Every Bald man was meant to do certain unique things in this world. Every human was! Every bald man out there has his own special genius within himself. I call this the personal unique genius of a man. And many of us already found it. And if you did, congratulations! It is one of the most fortunate things that can happen to you. But what if you haven’t found it yet? How do you find your true unique genius?
I have a simple formula for this: Your true unique genius lies within the edges of the stuff you were yelled at in elementary school for doing.
Find your bald unique genius and develop it video:
Early childhood and uncovering your true unique genius
I will take a little example of my son here. He’s way too young for him being the perfect example for us bald guys here of uncovering his true unique genius, but there are signs already. He’s only 3.
I noticed, he is been yelled at by his grandmama, mom and also me for taking things apart. He learned how to use screwdriver and since then all I do is to put things back together. So looking around the edges of his activity, he might be inclined and great at handling tools and possibly building things.
The important thing to realize here is, that he is by no means great at it yet, but it might be the best thing to start developing somehow. Like for example encouraging him to do more of it. And of course stop yelling at him 🙂
Now how about you? What were you yelled at when you were just a young boy having fun doing?
It could be anything:
Planting plants on a new living room carpet
Setting up a fire in the middle of living room (I did that with my brothers :))
Climbing the big fences
Raising hamsters or guinea pigs
Throwing rocks on targets like windows
Going on the roofs of big buildings illegally (I did this one too)
The list goes on.
Possibilities are endless, and my examples might be little extreme here. The point here for you Attractive Bald Man in making is to find your own true unique genius. Think hard what you had a lot of fun doing when you were just a young boy that other people didn’t like you doing. But you did it anyway.
I from the depth of my heart wish for every bald man out there to find his true unique genius. Why?
Attractive Bald Mans true unique genius
When a bald man finds his true unique genius, his life changes. And it changes for better. Doing something what you were meant do and you love to do is one of the best things that can happen to you.
You loose track of time doing your craft.
You can’t wait to engage in your craft.
You’re having an incredible fun performing your craft.
You’re excited every day to get up and do something you’re good at. No, great at!
You’re immediately more attractive, because you’re having fun. Having fun is attractive!
You’re more successful in general, because you’re an expert at doing something you love doing and were meant to be doing.
Bald attractive successful man will find his unique genius eventually. He will keep searching until he finds it. And than he will develop it further. Bald attractive successful man is a man on the mission with a lot of passion. And that’s why it is very important for him to find his true unique genius. So, let me ask you one more time my fellow attractive successful bald man in making: What were you yelled at for in elementary school, when you were just a young boy doing something exciting? Now go do more of that!
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