A while ago I was reading few hair loss forums online and I was trying to find out, in which direction these forums are heading. One question from young seventeen potentially very attractive young bald man stuck with me. He was and probably still is looking for answers. And he was getting the answers. A lot of them. Unfortunately, they were wrong, terrible answers.
Going bald at seventeen – be careful who you listen video:
Going bald at 17 is not an easy think to handle. Our brains at 17 are sabotaging us and it is a turbulent period of life. I am sure you agree with me here. And going bald at this age can complicate the matter even more. Much more!
At 17 and bald, you are willing to do anything to get the hair back. Anything! So what usually happens is, that everybody tries to feed you and sell you on their getting hair back product. You at seventeen and going bald with all that pain that comes with it are a very easy target for hair loss industry and all their charlatan products. Beware! This is not the real answer for you my young going bald friend.
My only advice to you young seventeen potentially very attractive bald man is to not listen to these people. I know it’s hard! It’s very hard! All your friends and peers have hair and you are loosing it. It seams like the end of the world. But it’s not! It really gets better! Trust me! Hang in there! Your baldness can really be a ticket to incredibly attractive life. Trust me on this. I live life like that. And I want you to live attractive, bald, healthy, full of enthusiasm and attractive partners life with lot of confidence. This is possible. Actually, it’s quite probable if you manage to do few important steps in your life and stick to them.
Deal with your baldness the healthiest way possible. Cut it short, get very fit, get busy doing things you love, use that incredible young energy on your own development. And trust me, few years, not that long from your 17, things will be turning to the other side. You’ll be out of high school, college years will roll in and you’ll be out of college too. My bald attractive college years were fantastic! But, as soon as I finished college and entered the real life, my bald head proved to be my biggest advantage of all. And took maximum advantage of it. And again, I want you to do the same.
If you manage to do what’s necessary to do to become bald attractive man, the girls, beautiful women, and any attractive person out there in your environment will be giving you an incredible attractive feedback. They will be asking you out. They’ll want you! They will be very attracted to you – young Attractive Bald Man. I know you wanted to hear that. That’s why I said it. Because I know that young guys like you and me and every bald guy out here who was very young and going bald stress about their baldness with one primary reason – people I am attracted to won’t find me attractive. And that is simply not true! Take that out of your head now! It is not truth! I repeat.
Like I said in the video, these young seventeen years and younger guys out there who are going bald have to find this website eventually. It’s my wish they do soon. That’s why I am desperately trying to beat the ranks of a Google and I am successful with that so far. So these young guys find Bald Attraction and it’s healthiest, boldest, most attractive solution for going bald too young guys out there. And I am succeeding with that. If you google question – Can Bald Be Attractive? You’ll find me on first spot. Great! Now dive in and lean. And make sure you apply. And become Attractive Bald Man. No, stomp that! Become the most attractive man in the world. Yes bald man is the most attractive man in the world. And it could be soon you! Amen!
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