Things went well until……
I still remember those times. Full set of hair. I was proud of it. I did let them grow long. I was in a rock band. My hair was great looking. I was a good looking young man with hair.
Than I got punched in the face. I went bald quite fast. My plan and attitude had to suddenly change.
Young bald mans plan after the punch in the face video:
You my fellow young going bald or already bald man are probably in similar situation.
Life was grand until now.
Than ………
You got punched in the face young bald man
It is a punch in the face indeed, going bald too young. It really seems like meeting mr. Mike Tyson in the ring every time you get up in the morning.
It’s miserable!
It’s depressing!
It’s terrible!
Until it isn’t ……
Your plan B
Winner gets up recreates his plan and wins. Yes that was me 15 years ago and now it’s you my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
You just got punched in the face. You’re down on the floor. It’s time to get up and recreate your plan.
It is what winners do!
And you’re the winner!
So what should your next plan be?
I hope it’s this one:
Rocking the world and living bold life up to your true potential as an attractive success bald man!
If it is not. Please make it your new plan my fellow young going bald man. It’s fantastic plan to have. I had that plan and it worked very well for me indeed. That’s your plan too hopefully from today on. And start winning in life with that plan immediately!
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Managing depression for young going bald or already bald man
Young going bald man never give up!