If you think you are bald and ugly and there is nothing you can do about it, think again!
You’re wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
And on top of it, you’re probably small thinker, pessimist who sees the glass half empty instead of half full and lazy ass!
I am sorry for my straightforwardness. But it quite truth.
Let’s change that! It will do you a lot of good in your life!
You must change that mindset now my fellow young going bald or already bald man!
Attractive bald mans mind
First it’s the mind that is responsible where you are now!
It’s my mind that is responsible where I am now!
The way you think matters a lot. It’s the single most important factor in your and my life – mindset!
There are only 2 mindsets. Mindset of a winner and mindset of a loser.
No, there is no such a think as an average persons mindset that is just right.
Average persons mindset is a losers mindset in my world!
Where are you now? Can you tell your mindset is a mindset of a winner? If yes, fantastic!
You’re most likely already rocking and living attractive successful life!
Don’t change a thing!
But most of us, me included several years ago have at best an average mindset, living so so average life’s.
And you already know what that means – loser!
Let’s change that!
You’re here in this world to succeed wildly and live attractive life of a rockstar man.
We are not here to be average!
We are not here to live average kind of successful life’s.
We are here to live special attractive wildly successful life!
Positive winning attitude
Force yourself my fellow young bald or going bald man to have a positive atitude.
Positive attitude will make huge difference on your overall mindset and with that your whole life!
Develop it! Nurture it! Guard it and protect it with your life!
Don’t let anybody chip on it!
You stay positive, no matter what!
And you already know how to do that my fellow going bald man. Go make it happen!
Be a positive thinker! Always!
You need confidence. A lot of it!
And you need to work on it. Hard!
Go through my high confidence for attractive bald man series and follow the action steps. And apply what you learned.
Your confidence will rise!
Now your job again is to cultivate it, guard it and protect it with your life.
Your life depends on it!
Growth mindset
Growth mindset simply means learning through the mistakes you make.
And you are going to make a lot of mistakes my fellow young man who’s loosing hair.
The key, the mindset setup you need for that is to not get down on yourself for making those mistakes.
You celebrate them!
You look for them!
So many young men make few mistakes in the beginning and than they stop trying.
They settle for average.
And you already know what I consider to be an average.
Mistakes, even the absolutely embarrassing ones are just a stepping stones to your ultimate success in life.
If you won’t make mistakes you won’t succeed! Period.
Now develop, cultivate, guard and protect this growth mindset with your life my fellow bald man.
Yes, your life depends on it!
Attractive bald mans body
Physical fitness is very important in overall attractiveness of a bald man.
It is very important!
I don’t care how shallow it might sound, physical fitness matters a lot!
So what kind of physical fitness do you need my fellow young bald man?
I don’t want you to be huge muscular guy and I don’t want you to be looking skinny like a marathon runner champion either.
Athletic muscular body
Athletic muscular body is the name of the game here.
Let’s get little more specific here.
Look at the 100 to 200 meter competitive track sprinters. That’s what I’m talking about.
Look at Usain Bolt or former champion Michael Johnson. That’s the body I want you to have my fellow young going bald man.
You might be thinking now that these guys have a great genes and what not. But that would be only a very small part truth.
These guys lift weights and they sprint a lot.
And that’s exactly what creates bodies like these.
I do the same. I sprint a lot. And I lift weights regularly.
And I don’t want to sound like I am bragging, but I do have body like these two guys. And I believe my genetics are also terrible. I have a lot of very fat unhealthy family members.
Forget the genetics my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
And get to work!
Sprint and lift weights regularly!
I will talk about attractive bald mans diet in my next article. Stay tuned. Diet is very important for attractive successful bald man!
Active life style promotes attractive mind
If you stay active and you do your strength training and sprinting regularly, you’ll automatically develop attractive mind.
It’s a fact!
The fitter you body is, the fitter your mind becomes too.
Attractive body = Attractive mind!
Keep that in mind forever! Period!
Attractive bald magnet
If you take the message in this article seriously way too young bald man on mission and you’ll put it troughs some serious action, you’ll become Attractive Bald Magnet.
People will become immediately attracted to you.
The most attractive will be attracted to you Attractive Bald Man in making. How do I know? I see it every day happening to me. So make it reality for yourself too my fellow bald man! You owe it to yourself. We all do!
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