Young bald man out there, starting your own business can be one of the most satisfying, confidence building, growth supporting activities you can ever do in your life. And now you’re young, you have plenty of time and energy and no commitments. Put all those to work and achieve something majority only dream about. Live a life of challenge and personal growth by starting your own business.
Attractive successful bald man become an entrepreneur video:
Young bald mans emotional energy channeled the right way
You are young and you’re going bald. That bothers you! I know, I’ve been there! And the thoughts about your early baldness keep paralyzing you. That has to stop my fellow bald man!
That waisted emotional energy has to be used on better things in your life! It has to be used on the productive things where you benefit in every aspect of your life. And starting your own business is one of those things.
There is a lot to do to start a business and becoming an entrepreneur. A lot of energy and right attitude is required. And you as a young bald man have all those. They just need to be pointed into the right direction.
When I first started my personal training business, I didn’t know what I was doing. But I kept pushing through until I learned, failed and succeeded. And now, having my own personal training practice feels very satisfying. And it also gives me a lot of confidence and sense of accomplishment. And off course a lot of extra cash$.
My young fellow bald man, I want the same for you. If you have a lot of time on your plate and you are ambitious and you should be, start thinking about starting your own bussiness. Start looking at the world like an entrepreneur.
Should you do what you love or not?
Should you start your own business in something you really love doing? Like I mentioned in the video above, my own dream is to own a surf shop sometime in the future. But, the problem with a business like that is that it will not make you money. And actually, it might make you start hating the passion you choose to follow.
So keep your hobbies your hobbies. Don’t create businesses out of your hobbies. And I am telling that to myself too. No surf shop Milan! Surfing is your hobby and you want to keep it as your hobby.
Instead I have a different approach toward starting your own bussiness.
Help people and make serious money!
My fellow young bald man, you might think that you need that idea, that original concept to succeed in your business. And you simply don’t have it.
But, you don’t need it! All you need is to help people and fill the need. And boy, there are so many people that need help around you. Trust me on that.
Today, attractive successful young bald man on a mission, identify 3 needs people have around you.
Start looking at the world from a perspective of what do people need, how could you help them. And that’s exactly where your brake through ideas is!
Than just pick one and try it. Just do it! Don’t think too much about it. Give it a spanking good try! Fail fast! Fail cheap! Don’t invest too much in it. And than if it’s not working, try something else.
Some of the most successful businesses started this way. The owner started small or saw the need and if the concept seemed to be valid, he slowly built it over time.
Tootsie rolls is a perfect example. A young I think he was bald man started making Tootsie rolls in his kitchen for his young daughter. And they become a huge success for all neighbors. To make the long story short, Tutsi roll was bought by craft foods and now it is a billion dollar bussiness. The rolls definitely shrank in size, but the wallet of the owner grew at huge rate. And the incredible satisfaction with it.
You never know! You might be the next maybe not billionaire but young millionaire with a successful business! And very happy and confident man with it.
The real school of knocks
Starting your own business and succeeding at it is not easy. It’s actually very challenging thing to do and accomplish. Daily failures are certain and all that with a lot of energy invested.
But here is exactly where your advantage and opportunity is. You’re young and going bald. You have a lot of youthful energy. You can make anything happen if you want to and willing to. And plus you probably feel little disappointed with your early baldness and feel like you are falling behind in living a great attractive successful life of a young man.
Well it’s time to prove that to be wrong!
It’s time to rock and accomplish everything you set your mind into. It’s time to challenge yourself greatly, to succeed, to be very healthy and strong. It’s time to start living up to your maximum true potential.
It’s time to succeed wildly!
It’s time to live like a rockstar. And rockstars do out of ordinary stuff. And starting your own business and putting your youthful energy into it and trying hard to succeed at it is a rockstar kind of action.
Young bald man, live life of a true Rockstar
What do true rockstars do in their days? I don’t mean here the lead singers in metal bands who sing and take drugs. What I mean is a true rockstar actions!
True ROCKSTAR gets up in the morning with a big to do list full of ROCKSTAR actions! Than he hits the street accomplishing them. Yes, that means also failing miserably often, trying again and not giving up.
Now look at your own to do list. What’s on it? Does it seem ROCKSTAR to you? If not, change it! Start waking up to a ROCKSTAR to do list everyday. And starting your own show/business is one of those ROCKSTAR things.
Be bald bold entrepreneur
There could be a lot of emotional pain in a young going bald mans life. And it’s understandable. Early baldness is a hard thing to deal with at this very young age. And there is a lot of youthful energy wasted on this emotional pain. Well, I have a great way for you young bald man out there to channel this youthful abundant energy in a very positive way. Start your own bussiness! Enough said.
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