I used to write only about baldness and challenges men face with it on this website. And it was fun and it was motivating for me to help.
Especially young bald guys visiting this website benefited. And I’ll continue covering baldness and issues young men have in the future here. There is already a lot writen on this topic here. So dig into it my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
But I want to cover other topics here too. You and I already know, that bald men are the most attractive men it the world. Yes they are! Period.
Now being bald and attractive is not everything young man needs for great life.
Yes he’s bald and he’s fit. He has certain behavioral qualities that make him irresistibly attractive. Great! Fantastic! Amazing! Good for all the bald and balding men!
But life is more complex than that. Even though you and me are bald attractive and irresistibly charming, we want to go further. We want to be more than that!
We want to achieve more, and we want to live up to our true potential. So that’s why I’m going to be covering other topics that add to a young bald mans quality of life and help him achieve true happiness and maximum life potential. That’s what we all want.
Here are the fun, educative topics I want to cover for the future here on Baldattraction website:
Boldness and risk taking (bad asseness)
Let’s face it. In order to succeed in anything, you have to take chances. Sometimes you just have to go for it. Because if you don’t, nothing will change. And you won’t get what you desire.
Do you want a great girlfriend, wife, successful business or to buy investment property? You have to be bold, take risks and go for it when the opportunity feels right. Off course after you did your due diligence.
Let me give you an example from my personal life. It took tremendous boldness and courage to ask my wife than not yet a girlfriend out to play tennis with me first time. Than I asked her again and again. And than I took her dancing. I was a timid young man who was lacking self confidence too. But I knew than and there when I met her, that that was my chance and I better don’t fuck this up by doing nothing.
I forced myself to ask her out and it was the best thing I ever did in my life. She’s my wife now and great mom of our children. And when I look at my friends how they are suffering in their marriages and relationships I count my lucky starts and the ability to act bold! I earned her with my bold action even though I was scared as hell to ask her out.
There is message for you in those words above. And here it is:
If you feel the opportunity and chance is presenting to you, grab it aggressively!
There might be a short window to do it. Don’t miss your chance! Act boldly!!!
You too my fellow young attractive bald man. When you see the opportunity showing up, the thing you always dreamed about, grab it aggressively and boldly. Yes it might not work for you every single time, but in my experience it does most of the time.
Boldness and smart risk taking ability is like a muscle. It can be trained and developed bigger and stronger with repetition. And I want you to work at it. And I will help you develop it further my friend. Boldness, action oriented mindset matters a lot in life. And I have done many bold things in life to be an expert at it.
I agree 100% with Johan Wolfgang von Goethe in his statement:
“Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.“
True words Johan!!!! I can’t agree more!
Great fitness and health
Great fitness and health is crucial for young bald mans attractive life. Even though I covered a lot about this topic already, there is a lot to add. You have to lift weights, interval train, eat healthy wholesome diet and adopt active lifestyle if you want to seriously live like a rockstar.
And yes it comes down to – lifting heavy weights, doing interval training, eating natural protein and fat based diet pared with fresh fruit and vegetables. That pretty much sums it up.
Having fun makes you look more attractive. It’s great for your health and rich life.
Everyone’s form of fun is different. Mine are constantly changing and evolving. I’m surfer and surfing is great fun for me. I play tennis and I love outdoors.
I purchased 40 acre property out there in mountains and I would like to go there and develop it. Those are few examples of the king of my fun.
Yours are different my fellow bald or not so bald man. But I’m certain you have fun activities you like to do. If not, they are really easy to develop. Look around yourself at people and what they do when they’re not working.
Get inspired! There are never ending possibilities of fun out there. Dig deeper and try few. If they don’t work, try others. And so on and on. Eventually some of them click and stick.
Young bald attractive successful man – YOU has to be not only fit, fun to be around and confident, he has to be happy too. And overall pursuit of happiness is important for you me and anyone on this earth.
You need to constantly seek and understand what makes you happy. It maybe seams like an easy thing to do, but it’s not. Often what we think will make us happy is only temporary patch for our depressions.
Money, attractive women, cars and boats won’t make you happy in the long run. True happiness that lasts has to be searched for, build over time and understood by you. But we all have the capacity to achieve true happiness in life. And we will!!!
Finance and financial independence
Healthy finances are important for happy confident life of attractive bald man. If you’re in too much debt and you don’t have any savings, your boss or customers will bully you! I hate that feeling. I’m going through this kind of situation right now. In my personal training business, some of my clients think that they can do whatever they want and I’ll be still a nice Milan as I aleays was. Because I really need them, right? Wrong! Fuck them! I am not desperate at all.
Financial independence will give you the true sense of your own value. You only do stuff you want to do and you won’t bend over like whore for miserable paycheck. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but it is true. Start saving, managing and investing your money aggressively today!
I already raised a imaginary middle finger to those clients of mine that just suck the life energy out of me. But I could only do it because my financial life is in good order. If it wasn’t I would have to just be a nice puppy and obey every ridiculous bullshit think they come up with. Nope! Thank you very much. You’re out! Or sometimes I’m happily out.
You too my fellow young going bald or already bald man, even you not bald at all. This stuff is so universal! Get your financial house in order and watch your confidence and happiness and finger rising ability to skyrocket. I will talk about some great financial strategies in the future. But start today saving little bit more money, investing and paying off your debts!
Baldness, fitness, fun, happiness, bad asseness, finance and more for attractive bald man!
Yes you can be a bad ass bald man starting right now. And you should be. No! Scrap that! You must be. And let me show you and help you to become one. Working at these lifestyle and life qualities daily is a must. It requires discipline. And that discipline will give you freedom. The freedom everyone wants – freedom of great health, wealth, happiness and your own highest sense of worth and satisfaction. It’s time to get to work now!
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Physical fitness equals mental fitness
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