There is nothing more wasteful than a perfectly looking and fit young going bald or bald man who has bad clothes on himself.
Style of bald superman.
Yes my fellow young going bald or already bald man, the stuff you put on yourself, the kind of stuff you dress every day is very, very, very important.
No, you don’t dress well only for the others. You dress in style mainly for yourself.
Dressing well in style promotes self confidence, self respect, motivation, fantastic mood among other great things.
You magnify everything good in your life by doing anything dressed well and in style.
Buying great quality stylish clothes is an investment.
It’s an investment in better you!
It’s one of the best investments you can make.
You invest in yourself!
There is no better way to spend some capital than that!
My advice to you young going bald man is always to start with physical fitness and style. Everything else seems to fall in place with those too.
Fit body promotes health, strength and fit positive mind. And dress that fit body in style and Superman – YOU is born!
You won’t go broke young bald man shooting for great style!
Quality on discount is the name of the game here.
Let me give you an example:
I just bought boots online for $55. They are really great quality, they have style, I love them. It’s spring now and they were on sale. The original price was $190. Yes I got a great deal and these boots will last me very long time.
You won’t have to shop all the time!
You only need few great quality stuff and they will last you very long time. Pair of good quality boots will last you at least 5 years. Good quality jacket too.
Yes you’ll have to invest in some stylish shirts and jeans regularly. But you can buy them very cheap. I bought recently pair of Lucky brand jeans for 10 bucks in discount store.
Forget about brands, focus on pure style!
I don’t care about Ralph Lauren shirt that costs $35. I buy the generic $12 Hanes shirt. There’s really nor a difference between those 2. They’re both made in China and probably in the same factory. And people don’t care. And you shouldn’t either.
Yes you can find deals on great quality clothing everywhere. I would go as far as to say: Don’t ever buy anything that is not on sale.
Now what kind of clothing should you invest in?
My simple but effective style formula:
3 pair of Jeans – 2 for daily use that are fashionably worn down, 1 dark blue for more conservative occasions.
5 + 5 fitted V-neck black + white shirts
2 – fitted V-neck long sleeve sweaters
3 pairs of boots – black polished + brown polished + one of them based on your bad ass style. I have a punk rock brown bad ass boots. You my fellow young going bald man will chose most likely different kind. Anyway, have some fun with choosing it!
Summer and spring.
I spend a lot of time teaching kids sports, so I dress often in just a sport kind of comfortable clothing.
I have 3 sports shorts that are new. Good tennis shoes go with them that match.
I have 1 nicer short pants and one jeans worn out shorts I made myself by just cutting the leg part with scissors.
The key points to take away about the style of bald superman:
Wear boots with jeans and pair them with stylish V-neck shirt. And there is not too much to choose from. You go for either white shirt or black one. It’s that simple. In colder month pair it with a nice jacket of your choosing and sweater.
Never wear tennis shoes with your jeans. Never, never, never ever! Jeans go only with boots and regular shoes.
The tennis shoes go always with shorts.
Dress for every occasion:
Yes even if you’re just doing work around the house, going to gym, playing soccer or tennis or just going for short run in the neighborhood. Dress for it!
That means nice newer clothes. Throw all the old stuff with holes away and get some new clothes.
Confidence rises with style.
One amazing benefit you get from dressing well and paying attention about your style is that, it automatically makes you feel better about yourself. It makes you more confident. It makes you more bold in your action. You respect yourself with great style more. Everything benefits! Everything!
You become bold, attractive confident bald young man when you dress better. It’s as simple as that. And it works in every single young going bald mans case. It will 100% work for you too the same way.
Often I see a decently fit, good looking bald young guy that wears horribly looking clothes. Baggy huge shorts, ugly khaki pants and loose old color faded shirt. What a waste!
No wander girls are not looking!
But if this young bald man turned his style around 360 degrees, and it can be turned in a matter of few days, suddenly the pretty eyes are on him.
Suddenly he stands out!
He’s attractive! He’s visible and provocative and interesting. Why not?!! It’s the biggest bang for an easy effort.
You already paid your dues by staying fit, being confident and working hard on yourself. Now magnify it with fantastic style!
Superman doesn’t wear a ripped, pale shirt and ugly tennis shoes. And attractive young bald superman neither. Yes Superman has an uniform he dresses in all the time. And now you have uniform too my fellow young going bald Superman in making. Use it as your own default uniform. It’s the great quality jeans paired with fitted V neck white or black T shirt and great boots. So if you’re in doubts stay true to this simple, stylish, effective, attractive superman like uniform. When it’s time to go and save the world from bad guys, put your uniform on!
Dress better, pay attention to style my fellow young going bald man. Never forget about it. Plan and pay attention to it. You’ll confidently become fully with it, what you ultimately want to become. Dress in style for every occasion! Enough said!
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