Hi all the bald guys out there! I just want to do a little update on this article and I want to encourage everybody to read the comments after the article. I wrote about bald head being your advantage. But one of my reader, and I am incredibly thankfull to him for notifying me, that this statement is wrong. And he is right, it is a wrong statement! What I rally wanted to say is, that your bald head can be your advantage only as a whole package of you. No, it won’t be your advantage if you are an overweight, lazy, rude person. The whole package of you is what makes bald head your advantage. So what is the whole package? Dive into this side. It’s all over it! And enjoy. And most importantly: Apply it!
Bald mans pain can be excruciating. And the worst part about it is, that it is not a sudden big surge of pain. That kind of pain goes away fast. Bald mans pain is like a tooth ache that goes on and on and on. And it steals your energy and enthusiasm for life away. And it has to stop!
Guys, It is in our power to stop this pain! And actually it can be turned into bald mans advantage. It is in our power to become attractive bald men. It’s like hate and love relationship. These are two very different emotions. But they are very close to each other. You can literally start loving the person you hated yesterday. And the same applies with bald head.
If you hate it, well the love is very close. And you have to find it! And you’ll find it! Actually those potentially attractive bald guys who really hate their bald heads, and in my experience those are the youngest ones out there, are very close to actually turning that emotion and start loving it. And taking it to their own advantage. I am one of these guys. If you offered me a nice set of hair, I would respectfully refuse. I love being bald. Period!
Bald mans pain and it’s solution video:
Falling in love with your bald head is a process that has a happy end. Ok, I don’t stand in front of the mirror screaming: I love you bald head! I love you! No I don’t. It’s like if you become a multi millionaire overnight. You really get excited in the beginning and that lasts for few months. But later, the money is just on your bank account. And you are getting bored out of your mind not doing anything. So naturally you’ll find something to do. And that something is most likely be living normal life like any other folk out there.
Same with my bald head, it’s just there. I make sure I groom it regularly, so it stays nice and short. And I go about my life. I love it, but it became just another thing I don’t pay much attention to anymore.
And I want the same for you, my soon to be bald attractive man. Go ahead enjoy it first. Have a lot of fun looking in the mirror and loving it. But be prepared, that it’ll become just another great think you conquered in your life and it’s just there. And you’re not paying that much attention to it anymore. You’ve got more important things to do. You’re busy staying fit, eating and preparing healthy meals, having fun, maintaining and improving your style, learning a lot, pursuing your goals and so on. I am sure you get the picture. So go, cut it short, enjoy it for a while and than get busy living a great attractive bald mans life!
Related articles:
Attractive bald man – don’t waste your life
Bald too young and taking advantage of it
Bald attractive man is a hero in his own great book
I totally agree with the message of this video and that it is really sad to see guys wasting so much emotional energy on baldness. The reason some guys let it completely destroy them and other move on fairly quickly is due to other factors in someone’s life. Baldness is simply so noticeable by others that weak, pathetic guys focus all their negative energy from other things onto it and things get totally out of control. Baldness is such a small part of who you are, but it is interesting because the way you react to it shows a lot about what you really are. It exposes you like nothing else.
One thing I really can’t believe is that you would not take a free head of full hair if given the chance. Even if you genuinely like a bald head, you could still buzz it off just like how attractive bald guys do. Hair has practical utilities as well, such as protecting us from the sun and keeping warm in the winter. And you have so many more options of self expression with hair even if you aren’t concerned with being sexy. I really don’t think it’s fair to equate male baldness with a buzzed head: they are completely different things.
The fundamental goal of this website to be attractive, and no matter what way you spin in, a full head of hair is way more attractive than male pattern baldness. Could a woman be bald and attractive? Almost never. I think that you are forgetting the reality of a very young bald guy Milan. How can you possibly love something that is 100% negative?
” You’re busy staying fit, eating and preparing healthy meals, having fun, maintaining and improving your style, learning a lot, pursuing your goals and so on.”
Yes this is the real key to a happy successful life; everyone knows this, and few do it. But how does it address the pain of baldness? Everything about baldness only makes this harder. The slow, drawn out process of every individual hair falling out. Seeing in the media and movies how all attractive guys and heroes have great hair, and bald guys are always idiots, perverts or at best villains. Looking around in the world and seeing bald heads mostly on old festering bodies. Going through the unnatural process of cutting what hair you do have almost all off because the way it naturally grows is considered hideous by society.
The message you say is great, but please do not try and make male pattern baldness as a good thing. It sucks and because it sucks so much it gives a lot of opportunity to develop mental toughness. But when you say that you would not take a full head of hair for free, I personally think you are avoiding reality and it discredits the message you are trying to send to all young bald guys.
Boris. I love your opinions and questions and the way you challenge my thinking. You are for most part right that baldness is a pain. And that young guys suffer by it. I know what you’re saying, I was there. 21,22,23, yes give me that hair. However things really changed. And basically what I am saying here is how things turned out for me while being bald. And they turned out to be great. And I want those young guys including you to know this. Things can turn out pretty good for a bald guy in the world.
What I said in the article about not accepting nice set of hair is really truth. It really might seem like I am coping with my hair loss and want the world to see how great I am and validate the baldness as a great thing. But this is not truth. I am trying to say that baldness can really be an advantage.
Ok so let’s take an example. I dated very attractive women in my life that really liked myself being bald. And they told me that too. So would I change and take the full head of hair to see how is it going to turn my dating life differently? I probably would. And see what happens. So what? What is the big deal? I would probably attract different women. And that’s fine.
I found my increadibly attractive and intelligent wife and the first thing she told me she is attracted to bald men. And I am like ok. But I think what she really meant was I don’t care if you have a hair or nor, as long as you are a nice guy, I like you. Now, would I take a chance to have a hair and try how it turns out in this situation differently for me. Absolutelly not. Baldness is part of my personality. And I am pretty sure, that I would be different. And my sweetheart might not be very attracted to me.
Now let’s take an example of my overall personality. Throw full set of beautiful hair on me when I am 23 and I will turn to be a completelly different person. Would I give that a shot how thing will turn out for me? Not a chance! I like my personality and I wouldn’t change that. I would be probably an complete pretty looking asshole.
Boris, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Other think you’re saying is that baldness is 100% negative. I don’t agree here with you. Baldness changes life’s. And it did change mine. Like I said I would be an asshole athlete college student and an arrogant man otherwise most likely. I don’t know maybe I am wrong.
The message on this web site is to not give up as a bald guy. And I am trying to relly, relly, relly dig inside that message. And really, to tell you the truth I am finding a lot of positive in life with a bald head. If the young guys want to commiserate here, and see me crying and feeling sorry for myself here, well they are on the wrong spot. There is a lot of those websites out there.
Anyway Boris, I really understand what you are asking. Bald is negative and that is it. Well I don’t relly think so. I see it differently. It worked quite well for me. And I think it can work well for everybody.
Thank you Boris!
Hi Milan, that makes things much more clear, thank you for explaining. You are portraying a new reality to bald guys that for many is completely foreign, so some things you say are naturally hard for me to accept.
I like a lot how you say that never being bald you would attract different women and would probably be an arrogant asshole. Being cause a lot of changes, and it can be hard to see the positive ones. If you could include more things like this, personality changes, and stay away from benefits of having a shaved/buzzed head, I think it will really strengthen the impact o your message. A big thing that bothers me is that people try to find positives of baldness nowadays, it is always positives of the shaved head. It just serves to reinforce the idea that natural male baldness is horrible in every way.
I think you may be a bit naive in thinking that it can work well for everybody. You are literally the perfect kind of guy to lead a happy bald life. Everybody can improve their circumstances, some a lot, but I think that you don’t realize that the guys out their commiserating and crying on hair loss forums have a lot more wrong with them than just being bald.
Keep up the great work!
Boris, yes you’re right. I shouldn’t be talking about benefits of a buzzed head. You know, i don’t really mean to say that buzzed head has a lot of benefits in it. It’s just us bald guys sometimes our only choice. I don’t have anything against a bald guy who doesn’t buzz it down. And he is ok with it and absolutelly comfortable. But if he is not ok with it I want to help him. It brakes my heart seeng guys using all these products to hope some of them will actually help them. And if they are ok with it, so be it. But they shouldn’t hold back and feel less attractive than others.
Boris, yes, bald head buzzed down does not have any benefits in it. The whole package does. And I remember you saying that that matters generally for all humans, not only bald guys. I just happen to be bald and I see a lot of baldness pain in it. So I am concentrating my efforts on bald guys.
You Boris saying that I might be a perfect guy for being bald makes me happy. And thank you for a compliment. But I thing even the least perfect bald guy can do better with the stuff I talk about on bald attraction.
Boris, always my honor to talk to you about these issues.
Thank you Boris.