A hint right in the beginning: The opposite is true!
Bald and young can be very attractive! With right attitude and disciplined follow through actions done consistently it becomes a clear fact – young and bald is attractive.
What if the opposite of young and bald is unattractive is true video:
What action steps and what attitude has to be applied in order to succeed? You can find them all over this website. So go and dig in my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
I had few very limited believes in my life and quite honestly I still battle with few of them today.
The major one that I managed to proof wrong 1100% is that young and bald is unattractive.
This is a limiting belief many, many young bald men believe. And it is not serving them very well. It’s killing them! Mentally and physically.
Are you one of them? It’s time to ask yourself this question: What if the opposite of young and bald is unattractive is true?
And the biggest tragedy is that, that belief that young is unattractive is simply wrong. It’s not serving you well!
It wasn’t serving me well either!
Something had to change. Something was wrong. I felt it. Deep down I knew my beliefs were wrong.
And my not very smart myself, when I was about 23 years old and completely bald figured out somehow to ask myself that question:
What if the opposite is true?
And my life was changed forever!
That simple question changed my life!
That simple question can change your life my fellow young going bald or already bald man!
So ask yourself:
What if the opposite is truth? What if young and bald is attractive?
And that is exactly the truth.
Young and bald is attractive!
But don’t just stay there.
Keep asking this question over and over and over and over to anything in your life that’s holding you back. Or something that general public buys into.
Another examples from my life would be:
Everyone is on social media channels active and humming. I have to be too. But wait! What if the opposite is truth?
And guess what? It is true!
I used to kill 1-2 hours daily on social media. Writing pointless drivel, liking photos and videos. Keeping up with the friends and family. And what really happened is, that my real friends and my closest family suffered.
My son would ask me. Daddy, can we play with legos now? Come here let’s play! And I would be like. Hold on, let me finish this post and post that there. And you know I’m kind of busy now!
How sad!!! And I wasn’t even seeing it!
I don’t want to make this post an antisocial media rant. But yes, not being on social media is the real truth.
How about this one?
I’m broke and making money is hard. This one is very universal and applies to most of us. Including me not that long ago.
Go ask yourself this question:
What if making lots of money and achieving financial abundance is easy?
And the answer is: It is!
Another one:
This one is the one I’ve been trying to change my own beliefs right now. Here it goes:
Accomplishing things is hard.
What if accomplishing things should be easy. What if you make things happen with ease? Well, yes! That’s exactly how they’ll get accomplished!
The list goes on. This question is life changing. When you keep asking this magic question yourself over and over again, your mindset shifts! With that your life changes into better.
And what else is more valuable than that out there?
We are all human beings that move through our days following certain rules and developed habits and beliefs.
Day in and day out we stay in our routine. This is not necessarily a bad thing as long as those routines and beliefs are serving you well.
I want you young going bald man in search for answers to get up tomorrow morning and start questioning everything you do.
Ask yourself: What if the opposite is true? Than stop and pause and think about it. Can your life change into better if the exact opposite was true? Often the answer to that question is – Yes! So go make some positive changes and create supporting beliefs that will carry you far in life. Like the one I strongly believe and I hope from now on you believe too: Young and bald is very attractive!