald man that everybody is attracted to. And one day you’ll look at your darkest period or your life, when you thought like a balding looser and you’ll think – How lucky I am for finding this path – a path of a WINNER!
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My secret private young bald mans story that will change your life
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