Part of being attractive successful bald man is having courage. Courage is not given, it is developed by you, me and everyone of us. Having courage is a combination of experience, mental and physical fitness and forced through fear action.
Courage for attractive bald man video:
Courage is not not being afraid. Being afraid is normal. It’s here to stay. Courage is moving and acting in spite of that fear you experience before you make that brave move.
Being scared is ok, what matters is what you do after
I am scared and afraid quite often. So are you my fellow attractive bald man on a mission. So is everyone else. That’s given. Fear is here to stay. Feeling fear is normal. It’s what you do after that matters.
Most people get paralyzed by fear and they hide or crawl under the table. Somewhere where it’s safe. Again this is normal. This is what majority does.
But, you my fellow bald man don’t want to be like majority. You’re special. You have to become courageous, attractive, successful bald man. And when you face the fear, you do something tiny minority does:

Action builds courage
Yes I said that before. You have to act yourself to become a courageous person. Action is the best courage teacher. Period!
What does that mean for you my fellow soon to be very courageous attractive bald man? It means that you can acquire courage.
That’s a great news! Isn’t it?
So, if you see a courageous man out there that’s doing something you are frightened off, like for example some kind of public speaking (one of the most frightening activities for people) he was frightened off it too before. But he acted in spite of that fear.
And over time he stopped being afraid of that activity anymore. The courage grew. He became more confident. More confident and courageous! Because he now knows he can apply that principle everywhere in his life. And so can you my fellow young going bald man!
Physical fitness builds courage muscles in bald mans mind
The more physically fit you are, the easier and more natural it is going to be courageous for you. There is something that happens with a mans brain when he becomes physically very fit. He believes in himself and his abilities more. He’s more confident. He’s more intelligent. He becomes kind of a superman that is very aware of his own abilities. So it is easier to be more courageous automatically by just getting into perfect physical shape. It actually comes automatically with it.
Act yourself to become courageous attractive bald man
You’re in a book store buying your nephew a present for his birthday. Or you are in a gym working on your arms and beautiful girl passes by.
You’re immediately attracted to her. You’re single and you have your evening free tonight and tomorrow. You want to ask this girl out! But you’re afraid! You really are! And yes it can be frightening to approach the best looking girl in the room.
Now this is what you should do. Tell yourself: “I am going to act in spite of my fear and ask this girl out. She will most likely say no. And that’s ok. But at the same time I am working on my arm muscles, I will strengthen those courage muscles too.”What a great attitude!
Now you’re facing 3 possible outcomes. She’ll say yes, she will say no, and she might say not today, I already have something. Now I am not going into details about how to handle each of this situations. It is not the subject of this article. But what just happened is: You showed courage! And at the same time you also strengthened it! No matter what the answer of this girl to your question is, it’s time to feel fantastic about yourself! You did it! And next time it’s going to be easier! How fantastic!
Now this is a perfect example of how you act yourself to become attractive bald courageous man! More you do it, sooner you’ll become more courageous. Use every opportunity to strengthen your courage muscles my fellow bald man.
Courageous bald man is attractive
To see courage in a man these days is rare. That’s why it is so valuable and attractive. And now you have the recept how to gain this valuable skill my fellow bald man. Go after it! Work on it! Test it’s limits! Your courage muscles will grow!
Courageous bald man is successful
People who really succeed in life have courage. Courage is exactly the primary tool they used to succeed. These courageous people used courage to move through the fear. The fear was there and most of others were paralyzed by it. But the person who moved past that fear with courage most likely found a pot of gold in these uncharted waters.
I want you my fellow bald man to be courageous not only because it is very attractive, but also because you deserve to succeed wildly in this world. And if you build strong courage, you’ll certainly succeed. It’s almost guaranteed! Work on that courage of yours bald man on a mission and succeed!
Courageous bald man changes world
Yes, courageous people like you soon to become my fellow bald man change the world. The reason is simple. As I said before, they ventured to uncharted waters where most would never step, because of the fear, and they find something we depend on now.
Examples are many. Columbus, Steve jobs, Elon Musk, Wright brothers and many others. They risked everything and they changed the world. That was their reward.
I’ll only add here: Build your courage my fellow bald man, become successful attractive man and you never know. You might change the world as well.
Become courageous bald man!
Bald man who sets his goal to become a man of courage will find that, courage is really responsible for all the valuable things in this world. If you want that hot date, you’ll have to use courage to ask that date out. If you want a better career, you’ll have to find it. And than, you’ll have to quit your old job with a risk and courage of starting a new job, that you don’t still know will be a better one. If you want to have a family, you’ll need courage to ask your girlfriend to marry you. I know many men don’t want that hassle. But it’s so worth it! If you want to start successful business and make it big, you’ll need the courage to venture in opposite direction than the rest of your college buddies. And so on it goes.
Everywhere where there is a value to be found my fellow young going bald or already bald man, you see courage playing a big role. Courage is as I said before a rare thing to see in a man these days. And that’s why it is so valuable. Every bald man out there, yes you my fellow bald man too should seek courage to not only be attractive bald man, but to also live with no regrets and succeed wildly. Now make it happen! Become more courageous attractive bald man! Starting today!
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