I occasionally receive an email from Bald Attraction Fans with their story. I love, love, love receiving these email. I am very thankful for them. And I am very humbled by them. It really makes me feel that I am making a difference and helping and that means everything to me. Thank you attractive bald guys out here!
Thank you, all of you guys out there, who support the work I am doing here on Bald Attraction. Even you guys who don’t. That only validates, that this passion of mine, my life project – helping men, especially those very young ones to embrace their baldness fast and use it to their advantage. And help them to become very confident, bold attractive bald men right away.
Here is the email I received from Tim. Thank you Tim! You really opened my eyes even wider to understand the pain young balding guys go through. That matters not only to me, but a lot of young guys will benefit from it as well:
I posted on your site a few weeks back, and just signed up for the newsletter yesterday, and wanted to thank you again for putting together such a positive site!
I suppose you could say I am also an attractive bald man, albeit with a bit of a different angle!
As I posted on your page, I’m probably a year or two younger than you, and started losing my hair when I was 17 – I completely panicked. I was overweight as a kid, but worked hard to get very fit when I was about 14-15. Life was great! I got a lot of attention from girls, and was looking forward to the future.
When I noticed hair all over my pillow a few months after I turned 17, I freaked – over the next few years, I’d try the drugs – Rogaine and Propecia – all kinds of herbal creams, standing on my head – and NOTHING worked! When I graduated college at 23, it was pretty bad and I had been wearing a hat all the time for a few years – I still got girls, but really hated how I looked without the hat. I was very demoralized. I had really loved my hair, and now just a few years later I had a combover and was taking some jokes from friends! None of my close family was bald, and I only knew one friend who was losing his hair – at the time, it wasn’t nearly as bad as mine was.
Here’s where I could have really used your site! But, it was 2002, and there was no YouTube, and no real websites where you could talk to other guys who were going through it or recently gone through it. I saw the ads for Hair Club for Men all over TV, including one during the Super Bowl that year, and figured I would go in and see what it was all about.
I admit, the guys I met there looked great – the guy who really sold me was 36, and looked exactly what 23 year old me thought I should look like at 36. So I went for it, even though I didn’t really understand what I was in for. I was really shocked when I realized they were shaving down the top of my head and gluing a wig on me! I held it together until I got out, then drove to a Starbucks, where I threw up in the bathroom.
A few days later, I saw myself in the mirror, and standing there was the old “me” that I had liked so much – I did look great, and soon was getting attention from younger girls again even when not wearing a hat. But I didn’t feel quite right – like I was hiding who I really was! That continued over several years, and I didn’t tell anybody about what I’d done. Not until several years ago, when I had been dating a girl for a few years, did I tell someone about it.
And, as you say, SHE DIDN’T CARE. She didn’t care if I was bald, or if I had hair, though she did like my “hair.” But she did care that I had been embarrassed about being bald, and what I’d done about it! After we broke up and I started dating another girl, I told her and she didn’t care either! I’ve since told a lot of people, and NOBODY cares!
Exactly as you have said on your site, NOBODY cares if you are bald if you are confident and comfortable with who you are! This is extremely difficult for a young, balding man to come to grips with – I thought it would be impossible to be the person I wanted to be without my hair, and I was NEVER so wrong! I don’t think there is anything wrong with wearing a hair system, if you’re comfortable with what you’re doing and who you are, but I think it’s a LOT easier for most guys if they cut it short and work on rebuilding their confidence!
So I think what you’re doing is incredibly important – I don’t know what it is like for other guys to lose their hair, but when it happens as a teen, it’s really hard! You need good role models to show you that it’s not the end of the world, and that’s exactly what you’re doing! When I was 17, I thought being bald would be a disaster – now, if a guy is fit and dresses well, I think it can be a really good look! So thank you for helping the younger guys out there, and I’ll look forward to more posts on the site!
Again, I am incredibly humbled by this email. Thank you Tim again! You are truly Attractive Bald Man. And at the same time, I feel responsibility to keep going with this incredibly passionate project of mine – Bald Attraction, to keep spreading the message and helping especially you young guys out there, who go through something Tim a I and many, many others went through before and those many who will go through in very young age. Let’s help them become Confident, Bold, Attractive, Bald Men.
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Milan, thanks for sharing my story! Hopefully it can help some younger guys out there who are navigating through a tough experience.
To any young guys checking in, listen to what Milan is saying – he’s absolutely right! I know it’s tough. When I was 21, I floated the idea of cutting it down to some friends – one guy enthusiastically said, “Shave it!!” (this was about 2000, before it was as common), and another guy said, “Just cut it short…that’s what my dad does.” Neither was what I wanted to hear at age 21!! I wanted my awesome hair back, not to look like some guy’s 55 year old dad!
You’ll soon find, though, that other friends will be losing their hair, so you’re not the only one! And people care a LOT more about how you act and your overall confidence than whether you have hair or not. And, like Milan says, if you’re confident AND bald, people can truly smell it on you – so many people are afraid of being bald, that if they see a guy who is completely fine with it, they will find him MORE attractive. I could not understand this when I was in my teens and early 20s, but it is 100% the truth!
It takes some work, but Milan has put together a great guide on exactly how to go about doing it, so you’re not flying blind on this. Good luck!!
Tim, it is my honor and I am truly thankful for our communication and your help with validating my point here. Thank you so very much Tim! You have been a lot of help with my direction of this site.
Young guys out there are suffering the most by being bald. I was just responding a young balding guy, who just left me a comment. And it was exactly what you are saying. This young guy is saying that it is stupid to consider bald man attractive because he has only bad experience with women. And he is claiming that all of them told him, that being bald is not attractive. This is sad! Because this guy is already against himself. Very sad, and it has to change! These young bald guys have to find a way to turn that switch in their heads off. And than turn that other one immediately on! And than use that young energy for achieving positive results they actually can really control.
Anyway, Tim, your story is truly inspirational. And once more thank you for sharing it!
My hair started to recede my senior year in college, but strangely, the balding stopped after only losing quite a bit off my temples (norwood 2 or 3). Then suddenly 30 years later my hair started receding again plus I started getting a bald spot on top. I panicked, thinking my wife would hate it, but to my surprise, she told me she was thrilled that I was going bald and begged me to just let it happen. So I just let it happen. And it happened fast! I went from norwood 3 to norwood 6 (totally bald from the front across the top and a bit down the back, but still high on the sides) in less than two years. Dread turned to thrill as I watched my hair thin out and disappear. Going bald turned out to be a huge turn on for me and my wife. Less than two years to go bald was really fast, but still, I almost wish it had happened overnight.
My wife absolutely loves my baldness and so do I. It sounds crazy, but I love being bald and I have no interest in restoring my hair. And I hope I’m not done balding, as I would love to continue losing hair until I end up norwood 7 (shiny bald except for a narrow horseshoe shaped remnant of hair both sides and across the back.
It’s a pity that male pattern baldness gets such bad press. Male pattern baldness is a natural, normal inherited trait and I am so lucky to have had it programmed into my DNA. In retrospect, I wish that I had kept balding back in my 20s and had already been bald when I met my wife. She said she would have proposed to me! I had no idea that there are women out there who love bald men. And lucky me, I married one of those women.
Eric, thank you for sharrying your experience! I love it! And huge part if your success as a bald man is your overall winners attitude. Great story! Keep rocking Eric!
It helps a whole lot that my wife loves it. She sometimes sneaks up behind me when I’m watching TV news or sports and kisses me on the top of my head or gently rubs her hands across the top of my bald head and tells me bald is sexy. It used to be that I still had a little hair on top which I would shave off every couple of weeks. Now even that hair is gone, so there is no stubble, only a little almost invisible ‘fuzz’. I guess that is normal. The good news is that it appears I am balding some more in the back, so maybe soon I will graduate to Norwood 7 baldness. It can’t happen soon enough for me, or my wife.
Incredible. She really, really loves baldness! Lucky me!
Is there a way to accelerate balding? If there is a safe way to do it I would try it.
Thank you for sharying Your experience Eric! I love it! Having supportive living spouse is huge! Regarding accelerating baldness, I would leave it to a natural progress. That’s the most attractive off all. Keep rocking Eric!
It is almost exactly 20 years ago that I started balding rapidly. I must mention that another reason I panicked initially: I was afraid that a serious medical condition might be causing my hair loss. My first stop was to my family doctor for a thorough medical checkup. It turned out that I was extremely healthy. I was relieved! My next stop was a visit to a hair replacement consultant (toupes, hair transplants, etc). They thoroughly examined my scalp and concluded that I was ‘suffering’ from male pattern baldness and that I was fated to eventually go bald. By then my attitude had done a complete 180 and I was thrilled with my prognosis. I asked them ‘how long till I’m bald?’ They said it was hard to tell, but they gave me advice as to what to do and not do to preserve my hair. Avoid body building steroids. Be gentle towel drying my hair. Avoid shampoos containing hair conditioners. They also said having sex increases dihydro testosterone, which actually causes/speeds up baldness. Needless to say, going bald was a huge turn on for my wife and me, so our sex life improved immensely (bring on the dihydro testosterone!). I switched to shampoo with extra conditioners for dry hair, even though I had very oily hair. And after every shower I was very vigorous in the use of a towel. It worked like magic, and I shed hair off the top of my head profusely. I avoided steroids, though, knowing they could cause liver damage and other health complications, but it turned out that the steroids were not needed. In less than two years I was a shiny top. I’m proud to be bald and make no apologies and don’t try to hide my bald head. I do wear a hat often, but only to keep my head warm in cold weather and to avoid painful sunburn in summer.
I look almost ‘the spittin image’ of my mother’s grandfather, who also went bald in his 50s, so I know who I inherited my baldness from. Thank you, great-grandpa! The only photo of him I have was taken in his late 70s and he was Norwood 7 bald, so there is hope that I will continue to bald the next few years. I’ll just have to be patient and let my hair slowly recede. I’m still using shampoo with lots of conditioners and I’m not gentle with the towel, but now in my early 70s … never mind. If only I had gone bald in my 20s or 30s. Oh, well, better late than never.
Eric, what a fantastic perspective from someone who actually likes being bald! Thank you for sharrying your story Eric! I love it! Keep rocking bald rockstar!
One last comment: Those young guys who go bald in their 20s and 30s are the lucky ones (in my opinion). They just don’t know it. My advice to them is to chill out and take a deep breath. And relax. Going bald bald young is a wonderful gift and if it happens fast, all the better. And it won’t hurt their social life, as there are plenty of attractive women who prefer bald men. I know, I’m married to one of them and she often reminds me how much she loves it … and me.
I just got a haircut at our local Supecuts and the lady who cut my hair said she remembered me from many years back, before I went bald. She told me that I look a lot better bald and asked me how I feel about it. I told her I loved it and wished I had gone bald in my 20s. She said “let me guess, your wife loves it, right?” I said “We both love it. Do I get a discount?” She laughed and said she should charge me extra for the haircut because I seem to be enjoying myself so much. She’s right. I am enjoying myself. Every time I see my reflection in a mirror I can’t help but smile. Lucky me, I’m bald.
Another gem Eric! Thank you!