When people see fit athletic muscular man, yes bald man too, they often think or say: That guy must be on something!
Not true! And here is the proof:

I don’t use any steroids. Not even nutritional supplements! None! Nada!
Bragging moment: I have better muscular lean body than many guys even 15 years younger than me who do take all kinds of supplements and performance enhancing drugs. And they don’t even hide it!
We got used to giving steroids all the credit for great, fit, lean muscular athletic bodies.
For a modern society where everybody looks for a short cut, this is understandable.
But I have a great news for you my fellow bald or going bald young man.
Attractive bald man can get very fit without steroids. Period!
And in order to be attractive and successful in every aspect of his life bald man has to get as fit as possible.
And it is very possible without dietary and other supplements. Guaranteed!
I get it! Seeing very lean muscular guy is like seeing somebody from a different planet. There is not that many of them out there.
Majority of men are either fit fat, or skinny fat. You hardly see a fit athletic muscular guy that is lean.
This is where the huge opportunity lyes for young soon to be very attractive bald man.
Attractive bald mans opportunity
This is a huge opportunity my fellow young bald man!!! Take it very seriously!
Very, very seriously!
Here is where your opportunity lies.
Achieving very fit and lean athletic attractive body. No steroids and supplements necessary! And you too can few months down the road be st at the 1% peak of most attractive men in in the world.
Yes, you heard that right! You can achieve bald mans athletic, super lean, supper attractive body without supplements and steroids.
And you must get the body like that!
In order to be attractive bald man, you have to have athletic, muscular, lean chiseled body. I strongly believe in that.
In my experience, the most attractive women or men out there, who ever you prefer, consider great physical fitness as very important in overall attractiveness of a bald man.
Yes, having a very fit ass is very attractive!!! It is!!! I hope you are on the same page here with me.
You’re young bald man. No excuses!
How do I know you don’t need steroids to achieve this kind of body? I know that because I a bald man have muscular, athletic, very lean, yes my six pack abs is clearly visible body. And I never used steroids or any special supplements.
Clean free of steroids supported biceps muscle of which even the fittest guys out there are jealous of:

Plus I have been studying human performance physiology all of my life and I know what can you achieve with a plain hard work and great nutrition.
You can achieve a lot my fellow going bald way too early man!
The most funny think I experience is when I hear a guy telling me, he is shooting himself with testosterone every morning and bragging how strong he is.
I can bench press 200 pounds and do biceps curls with 40 pound dumbbells, he says.
How great, I usually respond. Than I snap back, that I can actually bench press 300 pounds and that I do curls with 70 pound dumbells. And all that without any supplements at all.
Well you can imagine how the conversation ends.
Yes it goes something like this: Common man! What are you on? You must be on something! Share the secret!
My answer is always the same: I don’t take anything. It’s just my perfect diet and consistent strength training. That’s the secret! But they usually never believe me.
And here is where the misunderstanding comes in. I need to get some special supplements to get leaner, more muscular and more athletic. Nothing can be further from truth.
Attractive bald man can be leaner, fitter, stronger than guys on steroids. Yes that’s a correct statement. I live as an example of that. And so can you!
The secret? My secret?
There is no secret!
The magic happens with consistent hard work in the gym and great diet free of processed foods. Food free of sugar and flour.
That’s it!
Attractive bald man doesn’t need extensive time to achieve lean strong muscular athletic body either.
All you need is 30 minutes on most days of the week focused on certain muscle parts worked out intensively.
Is complicated diet necessary? Nope!
To achieve your own attractive bald mans athletic, lean, muscular body, you have to simplify your diet. Not complicate it.
My diet basically consists of:
Eggs, some meat, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, olive oil, some whole dairy. That’s it!
What’s more important than what you eat, is what you don’t eat. 2 things your tong should touch very rarely are: products made out if flour, products made with aditional sugar. And those are all processed foods!
Be an attractive bald man with exceptional body without steroids!
Now, my fellow going bald young or already bald man, you know it’s possible to achieve the most attractive athletic muscular body without steroids. Now go and make it happen! Work hard, smart, eat free of processed foods diet. And than just be brutally consistent with it! That’s all you need.
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