When I figured out this principle of baldness attraction and not repellent, my life changed. I became a rebel who rebels and wins in life. And your life will change too my fellow young going bald man. And you might become rebel as well. I hope you do!
Can you make your baldness be attractive?
The answer to that question is:
The usual, usual that bald head is unattractive applies only to those that refuse to improve and fight back. And that’s not you. And that’s not me! And that’s pretty much everyone no matter if he has hair or not. And the sad reality is that, it is vast majority of people.
But we are using our baldness to our unfair advantage!
it’s 7 AM right now and I’m outside on empty children’s playground doing my morning workout. Pull ups, push ups today. As many as I enjoy. My blood is flowing, creative juices are kicking in, I’m fully awake and I feel amazing!
A guy just walked by. He was overweight, he seemed sad and pale in the face. He was about 10 years younger than me. He had nice face features and full set of hair. But something was missing. He was sad and he didn’t seem to feel good. He was slouching and had his head down. The kind of picture you see when someone suffers inside. Or is it a lack of confidence and energy he was missing?
I see this kind of picture of young man all the time. Actually it’s an exception when I see someone really looking alive, straight standing, fit with positive appearance.
That makes me ask a question. What’s happening to these young guys? Did they give up way too soon? Do they need little guidance and motivation? Maybe. And maybe you need one too my fellow young going bald man.
Standing out of the grey crowds is very easy!
There are few simple steps how you too can be the most attractive man around my fellow young balding man or in fact any man. The reason for this is, that almost no men follow these simple steps.
If you follow these steps, and you must follow them, you’ll become the attraction magnet. It won’t happen immediately, but you’ll transform slowly over time. Everything valuable in this world takes time. Becoming the most attractive man in the world is no exception.
What are they?
Here they are:
Athletic sprinter like fitness
No I don’t want you to look like a marathon runner. But if running marathons is your thing, and you absolutely love it, that’s a different story. You should be a marathon runner!
And no I don’t want you to look like a bodybuilder either. But again, if body building is your hobby and you love it, than be it. Be a bodybuilder!
What I promote and what I believe is the most attractive and functional in performance fitness level is what I call Bolt body fitness.
What is Bolt body fitness Milan, why do you call it that way and how do I achieve it? Great questions!
Bolt body fitness is a sprinter like body fitness. Usain Bolt, who is the fastest human being on earth has body like this. Go google him if you want to.
And I have body like that too! Milan is bragging again!!! Good times!
I believe this is the most attractive and useful fitness level for any man. Not only you look very attractive with body like this, you also develop Superman like abilities – fantastic strength, flexibility, speed and optimal interval like endurance.
Ok Milan, I am sold to Bolt like body fitness. But how the heck do I achieve body like that?
Thank you for that question! You’re asking a true pro at this. He is bragging again!!! See I don’t lack self confidence. But we will talk about confidence later in this article.
I have a several degrees in kinesiology and human physiology and a lot of practice training people, athletes and experimenting on myself. Not that it really matters, because the way you really achieve sprinter like body fitness is simple.
Regular intensive, consistent whole body strength training, interval training and sprinting. That’s the secret.
Putt all that into well designed weekly plan, stay deathly consistent with it and Bolt like body can be yours too.
The consistency is really a key!!!
I’m not going to go into details of this sprinter like attractive body fitness plan in this article. I covered it before many times. Go dig deeper into this website my fellow young balding or not so balding man and start applying.
The main point here is to realize, that your physical fitness level matters in your overall attractiveness level. And it matters a lot! So, in order to attract, rebel and not repel and be very attractive, you need to gain this kind of physical fitness. Period!
No BS clean short haircut 3-5 mm
Let’s face it, your hear cut mirrors your level of confidence. And right now, you might be still low on self confidence. And that’s ok. I’ve been there! That will change over time when you gain more self confidence. All these steps feed on each other. Every steps becomes building block of other step and your confidence rises everyday with each improvement.
Hair cut for young balding man is a tough topic though. You want to hide that you’re going bald and at the same time you know you can’t really hide it. So what should you do? Try to hide it or try to show it?
You most likely know my radical opinion on it. But let’s forget it for now. I don’t want to be hard on yourself because I remember my hair cut transformation. And it was slow. So my advice to you my fellow young going bald man? Go slow!
If you feel most comfortable with a longish hair you have now, keep it. Maybe next year you’ll go shorter. And the year after even shorter. That’s a perfectly natural progress! I like it!
I did it that way long time ago and now I’m on 3 mm perfect bald man cut every 10 days or so. And it feels good. I built up my comfort level to it slowly over time.
Now if you’re a daredevil, adventurous and you’re reckless my fellow young going bald man, you can just take the clippers and buzz it to 3mm right now! Go for it! I’m your biggest fan!
Short hair cut is a sign of confidence for young balding man. It gives message to others: Look I’m bald and I don’t care, I don’t need to hide it!
And it’s usually when you try to hide it, people notice the most.
A word about shaving heads:
I personally don’t have anything about men choosing to shave their head clean. But I think it has disadvantages. First, it is too much work shaving every 2 or 3 days. Second, too much starting into a mirror is involved too. And that shaved clean daily cut might work against you in the way, that people will think you’re way to much into yourself and the whole baldness thing.
Now that’s also a sign of confidence and I’m always thrilled to see confident bald man. So if you really don’t mind the work involved and you just absolutely love clean shaved head, I’d say: Go for it!
Great style and dressing well
You did chose to go for the coolest short hair cut and you’re working on your sprinters body like fitness. Now it’s time to dress that attractive confident man – YOU into great clothes.
As shallow as it might sound, the clothes you wear matter. That might be the bad news. But the great news is, that it’s not hard at all to dress for attractiveness and success.
It’s easy!
And also it’s not expensive at all. You just need to know few simple tricks my fellow young going bald soon to look little a supermodel man.
Here they are:
Buy clothes and shoes in discount stores. Never buy retail. Nobody will ever know where you bought it. I buy all my clothes in discount stores for very little money. But the stuff looks great! Yes you might need to go through the racks of clothes in one of these discount stores. But you’ll be surprised what you can find and buy without braking a bank. Off course if you have a lot of money, which I doubt, you’re young! Go wild and skip the discount clothing store. Or still buy in discount stores and use that money for traveling or other passions of yours.
The name of the game in great style is to find perfectly fitting clothes. That takes little time and effort. But it’s worth it!
Never ever buy anything that doesn’t fit 170% perfect. You are going to own this stuff for long time. So the perfect fit is very important. From now on nothing enters your closed unless it fits perfectly on you!
You should buy 2 or 3 pairs of perfectly fitting jeans. Again don’t settle for average. Perfect is necessary here!
11 perfectly fitting t shirts – 3 white v-neck, 3 black v-neck, 1 white crew neck, 1 black crew neck and 3 perfectly fitting shirts based on your style and creativity – go wild!
What is perfectly fitting t-shirt? The one that is not too long and not too short. And it’s little tight, so your sprinter like body fitness shows. That’s the definition.
3 perfectly fitting sweaters ! Your choice. Same principle applies as with t-shirts. Little tight is very stylish.
You should buy 2 pairs of boots. Do some research. Boots look attractive on men! And pick the ones you like most.
2 kind of of stylish jackets – one for cold days one for not so cold days. Again, you can be creative here, but make sure they fit very well on you and are kind of tight to your body too.
So this is the core of your perfect style wardrobe. Off course you’re going to have more clothes than this. Clothes for gym and clothes for home and other clothes. Just remember my fellow young going bald man, buy discounted quality that fits perfectly! PERFECTLY!!!
Having fun is attractive!
Having fun is attractive. Having fun attracts other people. Do you want to be attractive? Have fun!
So what do I mean by having fun? No, I don’t want you to hang out in bars and go to movies all the time. That’s not kind of fun I mean. You want to engage in cool, fun hobbies. And preferably active hobbies and activities outdoors. That is what I mean!
I met my wife playing tennis. She asked me to play with her because she knew I play tennis. I like playing tennis and I have fun playing tennis. No, she wasn’t interested romantically in me at that time. She liked to play tennis. She wanted to get better at it. She had fun playing tennis too. And there were not that many players she could play with.
So we started playing. We had fun playing. We saw it on each other. We had fun. It was outside. It was a great exercise! What a great way to have fun! And the rest is history. I have the greatest wife in the entire world and I love her very much. How did I get so lucky? That’s right. I was having lots of fun on tennis court. And she saw me.
I’m not trying to make you a tennis player my fellow young going bald man. I’m trying to convince you that having fun is attractive. It is!!!
You should start engaging in some sort of physical fun outdoors activities that you enjoy. There is already something you used to play and do when you were little boy. Is it playing soccer, running, biking, mountain biking, surfing (that’s a great one!), ping pong playing, playing tag, swimming? Anything!!!
If you haven’t done any of these before, it’s time to start developing some of new activities and hobbies.
Let me give you my example. And maybe you will get inspired by it. I hope you will.
I as I mentioned am a pretty decent recreational tennis player. Yes I haven’t found a player who could beat me for very long time! How’s that for bragging!
Than I surf. Not as much as I used to. I have little kids now and it’s hard to beat the traffic on the bridge in San Francisco trying to get to the ocean. I used to spend all days at the ocean, camping overnight and bon firing with buddies on the beach. Not anymore. I am a family man now. But I still go occasionally and have fun in the ocean. That is truly an ultimate outdoors fun!!! Now I’m lucky to have an ocean in my backyard and not everyone has that. So I’m not trying to tell you, that you need to become a surfer. No! Any fun outdoors applies!
Other outdoors activities I do are: mountain biking, occasional windsurfing, roller blading, playing soccer (I mean the real futbal).
So, get inspired my fellow young balding man on mission. Start having fun! Preferably outdoors while learning a skill and getting fitter!
If you think that you’re just not any good in any outdoors activities, you need to stop that. It took me 2 years of hitting the wall with the ball and racket to become a decent tennis player. It’s about the process. You’ll get better! It takes time. It’s part of the fun!
High confidence – it increases with all of the above
One of the most attractive things you can acquire is high confidence. And high confidence comes with all the good stuff you’re already working on my fellow young balding man on mission to attract and not repel.
Check my whole series about how to acquire high confidence here:
Confidence for attractive bald man – part 3
The fitter you become, the more confident you become. The better you dress and more fun you have in life, the more confident you’ll be. And than I don’t give a shit what others think short hair cut will follow the high confidence. You will stop worrying about what others think about you. And you’ll start living on your terms. You’ll become the ultimate leader of your life. You’ll trust yourself and whatever you’ll do will be right. You’ll develop overall high self belief. And that has a huge value!
People are attracted to people with high self confidence. In my opinion, high self confidence is the most attractive thing young man can possess. So it’s well worth fighting for it!!!
But this high confidence of yours needs to be backed up by your ability to work on yourself and your level of intelligence and being nice to people AKA being a gentleman. There is nothing worst out there than asshole with high confidence. So please be a nice guy with the highest confidence you can have. That’s the most attractive!
Be an attractive young balding man that attracts!
I hope your thinking is shifting my fellow young bald man. And now you know and it’s death certain, that you can be the most attractive man that attracts out there in the word. I gave you the blue print how to achieve it in this article. All you need to do is to believe me and get to work.
Are you willing to work hard? Are you willing to be positive? Are you ready to be an attraction magnet? Are you ready to live your life up to your true potential? Yes I know, YOU ARE! Enough of talking and preparing. It’s action time. It’s time to work hard and start living great life.
We might meet somewhere sometime in the world my fellow young balding man. And I want to see attractive man with head held high, confident, fit, guy that is having fun and living great life. See you over there! Be attractive bald man forever!
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