Young going bald man often if not always suffers by inferiority of his unfortunate situation – he went bald way too young.
This is understandable of course. And it takes time to process and get through. I’ve been there. I went bald way too young and it was hard in the beginning. Very hard! Maybe even harder than what you’re going through. But slowly over time I turned the corner and emerged as a true bald ass kicker and winner. And you will too my fellow young bald man.
For now your duty is to not give up. Don’t give up! Go after your days with a thought, that one day not so long from today, you’ll become ass kicker and winner too. Because you will. Going bald in young age is not a social and attractiveness killer. Not at all! Quite opposite. You can rise above every man out there with higher confidence, better physical fitness and healt. Higher sex appeal and more attractive life. Guaranteed. You can do it! And you will!
What’s required to become attractive bald man and ultimate winner in life:
First off all – don’t give up!
Yes you’re miserable now. So are many others. Being young is hard. But you’ll recover. Trust me. I’m 40 now and I feel amazing. I look at my early twenties and just shake my head. It was hard! But it was hard primarily because I myself made it hard for myself. And the chances are pretty high, you’re making it hard for yourself too. It’s all good. Just don’t give up!
Concentrate on physical fitness and mental well being first
Strength train regularly and spend time outdoors!
Do fun cardiovascular activities outdoors – your choosing – surfing, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, tennis……..whatever you like the most. Being outside and physical is not only making your body attractive, strong and healthy, it’s also making your mind the same – attractive, strong and healthy.
Don’t forget about regular, intensive strength training. It’s the ultimate confidence and attractive healthy body builder.
Connect your fit body with great style!
Dress well. Pay attention what you wear. It seriously puts you ahead in attractiveness game. Young men and men in general are very sloppy about what they dress. So dress well my fellow young going bald man and stand out of the clouds.
It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to dress well. It’s cheap! Shop in discount stores and buy well fitting great clothes for great prices. Many of the quality stuff you buy like boots, jeans, shirts and jackets will last you long time. Remember, every day you step outside is the opportunity to look awesome! So don’t lose that opportunity! Dress well, dress for every occasion and stand out. Enough say on this topic!
So what’s the next you should be doing to stand out as an attractive ass kicker who happens to be bald too? There is off course more stuff to do, but these 3 are the most important for now. I don’t want to overwhelm you my fellow young going bald man on the mission to be attractive bald rockstar. Concentrate on these 3 and things will be improving rapidly. Go easy on yourself, work out, don’t give up, spend time outdoors, dress well and you’ll rock your days! And also go dig deeper into this website to learn more about how to become attractive bald man!
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