Becoming young attractive going bald man is a complex matter. But I have a strategy for you my fellow young going bald or already bald man to increase your overall attractiveness, boldness and self confidence right away.
Off course this is not a substitute for long term consistent work and attitude that is required to be and stay Attractive Bald Man forever.
But it will give you great head start on this fantastic journey.
Why wait if you can see huge results immediately?
Fake it until you make it steps for becoming attractive young going bald man:
Improve your posture.
Stand straight, don’t slouch, keep your shoulders back and down, chest up, look slightly up. Try to be the tallest you can be.
This is huge! You’ll immediately appear more confident and attractive.
Cut your hair short.
This is a controversial issue. I don’t want to sound like you have to do it.
You don’t! If you don’t feel comfortable right away to cut your hair short, than don’t do it.
But if you do, it will make a huge difference how people perceive you:
This man is confident, bold and is not afraid to show it! Yes that’s you with short hair cut.
Start getting some sun daily.
Not too much and not too little. 10-45 min per day depending on the season.
You don’t want to burn!
And you won’t if you apply smart optimal sun exposure on regular basis.
The easiest way to do it? Play sports outside. Hang out a lot outside.
Tan people, on their faces too, look better, fitter, happier. They are more attractive. Tan people look like they really have fun in their life’s. And that’s very attractive!
It’s a fact! Don’t question it and get some sun everyday my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Be smart about it. Don’t burn!
Look people straight into their eyes.
Not too long, but little bit longer than you used to. 5-15 seconds is perfect. It depends on the situation you’re in.
If you learn and force yourself to do this, of course with a nice relaxed smile, you’ll spear more attractive and very confident right away.
How simple. How fantastically effective!
Cut the sugar in your diet.
Additional sugar in your diet is a poison that robs you off your energy and true natural sex apeal. It messes up with your overall hormonal system.
Sugar is a powerful drug that you have to avoid young going bald man in mission. No more additional sugar in your diet! Period.
Adopt relaxing smile.
Try to smile more in your day. Keep relaxing smile on your face all the time if you can. And watch what happens. This one is huge! Don’t underestimate it. Smile more, be more attractive and confident with it. Period!
Invest little in your style.
And almost last but by no means less important, start dressing better!
This is huge!
And us men drop the ball here all the time. It doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive.
It’s quite simple but very effective.
Few simple items you should invest in today:
Buy stylish boots and perfectly fitting jeans with some black and white fitted Vneck tshirts.
1 pair of boots, 2 pairs of jeans, 3 black fitted V-neck T-shirts, 3 white fitted V-neck T-shirts = about $130 if you look for sale or buy in discount store.
And off course start wearing these items right away. They are simple, stylish and you’ll look great in them.
Buy pull up bar for your home and start doing pull ups daily.
Yes, you might as well start your physical fitness development right away.
And it’s simple. Start with pull ups.
Go to the store today or order it online and start doing pull ups daily before you jump to a whole body workout routine I recommend.
It’s ok and actually fantastic to start with just pull ups.
You should try to do 5 times maximum amount of repetitions at least 3 times per week now.
You’ll be getting stronger and looking fitter immediately. With that your overall confidence and attractiveness will skyrocket. Don’t think too much about it my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Order a pull up bar for your home and go out to the park and do your 5 sets before it arrives.
Doing pull ups is the single best exercise in the world. And it’s also the best and most efficient way to strengthen your upper body. Everything benefits!
Start today.
I’m a strong believer in starting without knowing. And learning and adjusting on the way up. It’s the most effective way to change and transformation. It’s the way I did it. And I strongly recommend it to you my fellow young man who is losing his hair way too early. It’s the best hair loss solution too! Because it works. Start being Attractive Bald Man immediately! Start right now!
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