I was never a mantras kind of guy. It always seemed to me a kind of wishy washy BS kind of thing that never works. But a year ago I realized that well crafted mantras are very important for especially those youngest bald men out there.
About a year ago I started using mantras in my life.
I met a very successful real estate guy. Yes he is bald. He’s very successful, happy and rich. He is very confident and very pozitive. He’s physically fit and yes he’s what we consider being an Attractive Successful Bald Man. And he’s only 29 years old.
I asked him straight forward like I always do:
“Josh what is the one single most important thing you consider being responsible for your overall wild success in life”?
And I told him right away that I don’t mean only his financial success. I pointed on his confidence, very positive outlook on life, health, fitness and overall happiness.
His answer was very straight forward and very surprising to me:
“I read my written mantras loud several times per day”. Josh replied.
I thought for a second. Interesting. This guy is a serious attractive happy bald ass kicked and he’s giving the credit for it to his writen mantras he reads several times per day? Hmmmmm.
There must be something about it! I was thinking.
So my follow up question was: “What are your mantras”?
I was trying to get the exact sentences. He said he won’t give me his exact sentences, but he will tell me what they contain.
“Listen Milan, in order to really succeed in life not only financially but generally being happy confident at peace man, you need few very important traits. They are”:
Positive mind
Winning attitude
Self belief
Confidence in your abilities
“Now go ahead and combine those in your few mantras you read loud to yourself”. Josh snapped at me.
And I did!
And I created them for you too Attractive Successful Bald Man in making.
I read them loud 3 times per day.
Every day!
And you should too my fellow bald man on mission.
I have these mantras Writen down in two sheets of paper.
And I can seriously and honestly say that, since reading them to myself often and loud every day, my overall success, positive outlook at life and winning attitude skyrocketed.
And all that is showing not only on my bank account, it’s showing at every aspect of my life like health, relationship, attractiveness, overall well being just to name few.
I just wish somebody convicted me sooner about the effectiveness of this simple but very powerful habit.
Here are my mantras that I strongly recommend for you too my fellow young going bald or already bald man:
I am positive, confident winner and risk taker.
Negative thought never enters my mind. If it does I immediately grab it by its hair and kick it out of my head. I immediately replace it for positive thought.
I am positive, organized, very physically fit and healthy ass kicker.
I think and dream big. I follow and pursue my big dreams and goals daily and aggressively.
I approach my tasks with confidence and boldness. I act fast. I always act to win!
I am not afraid of failure. I fail often with big smile on my face because my failures are failures of ambition. I know that every failure is another learning opportunity and stepping stone to success.
All that positive thinking and bold confident risk taking makes me successful in life, happy and financially independent.
I always achieve anything I want in life.
I am very thankful for what I have in life: my health, my family and their health…………….name yours things you’re thankfull for. But always end your mantras with thanking for what you already have.
Now this are my mantras.
I recommend them to you too young bald man on a mission.
They seriously and immediately switch my mindset back from wandering around to one focused thought that stands out – positive, confident winner!
And I want the same for you my fellow bald man.
I know it might seem like a wishy washy thing that you don’t really believe.
I understand!
I was under the same impression too.
But than realizing how much my mind tends to wander around to many often negative rabbit holes, I immediately implemented it.
And always when I read these mantras, it brings clarity to what I really want my state of mind to be. And state of mind my fellow young going bald man is EVERYTHING!
Attractive successful bald man on mission, your reflection of what’s happening in your life is a reflection of what’s happening in your head. Your overall mindset creates your life. Now what do you think positive, winning, confident mindset is going to create? Yes You got that right! Attractive Successful Bald Winner!
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