Control only what you can control, and you can control a lot!
Concentrate your emotional and physical energy on important stuff
Starting a war against your hair loss is unproductive waist of your precious time and energy, that can be put to a much better use (nobody ever won that war)
99% of what makes man attractive is acquired by himself and his effort (having hair doesn't belong to this category)
You can find all of it bellow

Get and stay very physically fit
Strength train regularly and intensively
Do fun skillful cardiovascular activities - games and outdoors activities regularly (examples - tennis, soccer, beach volleyball, skying, surfing, hiking, swimming, bicycling and others)
Eat only unprocessed free of flour, sugar and chemicals diet consistently

Gain abundant energy and bulletproof self confidence
It comes automatically with better physical fitness and perfect diet
Cultivate further your self confidence by applying growth mindset to failure and pursuing your goals

Gain capacity to learn more and become automatically more intelligent
Fitter you are, more intelligent you become and you gain more capacity to learn
With self confidence you approach problems with boldness and action - and that's where the genius lies

Cut your hair very short - 1-7 mm or shave it
You are fit, strong, bold and self confident = baldness is your advantage!

Have style
Dress well
Dress right
Be adventurous in dressing

Apply smart unprotected sun exposure
Get natural dose of health promoting vitamin D
Gain and maintain healthy darker skin color

Be ambitious
Don't follow the masses
Start your own business
Never stop learning
Dream big
Have discipline to follow up with your goals until completion

Apply fun soft art of seduction
Be gentlemen
Don't be boring = be interesting
Be bold and decisive
Let them do the talking
Don't let people get comfortable with you/file you as a boring person
Terrorize your environment with positive unexpected actions

Don't take yourself too seriously
Make fun of yourself vigorously
Make fun of your bald head vigorously

Become irresistibly Attractive Successful Bald Man
Get date with anyone you want
Attract the most attractive
Attract quality life partners
Live happy, healthy, attractive, rich life

Fantastic advice for any human being on this planet; he or she, bald or head of hair.
Your simplicity and sincerity will encourage people to follow your sage advice…keep up the wonderful thoughts and, as you have, continue sharing with us in the bald community (I am 73 and have been shaving for over six years)
Sincerely and with gratitude, Allen Cox, Santa Cruz, CA
Allen, thank you for your thoughts! You look great man!
well, i found realy good advices in this article.
thank you any way.
Excellent advices… great relief for me..!
thank you
Milan, thank you for creating this site and for the advice that many of us take years to realize by ourselves. I am 24 years old and after moving to another country I suddenly started losing certain amounts of hair that made me freak out. I have always tried to live a lifestyle of evolution in all aspects that a human can grow, but when I moved to the US I became too distracted by not being socially accepted in this new place causing like this the stresses that made me start to go bald. Your words served as a reminder of what Im here to do, and of how much stronger I have to become and how much growth I have yet to achieve. I have always been a person that is hungry for life and everything that it offers, your words reminded me of that. Thank You
Rodney, thank you for your words! Now go and rock the world as a successfull attractive bald man!
hey man , u have opened my eyes with this article and your advises ,this is life changing for me . Im finally confortable and know how to handle my beautiful bald ”problem” , ill keep u posted.
Hey Milan . Your site has been very motivating to go Bald . Thank you .
I for one am a student & 21 years old . Im not bald yet but I am getting there 😉 . besides getting bald I am also shorter than the good looking bald men youve portrayed . 5’6″. . Baldness is by itself a downside. And to add on to that , being short can make things even more difficult .
I think you can help me with how to handle this and stay ahead of the crowd
Sachin, first of all thank you for stopping by and your question. You’re 21 and you can see that you’re going bald. And that’s not easy. I know I’ve been there. Actually around the same time like you 21, I noticed that I will be bald soon.
Now Sachin, your question is about hight of a bald man and it’s impact on overall attractiveness.
The short answer is that it doesn’t matter much at all. I know I’ve made mistake talking about how tall I am in some of my videos. I regretted it eventually, because that’s how it sounded exactly. That it’s good to be tall. I decided to keep these videos there. But I really contemplated taking them down.
Being short is as attractive as being tall. It doesn’t matter. It’s all in our heads. Sachin, be confident who you are, how you look. Be proud of it! Look around you. I see the shortest guys having the prettiest girlfriends next to them. Yes some of them are taller, but who cares?
No tall man deserves any credit for being tall. He just is. It is in his genes. He didn’t do anything for it. And he’s no better than somebody much shorter.
Sachin, get physically fit, be positive and fun to be around, have fun in your life, have big goals and work on them, put other people first and be gentleman, dress well and nobody ever notices that you are short. You can be taller and larger than the tallest men out there just with your actions and confidence.
And don’t get me even started on huge disadvantages of being tall. There is many.
Sachin, again thank you for your question here. I think many going bald young men will benefit from reading it. Now get to work Sachin! Be attractive successful bald man! No hight is necessary!
Milan, I’m from the Philippines and I wanna thank you for creating this blog. I think this is the 100th site I have visit since I started losing hair in early 2014!
Girls describe me as SHORT, WHITE AND HANDSOME! Before, until now.. but they don’t know that I’m going bald now, everyday I notice how the world is taking my hair away from my head. The feeling, It really sucks.. I can’t focus onto things, I tried every way that hair can possibly grow, but I failed.
I’m worse than Sachin, If he’s 5’6, then I’m only 5’2! I’m 24 y/o
I’m a Filipino and this height is less than average here.
Did you also feel hating yourself when looking at the mirror, doing nonstop combover,
hair falls into shoulders, when you put shampoo, at least 10 or more strands in your hands..
Damn.. .
I want to court someone, and I know we have mutual understanding, I haven’t met this girl personally, she only see my pictures.. WITH FULL HAIR!
But how will I attract her, If I’m just covering the truth…..
Though I not totally bald, My forehead is turning to fivehead.. But I know it will become Ninehead soon…. I want to shave my head, but I don’t know if I can do that…. I short, I’m not that SHORT WHITE AND HANDSOME ANYMORE
Milan, I think you can relief me with your words, please send me an email if have time. Thank you in advance!
Jow, thank you for reaching out and your question! I absolutely understand what you’re going through Jow. I’ve been there.
First, you are young and you have a whole life ahead of you. My first advice to you would be to not be too hard on yourself. Give yourself time. You don’t have to shave it right away. You still have a hair.
Second Jow, height doesn’t matter. It’s the confidence and self belief what attractive quality women are looking for. Work on those and forget your height. I used to have a friend and all guys hated him. The reason? He had all the pretty girls. And he was very short. But he was very confident and he didn’t let that stop him. Apply the same attitude to your height and hair loss Jow. It multiplies your attractivity. That’s what I mean by bald advantage.
Jow, don’t give up. Don’t let hair loss stop you living attractive bold successful life. Never ever let that stop you! Use it to your advantage!
Regarding the girl you want to meet, go meet her! Be proud who you are! Don’t try to hide your hair loss anymore. If she’s not ok with it, she’s not worth it. Move on, find a better one without going down on yourself. For some reasons guys like me and you will always end up with a supermodel like girls anyway. The reasons are all over this website 🙂 I have one at home. And all my buddies are jealous and don’t understand why a bald man like Milan? Well, I know why. But I’ll leave them wander.
Jow, go rock on! Start today! Live bold attractive successful life! And no less than that! And stay in touch.
Milan, you are an inspiration for me. I first saw your videos on utube and now I enjoy your website. Great information. I am 54 years old and could be called short, fat and balding. I ballooned up to 303 lbs at only 5’6″ and was loosing my hair for years.
I lost about 60 pounds over a year and a half and in October 2014 I weighed 240 lbs and still balding.
I hated my hair style. I hated trimming my hair. I stopped going to barbers and I was so frustrated and self conscious.
After a lot of soul searching and getting honest with myself, I decided to go for it.
Lose this weight and cut off my hair.
I cut off my hair and started eating correctly and exercising.
I am now today still 5’6″, but completely bald and 197 lbs.
My vital signs are better. I stopped taking diabetes medicine. (I forget to mention earlier that I was diabetic) And I feel a whole lot better.
I am getting a lot of attention from the ladies and friends and family are amazed.
I have used light weights to train and see some results.
what advise can you give a 54 year old balding guy about strength training? Can I have a great body at 54 or is it too late? I’m sure I can at least improve, right?
What should I be aware of or doing differently at 54 as opposed to a younger guy to achieve great results and avoid injury or over exercising?
Thanks for the inspiration.
Tony, you made my day! Thank you for your kind words. You’re my hero man. What a transformation you managed to pull off. Fantastic! Keep it up Tony!
That’s a very good question Tony you have about exercising at little older age and really going for it. So what’s the difference compare to younger guys and their workouts?
Tony, 54 is actually not at all older. I see it all the time. Older guys being stronger than the youth. Young guys will not like what I am about to say but I don’t care. Youth is weak these days! Sedentary and not physical at all. Prove me wrong guys and you’ll make me happy!
Tony, you as a 54 year young man can have as fitness level as you wish to have. Yes injuries are a danger, but if you approach your workouts intelligently, you’ll not get hurt.
Remember few principles:
Start light and increase the weight over time slowly. You have to deserve to lift intensively to not get hurt. And you deserve it with consistency.
2 times per week you should strength train all the muscle groups in your body. Don’t miss your workouts and slowly increase the load.
Pull ups, push ups, squat jumps, regular floor crunches are the best exercises to start with Tony. Do those 2 times per week. Keep checking your max reps, they’ll be increasing.
Study some fitness and diet book, keep learning. I will create fitness plan for bald guys soon. But for now learn everything you can.
And than just go for it Tony! Show those young guns that you’re fitter than them. I do that all the time 🙂
Thank you for your note Tony! Go rock the world as an attractive bald man!
I am from india you are like a gof for me you created selfconfidenc in mi thanks …….:-) 🙂
Ranveer, thank you! Keep rocking! Live fantastic life as a bald man! It seems like you already do. That makes me happy!
I’m 23 and noticed my thinning at around 19-20. Used to freak out a bunch but the truth is just buzz it short and make up for your short comings in hair with being an awesome person. You may get less one night stands, but girls who look for a quality person will completely notice you. I used to be way more attractive with my hair, but I was also nowhere near as intelligent and hardworking because a lot more was handed to me for my looks (I never gave a crap to try at anything). I’d say around 90% of people aren’t “smoke shows,” so if you lose your hair, it’s not that big of a deal. Just continue to better yourself as a person and be the man. Make people laugh, and joke about being bald. Stand tall, work out, dress professionally and have fun with the life you’ve been handed.
Amen to your words Jay! And thank you for leaving a note. True, true, true. Keep rocking Jay!
Great words Jay, thanks man.
Milan, thanks for the brilliant common sense advice on your webpage. I think that this has finally given me the kick and inspiration that I need to start living again, instead of hiding away like I have been doing for some time now. I’m hoping to hit the gym and start training hard and I also want to go back and study part time in college.
Keep up the good work brother. You’ve made a difference and not everyone can say that.
Thank you Mike. You made my day! I am glad you’re back on a ROCKSTAR like living life boldly and with no regrets. That’s what should all young bald man be on. That’s my mission here on Bald Attraction! Thank you Mike!
thanks 4 such inspiring words ..i would lyk to start evryday reading ur words …..and get motovated thanx a lot sir….
Thank you Mankul! I appreciate the compliment! Please be inspired and work hard on yourself to be Attractive Bald Man, which you most likely already are Mankul!
Thank you, Milan
19 yo going bald here!
The first months i noticed my upcoming baldness i was very mad and scared for my aspect: all my friends have hair so WHY i have to lose my hair?
I cried almost every night. The only drug for this can cause sexual disfunction and i LOVE sex. So i started thinking: Fuck off hair losing!
Lots of bald guys have Beautifol girlfriends and Are happy so why i have to cry every night? I just started to LOVE myself and im ready to become bald! Thanks for your articles, really helpful and full of energy!
Sorry for my bad English,
Vin, I love hearing this!!! You’re on the right path to enjoy life and rock it as a bald man! Fantastic Vin! Keep me posted how you’re doing! Milan
Millan thanks for the wonderful videos.Helped to come back my normal life. I am 26 years now and my crown is thinning and freaked out initially, but now I accepted that hair is not permanent for anyone.I have no problem in keeping my hair short or going bald.But, I have lot of grey hairs ,which I used to dye and hide them ,but after cutting short they are completely visible and I cannot hide them using dye.. I look older with all the grey hairs all over the head..what should I do .I have good height(6 feet ) and medium built body.
Harsha thank you for sharing your situation and great question. First of all, it is great you’re comfortable with your short hair cut and hair loss. Great! Bald is imperfect and that’s what makes it perfect.
Harsha you also mentioned you see some grey hair. That makes it two of us. Off course I’m little older now than you, but I had the same problem when I was in my 20ties. I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with grey hair. And feedback I got from very attractive women who I dated was the same. Grey? No problem!
Now, if you really want to hide it Harsha and hide it naturally, cut it shorter. Maybe 3 mm cut every week. I know they still will be visible those grey hair, but not as much. You can hardly tell that I’m grey. And partially I already am. I just maintain short cut. And it’s great! It makes me look younger, fitter, self confident and comfortable with my look.
Harsha, your height is great. Now are you physically fit? Do you have athletic muscular body. I don’t mean being big, just athletic. It really helps the overall look, health, image, confidence of a bald young man. If not, work on it Harsha.
Harsha, thank you again for your question here and good luck to you! Keep me posted how you’re doing. And I know you’ll be fine. You seem to be already very confident attractive going bald young man. Milan
Thank you Milan for your reply..Your words infuse great amount of confidence in me.Few more things i want to share with you.
1.I am a banker with strict restriction on my facial hair from my employer. Mustache is okay but beard is a problem.
2.I forgot to mention last time that i have more that 50% of hair grey and i sated loosing my hair.You gave good advice to keep it short till 3mm but with 50% of grey hair will it be looking good ? Also if it is 3mm how frequently generally I need to trim or shave my head( I have no idea how fast the hair grows)
Harsha, great questions! Regarding the beard and your employer being very strict about it, I understand. No, you shouldn’t rebel and ignore it. Especially if you like your job. You can be very attractive bald man without beard.
Now Harsha regarding some grey hair, that makes 2 of us. I have them too. And I am convinced that grey hair does not compromise overall attractiveness of a bald man. Check some pictures on internet of former Italian soccer superstar Fabrizio Ravanelli, that is still condidered as one of the most attractive men in the world. He is not bald, but he looks great with short grey hair.
Harsha regarding how often to cut your hair I have a perfect number for you – every 11 days. That’s what I do and it works great. Try it.
Harsha good luck and keep rocking my fellow attractive bald man! Milan
You are so right. I can’t see anything wrong with your post. I’m speachless. I’m printing this and going to tack it right in my office to remind myself of what I need to be doing. Thank you! Great spot on advice!
Fantastic Bill! Now get to work! If you do, sky is the limit how attractive can get. Thank you for your note Bill!
Hey milan, i want to bald guy. But i hv a problem, i hv a asymetric head. how do you think about that?
Sony, thank you for your question! I strongly believe that shape of the head of balding or already bald young man doesn’t matter at all. Sony shape of your head is fine. I don’t care how asimetric it is, it looks great! It’s the confidence and atitude that’s important. You’ll be attractive bald man and you most likely already are if you believe in yourself, if you stay physically fit, be gentleman and have high self confidence. Work on those Sonyy! Don’t worry a bit about a shape of your head. You’re a true confident bald winner! And that’s the only think that matters!
Good luck on your journey Sony! Stay in touch. Milan
MILAN. Thank you for your time and effort to help people. It means a lot. More people need to be caring like this.
Thank you John!
Hey. Watching your videos have been inspiring.
I ave been thinning hair a lot and 4 months ago began using rogaine. didnt work and i feel my hair become way worse since then. I will be doing some natural treatments and yoga in the next 3 months. I will also visit a few doctors and see if i should quit or continue rogaine. Hopefully my hairfall will stop and i can continue on for a few years as i am just 17 right now. I am hoping to atleast finish college and then maybe go bald. Anyways, if nothing works, i will just shave it off and hope for the best. I am just worried i wont be able to get any ladies in college due to my head. I am 5 feet 9 inches and not very attractive to begin with, after loosing my hair i doubt any college chick will want to be with me. What do you think? also should i consider a toupe or something as a worst case senario?
Harsh, thank you for your question. And I think you’re doing the right thing. Try to save your hair and if it doesn’t work don’t fight it too long. Accept it and move on.
Being young in college and bald is hard. But this will be the base of your overall confidence.
So Harsh don’t be to hard on yourself. Stay mentally and physically fit. Don’t give others much credit just because they have hair. They don’t deserve it.
You’re saying that you’re not very good looking. I don’t believe that. In men it just simply doesn’t matter. Bulletproof confidence, original thinking, mental and physical fitness. That’s what girls are looking for.
Show me a very confident bald young man and he will have attractive girlfriends. Period.
Harsh good luck on your journey. Promise me that if your early baldness wins, you won’t let that hold you back even a tiny little bit. Live bold, successful, attractive life Harsh!
I’ve been aware of your posts for quite a long time and I want to tell you how much encouragement you have given me.
Tonight I have shaved my head completely!
I’ve had a spell of unhealthy emotional turmoil over the last few years which resulted in me having to take off from work and having therapy to deal with a host of issues I was experiencing, hairloss being a part of this.
I am coming to the end of this which has resulted in me becoming healthier, happier, more confident, more in control of my own destiny… sounds dramatic I know but this has been achieved by a number of things that I have done. A part of this has been regular visits here!!
The words you share are so inspiring and motivating, thanks man!
Thank you for your feedback Dave! You are winning now! Be a winner forever! And let’s stay in touch!
I’m 20 years old Balding man from India
And I definitely become completely bald within 2 years .
The biggest problem in our country , that too in Tamil Nadu is, a guy who is balded before marriage gets more rejected proposal from girls even if it is an arranged marriage girls rejects them due to their baldness and it sucks me now onwards whether I will get married to a normal looking girl or not and also I’m not goodlooking I’m 6 feet tall, slim and having large nose .I have worried that I will get married or not to a good looking girls and I will think of it once in the day and will be mind f*** ked
The days I’m experiencing now is like living in a hell . I see almost 99% of guys in my age group having head full of hair with different hairstyles
it make me feel bad that why God have chosen me to face these problems in my life and I browse to some inspirational , motivational thoughts about baldness but it console me only 50%
And I have seen Ur video and formulas which motivates me even more so I finally came towards u as my last hope waiting for your reply.thank you!