Attractive young going bald or already bald man is a man with strong durable unbreakable mental fitness. Having this kind of mental fitness is a serious asset in life of bald or going bald man. So how do you achieve this kind of mental fitness?
You achieve it by achieving great physical fitness first. It sort of comes automatically with that. You’ll still have to destroy few mental blocks that are there somewhere in your head. But, I will talk about those in one of my next articles. Let’s just concentrate on physical and mental fitness deep connection now.
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man video:
No excuses please my fellow young bald man
Yes you heard that right. No excuses at all for not being maximally physically fit you can be. No time, physical limitation, bad genes, wrong friends, too much study to do. It’s all the same – excuses.
You my fellow young bald man can not afford to not be in best physical shape you can possibly be. It should be your priority from now on.
I am very serious! I’m glad you understand this young going bald man on mission and you’re not making any excuses. It’s a done deal! You’ll get very physically fit! Fantastic! Let’s move on!
Physical fitness as a lifestyle
Not only I want you to become very physically fit my fellow young going bald man, I also want you to make physical fitness your lifestyle.
What does it mean to live lifestyle of physical fitness?
It means to think about it as if your life depended on it. And it really does depend on it. Especially your attractive life. I’m sure that’s what you care about the most right now my fellow young going bald man.
Physical fitness lifestyle means also, that you’re looking always for an opportunity to move more, being more uncomfortable in your days by seeking physical challenges and exposing yourself to cold, heat, sun, rain and wind. Because all those natural forces make you a more attractive, more happy, more durable mentally man.
Physical fitness lifestyle means that, you enjoy these positive physical struggles that make you stronger at every aspect of your life. Adopt physical fitness lifestyle my fellow young going bald man. Starting toda!
That of course means doing your workouts regularly and consistently.
The mental benefits
Like I said before the fitter you are physically, the fitter you’re mentally too. The main mental benefits achieved by strong physical fitness are:
Mental toughness
It’s hard to get insulted by an asshole if you’re physically and at the same time mentally fit. You just laugh into that persons face that was trying to insult you. I’ve done that so many times ๐
Other mental toughness examples worth noting here is the mental toughness to come out of a major failure or set back with positive attitude and not giving up. The readiness to fight back and not dwell on your failure is a huge benefit of physical fitness transferred to mental fitness.
High self confidence
High self confidence is without doubt the most attractive trait young bald or any man can possess. And yes it comes with great physical fitness. This is the single most important mental benefit of physical fitness transferred to great mental fitness you can’t leave behind my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Fight like hell to achieve maximum physical fitness to achieve maximum self confidence. It’s a beautiful thing to possess!
High decisiveness – boldness in action
Being a highly decisive person who trusts his actions and moves on them fast is also fantastic trait young bald man can possess. And it will serve you very well forever.
Yes my fellow young going bald or already bald man, high decisiveness and boldness comes automatically with high physical fitness!
I believe with my humble opinion ๐ that I managed to get this gift of boldness in action and high decisiveness from my overall high fitness level in high doses. I’m the boldest bald man in the world with fastest boldest actions. Feel free to challenge me on this one my fellow young going bald man. Hit the gym, stay very physically fit and I’ll be happily willing to give you the first place on this one. I would love to see you succeeding wildly at this one. It’s so worth it!
People who are highly decisive and are bold in their actions basically run the whole world. Off course they make mistakes. But they act so much and so fast that they succeed way more than fail. And the result is – they learn from their mistakes and that is the fastest way to learn. Plus they succeed on their wildest dreams because, they’re not afraid to act on them. Just writing this column makes me pumped up and incredibly motivated to do some bold fast actions that I have on my list and succeed or fail!
Life is short! Get physically fit and act fast on your dreams and actions and move with boldness my fellow young bald man! And than succeed wildly!
Growth mindset – not taking failure too seriously
When a young bald man becomes very physically fit, he will almost always look at his failures differently. More positively. And without getting negatively down on himself. It is a huge part of being mentally strong.
Almost every successful person looks at his failures as stepping stones to his successes. And that’s exactly what they are. Failing is the best way of learning. Fail often enough my fellow young going bald man and your success is virtually guaranteed! But first, you have to develop this ability of so called growth mindset. And great physical fitness is big part of it.
Yes, it is the growth mindset the most successful and attractive people have. And almost every one of them is physically fit. And with that it gives his mind an opportunity to be fit as well and to develop this incredibly skill – growth mindset! Do the damdest to get it my fellow young bald man!
Better decision making ability
If you’re physically fit my fellow young going bald or already bald man, you’re most likely to stay calm and make the right decision in critical moments.
I still remember my 6 month old daughter going into a febrile seizure in the middle of the night. While everybody panicked I calmly and confidently picked up the phone, called 911 and went to help. Because there wasn’t any help that was necessary from us. Our daughter needed to be just held and the most important was to call 911. When they arrived they did what was necessary and helped her like only professionals can. I stayed calm and made the right decission.
And big part if it was mine overall physical fitness levell.
Self belief
Better physical fitness you have, the more you believe in yourself. And believing in your abilities is important. Very important. It’s huge part if self confidence. Work hard on your body my fellow bald man and start believing in yourself!!! It’s a beautiful ability to have.
Physical benefits
Physical benefits of great fit body are amazing!!!!
Great health
Health is first! If you don’t have health you don’t have anything my fellow bald man. Get very fit and be very healthy forever! Enough said here.
High energy
Energy is life!!! Lots of energy is hell of a lot more life. Being a person with lots of energy is also very attractive! Being physically fit gives you lots of energy. Take the most you can possibly get my fellow bald man!
Attractive look
I don’t have to write a lot here too. You’re not dum! You know it! Being physically fit is attractive to the eye. Being unfit is unattractive!
Now who do you think the most beautiful girls that are very fit too like to have as potential dates? Bingo! Fit guys! Yes off course fit bald guys!
Fit means effort. If you are fit it means you’re not a lazy ass. And that’s attractive and most importantly very visible!
Great sex
Yes my fellow bald man, the fitter physically you are, the fitter mentally you’ll be and the better performer in bed you’ll become. It is quite true.
Respect from others
Now this one benefit is a manly macho one from Milan. The fitter physically you are, the more respect people show you. It’s a fact.
I believe this comes from prehistoric times where muscles, size and strength were the most important traits for survival. But we still are genetically wired to react like that when we see a physically fit man. Anyway, however shallow it might sound my fellow bald man, get physically fit and gain respect with it!
Better enjoyment of everything in life
Yes, it all comes down to being able to withstand the challenges of life, learn from them and try more challenging things. And off course being able to enjoy life to the fullest. And with great physical fitness you’ll achieve that. You’ll be mentally very fit to go after your wildest dreams and goals. And that’s what life really should be about. Don’t you think?
What are you waiting for young going bald or already bald man?
Now, if all these benefits of great physical fitness don’t motivate you to get fitter, I don’t know what will.
But I know, you’re convinced my fellow bald man. You understand how important physical fitness is for overall success, durability and ultimately health and attractive life. Now develop it even more my fellow bald man. Get even fitter. Reach a new level of your own fitness levell. And with it, reach also a new level of mental fitness too. Now go make it happen my fellow going bald or already bald attractive man on mission. Stay consistent. The results will come soon!
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