No, this article is not about me bragging how amazingly awesome and attractive I am. I’m a bald man! Just a regular bald man!
But when I look around at the poor male population walking around me, that makes me realize that I’m not that regular.
I’m superman! Bald superman!
Hahahahahahaha! Yes I am!
Unfortunately it’s true!
But it’s not because I’m so attractive.
It’s because the bar is set so low!!!
Another bragging ment: And yes I set it very high for the rest of the guys.
Men, young men included are very unattractive flabby slobs who behave like cave men around women these days. That’s the majority of men. It’s sad but it’s quite truth.
The reason I’m telling you this my fellow young going bald or already bald man is that there is a huge opportunity for you in life!
Huge! Huge! Huge!
And it’s not going to change anytime soon!
And I wouldn’t stop at reaching that low set bar out there young man loosing hair looking for answers.
I would set that bar very high!
Very very high!
You can do that!
You have to do that!
Don’t tell me it’s too much work!
Yes it is!
But so what!
It’s available to you!
And you too want the most attractive women in the world undressing you with their eyes too!
Don’t tell me you don’t!
We all do!
I don’t consider myself being that attractive at all!
But women stare at me wherever I go!
No Joking!
I’m not making this up. And I know the right thing to do is to not talk about it! And be quite.
But I’m not going to be quite!
Because I want you to know it’s possible.
It’s actually very probable if you do what I want you to do.
On another note. What do you think about the guy who talks and writes about how awesome great attractive he is?
He’s a jerk!
Yes I’m willing to be a jerk right now to prove you my fellow young going bald man, that you can achieve the same.
Same what?
Beautiful girls and women staring at you all the time! Undressing you with their pretty eyes!
What a terrible thing to shoot for!
Isn’t it?
Well, maybe it is terrible, but it’s pretty much all we guys want 🙂
Yes off course we want more, but what we really want the most is the attention from the most attractive women and girls.
That off course means, that you’re a straight man. If not you’d want the attention from most attractive guys.
You can have that!
Believe me, you can have it!
It’s not that hard!
I’m a bald man. I’m happily married bald mam with 2 little kids. Yes I was bald when I was very young, but now I’m 39 and not a spring chicken anymore. I don’t need pretty eyes on me. I love my wife, she’s beautiful and I wouldn’t change her for anything.
But I can’t help it and yes I’ll repeat it and be a jerk again: Pretty women are undressing me with their eyes a bald man everywhere I go! Now go and use my example my fellow young going bald man! Make them do the same to you!
My call to action for you young going bald man:
Don’t let the early baldness limit you at anything you do and want to do!
Starting today!
The pretty eyes want to land on you and undress you! Go attract them!
Related articles:
Confidence for attractive bald man – part 5
Bald too young and taking advantage of it
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 3
One more reason I love puppies
Live bold bald life!
Bald men should be little cocky
Do women find bald men unattractive?