Cut it or shave it?
I don’t have nothing against shaving your head, but I think there is much better hairstyle for attractive bald man. And it is very short 2-5 mm cut. The balder you are the shorter is should be. It’s as simple as that.
I am against shaving hairstyle. It takes too much maintenance and I personally don’t think it looks the best on bald man. Short cut looks much better. And it’s more practical too. So now, when I already made some enemies between bald men that shave their heads, I can move on with my whip here.
Look at actor David Statham. Go ahead and google him. Can you imagine this attractive action hero with shaved head? It’s hard to do, isn’t it? He obviously knows what looks best on him. He’s a public figure and his stylist with him together figured this one out long time ago. No shaving! Keep something there! I like that!
Now, like I said before, I have nothing against bald men who chose to shave their heads often. But I believe, they can look better with some hair left.
The ideal hairstyle for bald man is perfection.

Young bald mans hair style
Now I don’t want to be talking here about myself and I hate it too. But I have a lot of young men asking me: “What was your transition to the hairstyle you have now?”
“Milan, did you just cut it one day and that was it?”
“Milan, did you cut it shorter and shorter every year you got balder?”
“What made you cut it short?”
“What age you were in when you decided to just cut it very short?”
How to cut your hair – for bald man only video:
First of all, let me tell you, that every since I decided to cut my hair very short, I only had great feedback on it. And I only took feedback from girls I was interested in. Yes the hot girls I was attracted to in my teens and twenties all liked my hair style! So I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t like yours my fellow going bald or already bald young man! Yes, there were those that didn’t like it. But quite frankly I didn’t care about those. There will always be some who hate it. It’s just the way it is.
Young bald mans situation and his hair cut decissions
Young going bald or already bald man will face different situations deciding on his perfect hair cut choice. Factors like stage of hair loss and age will be the main ones. And I am describing the decisions based on those factors below.
Sometimes though, other people might be influencing your perfect hair cut decisions. And often, these people can put a lot of pressure on a young going bald man. I don’t have any experiences with that. But I know many young bald men that do. Anyway, just do whatever you can do to make your loved ones happy. But ultimately I believe it should be yours only personal decision no matter what age you’re in. But family dynamics can be often very interesting. And I understand.
My advice to you if someone doesn’t want you to do something with your hair you are convinced is the right perfect hair cut for you? “Don’t ask for permission ask for apology”. That means you do it without asking anybody and when the initial shock comes, you say: “I am sorry”. Don’t worry, they’ll still love you! It’s just the hair cu!
Early stages in teen years of hair loss and the perfect hair cut.
This is a difficult period in life for young man who is loosing hair. I experienced this period only briefly. I was 19 when I noticed that I am going bald. But I can relate to these young men and their pain at least a little. There are young men out there that are completely bald at age 14!
And I still remember a young bald 14 years old man writing me a comment on one of my videos saying: Stop complaining mother F….r, I am completely bald and I am only 14! And yes he said MF to me for a no reason. I still haven’t figured out. I believe us bald men have to hold together, not bring each other down. Anyway, I wasn’t offended at all. I just felt the pain this young man is feeling. And it is painfull! He is 14 and already bald. That’s hard!
First off all, I am trying to help these very young men to overcome their early baldness. And yes I haven’t experienced it myself that early. And it must be devastating! I know! But these guys, maybe you too will eventually get older, and life will become great again for young bald man. I can certainly see it being very difficult at 14 or so.
Our minds in teen years make it very difficult to overcome early baldness with pride and right attitude. And it is very understandable! I’ve been there. All you want to do when you’re a teenager is to fit in. And the least you want, is to stand out. And bald man in early teen years stands out. Only rare few will live through these years thinking positively about their early baldness. I wasn’t one of them! I suffered too. And I was already 19! So, my deepest respect goes to these young going bald or already bald men! Hang in there guys! Things get better!
Now, enough for feeling sorry, let’s get to the right perfect hair cut for young bald men in teen years!
So what should young going bald man or already bald man choose for a haircut?
If the young man is already completely bald, he should choose 2-5 mm hair cut. Preferably on shorter side. I would say 3 mm clean cut all over the head is the perfect choice. Do it and don’t look back my fellow young bald man!
Now, for a young teenager who is just starting to loose hair, my advise for perfect haircut will be different.
And I actually did the same thing. When I noticed losing hair when I was 19, I kept the hair left quite long for a while. But I can still imagine how it really looked. Not good at all. So one day after my sprint running and workout, I decided to cut it. No more hiding, bold move, just cut it! I think it was still an influence on good feeling and endorphins after intensive workout that gave me the guts to do it. I strongly recommend it. Have a great intensive workout and cut it after! You’ll be certain you’re doing the right thing.
I went for 12 mm cut because I still had some hair on my balding spot. But it was already clear I will be bald soon.
I can’t say, that I liked it right from the beginning. It took about 2 weeks for me to get used to. But I never turned back and let the hair grow longer than 12 mm from that day. And as months and few years went by, I cut it shorter and shorter. Until recent 2 mm cut I use all the time. I cut it in 2 mm, let it grow to 3 or 4 and cut it again back to 2 mm in a week and a half or so now. And I love it! An I believe you’ll love it too my fellow going bald way too young man!
Reactions on your perfect hair cut you might get from people around you will be different.
I experienced 3 kinds of reactions to my short hair cut.
Fantastic, I love it, fits perfect reaction.
This reaction is usually from those who really love you and want only the best for you. It’s your decision and they’ll support you no matter what! And plus, they’re most likely not faking it at all. They mean it! This hairstyle really fits you the best! You look great! This is the go for it, have fun, life is short, positive, loving crowd you really want to have around you all the time.
There is a big life lesson in this: Surround yourself with people like this and you’ll be happy, healthy, successful human being.
O my good Milan, what have you done to your hair reaction.
Now this crowd doesn’t necessarily mean bad, they are just living their life in fear. They are conservative in nature and they’ll support everything majority claims to be right. They basically don’t want anyone around them to rock the world and do something outrageously fun and special. They’re hiders, complainers and they live small lives. You’re different!
Now, that doesn’t necessarily makes them a bad person. You just can’t take them very seriously when they react this way to your new, bold, daring, adventurous perfect young going bald mans hair cut. They are frightened by those words. And you’re different! You want to be bold, daring and adventurous. Off course you do! That’s where the biggest rewards lie in life. So my advice to you my fellow young going bald man when you encounter people like this would be: “Love them but ignore them”.
Looks good but I hate you being comfortable going bald reaction
Now, this is a vicious crowd, that actually validates the rightness of our decision in our short perfect hair cut move. They know it’s the best hair cut for us going bald or already bald men that shows the confidence of a bald man. But they don’t want to see a going bald or already bald man to show signs of confidence. They hate it. They want to see a bald man being low on self confidence. They want to feel good how great they have it to have hair and how miserable you are without it. Hahaha! How wrong they are and let’s keep pissing them off with our confident looks and perfect young going bald mans hair cut.
Like I said, this hating crowd, and trust me it is there, you might even be encountering on regular bases, validates our decision in our hair style decision. All it takes is to look through what the criticism is really about. And it’s usually jealousy of your high confidence and being comfortable with your going bald look. How terrible and vicious!
Early baldness in early twenties and hair cut decisions
When I noticed first time that I am going bald, I was thinking for some time, few months what would be the best hair style for me as a way too young bald man. No, I didn’t make a bold move and cut my hair left 3 mm short. It took some time for me to realize that, this is going to be a best hair style for me.
And my fellow going bald way too young man, I want you to do the same. Take your time and get ready for your perfect hair style.
Off course this stage doesn’t apply to those guys who are facing early baldness in their teen years. These guys already went through this. If not, this is their time.
So, when I realized that this is going to be the best hairstyle for me, I decided to cut it 12 mm short. Yes, it felt weird at first, but slowly over time it really started to feel very right. And when I got to the point, that I started really liking my look with very short hair, I started experimenting with the shorter cut. Next was 9 mm. Few months later it was 5 mm, than 3 mm where I realized it fits me the best. I eventually ended up keeping my cut at 2 mm until today. But I always let it grow a little to 3-4 mm before I cut it again week and a half later.
And I never looked back. I cut my hair every week and a half to a 2 mm length. And I love the look and feedback I get. And if somebody has anything offensive to say about it, f..k them. As I said before, they are just jealous of a bald man being comfortable with his look. And very confident too! That can really destroy some peoples day. Anyway, like I said before, these haters only validate what I am trying to put through on this web site: Even the youngest bald men can be the most attractive men out there in the world! Period!
Early baldness in late twenties and on and hair cut decisions
In late twenties you already see a lot of men out there who are your peers that are facing hair loss. Now you also see a different reaction to this so called hair problem. Some try to desperately hide it, some are very comfortable with it. How about your hair cut decision in your late twenties when you notice substantial hair loss?
I believe, that this is the age when your personality is almost formed. Yes you’re still gaining confidence in your abilities and actions. And quite frankly, more confident you’re, more you’re going to chose bold move. Cut the hair short! What’s wrong with short? Nothing! It shows actually that you’re comfortable with a bold move and you’re the man of action. So go ahead and cut it short! How short? My short answer would be: Go for 3 mm hair cut. And keep it that way for ever. You can go shorter or little longer, its up to you.
I maintain 3 mm hair cut sometimes 2 mm and I believe that’s the perfect length. But feel free to be little creative and adventurous here my fellow young going bald man. Try maybe little longer first. Or go for shorter cut. Experiment a little. There is nothing wrong with that! It actually shows your confidence. If you don’t like the result, just let it grow. And it will grow fast and than try something else.
How often it needs to be cut?
How often should you cut your hair my fellow young going bald man? I have a perfect number for you. And I apply it to my perfect haircut. I cut my hair in 2 mm length every 11 days, or every week and a half. And I am trying to be very disciplined about it. Once it becomes longer than 11 days, it’s just becoming too long and unpolished.
So again why every 11 days you should cut your hair young going bald man? First, you want to keep it nicely maintained and you don’t want to look sloppy. Second, actually you’re going to like it the most several days after you cut it. I am most satisfied with my hair at about 5th to 7th day after I cut my hair. Why? I can’t really explain that. I believe there is a certain time your hair needs to recover little from that initial cut. And also, I am not a strong believer in fresh clean cuts all the time.
I believe you will look much better if you’re busy, on the mission, no time to cut your hair every second day and keep it perfectly polished. I believe perfectly polished all the time is actually kind of a turn off. But that’s my opinion here. Feel free to keep it polished and perfectly short all the time if you’re inclined to that my fellow young going bald man.
I still believe in little imperfections being perfect. And showing little bit of those, little growth on your hair line after a week and more days from your hair cut shows that you’re just busy, you’re on the mission, you have better and bigger things to chase than just to pay constant attention to your perfectly polished short hair cut. That’s just how I feel about it. Take it however you want my fellow young going bald man.
My recent not so funny experience with my bald mans perfect hair cutting
Interesting, this scary and also little funny off course with happy end experience while cutting my hair last time actually made me do this thorough article about the perfect hair cut for young bald man.
It kind of is little of the topic, but also it can give you little parenting lesson for the future when you have kids some day. I have two little ones. My boy is 3.5 years old and my daughter is 11 months old. You can tell why I am not a fan of too often hair cuts. I am very busy man and it fits my style perfectly.
So I was cutting my hair to my desired length of 2 mm few days ago. I was home with kids. My daughter was taking a nap and I decided to use the little time window and cut my hair. And it’s been also 11 days since I cut it last time. Of course my 3.5 year old son is very curious and wanted me to cut his hair too. So, after I cut mine and my boy patiently waiting for his turn, I started cutting his. No I didn’t go for 3 mm. He has a set of hair still, but probably not for very long and my wife would probably kill me for it 🙂
So, I decided to just cut my boys sides short and than just to use my scissors for the top. By the way I will never ever do it again. He goes to barber next. That’s certain! All was going well. I buzzed his sides down and I started cutting his top when my daughter started crying in the room she was having her nap. I told Andre: “Wait for me! I’ll be back soon and finish your hair cut!” And I left the kitchen.
Now about 2 minutes later I stormed back to the kitchen after I heard loud pop. There was smoke everywhere. My son run scared toward me. I looked down on the floor and and saw that electrical court to my clippers was cut in half and scissors were half melted. I asked my son: “Did you get shocked?” He said no.
Later I learned that this happens quite often. “Little boys are curious! Don’t be surprised! And never let them alone in one room with scissors and any electrical court!” That’s what the article said. Lesson learned: Never cut your hair with little kids around you!
It is a funny story and everybody laughs when I tell it, but it could have ended way worst. Did I say it before: “I am one lucky, attractive, successful, bald bastard :)!” And I know you’re probably too my fellow young going bald man. Or if you’re not. Become one! It’s not that hard! I write how to on this website. So stick around longer and read some articles and learn my fellow young going bald man.
Perfect hair cut for attractive young going bald or already bald man
Going for perfect haircut for attractive successful young going bald or already bald man is a very personal decision. It’s your decision! I’m just trying to help you decide. And since I’ve been there where you’re now, young and going bald, and I have a lot of experience in this subject,I want to help you decide on your perfect hair cut. And I already know, that deep down you already know what your perfect haircut for your balding head is. You subconsciously already know it my fellow young going bald man. So my last words will be: Go for what’s your heart is telling you. You’re most likely to not regret that. Good luck on your decision making and perfect hair cutting!
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Amazing!! Great post.