Great life doesn’t end with bald head. Great life actually just starts with bald head. My life was very mediocre and honestly not that attractive before I went all bald. Than and only after I got bald, my life started being seriously great and attractive. And bald head is huge part of the reason for that. Hey, I was a virgin before I got bald! It was that bad with hair! No girls wanted to go out with me. I thank my baldness for every attractive woman I ever dated! Period!
My future soon to be very attractive bald man, if you think that your attractive life and good life with that is over after you loose all your hair, you’re wrong! I know a lot of you guys out there, especially you young guys that thing this way: Life will never be as good as it was with hair. Wrong! The exact opposite is actually truth!
Bald attraction mission video:
My mission and yes you can call it my life project here on Bald Attraction website is to show these especially young guys out there, that life is going to be amazing with bald head! No, it’s going to be F…..G FANTASTIC! Seriously!
And if you really want, yes I will say that, it will be full of attractive women too. That’s what my life is. And I don’t see any reason, why your life shouldn’t be the same my soon to be very attractive, very confident bald friend! Ok, I am married now, so I turn all those beautiful women down now 🙂 But you don’t have to, if you are single. They are all yours for taking my bald attractive friend.
I am an emigrant in USA. And they say and I agree, that America will be to you exactly how you make it to be to you. It all depends how you make it for yourself. And I’ve seen emigrants from many countries come and go, burn out, complaining that life in USA is just too hard. And than leaving back to their countries with their tales between their legs.
Guess what, being young and bald is similar. It’s going to be exactly how you make it to be. Are you going to head into the direction of living fantastic, attractive bald mans life? Or, are you going to head into direction of mediocre life, feeling sorry about your bald head. I hope you choose the former my bald friend. Because the later is not a good way to live. Life is short! Make the most of it! Use your bald head to your advantage! Enough said!
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