Lifestyle of a Bald Superman – Fun and hard work.
Bald Superman has a lot of fun in his life. But he also works hard in his life. The hard work on challenging enough projects is fun for Bald Superman – YOU!
Fun for Bald Superman.
Have lots of fun in your life my fellow soon to be Bald Superman! What kind of fun do I mean?
Have you ever seen a girl engaging in something she really loves doing? For example: playing volleyball, tennis or playing music, dancing or just having fun on a party.
What did you notice?
I know exactly what you noticed.
She seemed attractive by just having fun! She was doing something that makes her happy and that always radiates attractiveness a sex appeal.
Guess what? It works the same way with guys too!
Instead of wallowing in depression and being bored, force yourself to have fun every day my fellow young going bald man. Yes, you heard that righ.
Force yourself!
Write down 5-11 activities you love doing.
Now, please don’t write playing video games, watching movies, going to restaurants and bars on that list. Everyone loves doing those activities! Everyone! There is nothing special about those mentioned activities! Plus they don’t serve you or develop you in any particular way.
Dig deeper young Superman!
What real activities you like doing?
What would you like to learn?
I’ll give you an example from my life. I have huge amount of hobbies. And I love engaging in them all. Surfing, tenis, welding, open water swimming, writing, soccer playing, windsurfing, the list goes on. Yes there is a new one I’m in love with – playing drums. Neighbors are not happy, but who cares, I am ;).
But those are mine. Yours will be different.
Dig deeper, dig beyond the movies and video games my fellow young going bald or already bald man becoming Superman. What is it that would bring you joy?
I have a hint for you.
It should be activities that developed you on some level, they are happening outside (not necessary though), they stretch you, they are not passive, they teach you and engage you mentally or physically or both.
There is plenty of fun activities out there that Young Bald Superman like you can engage daily. And with that learn, zone out, zone in, have fun, lose tract of time, become better and more attractive at the same time!
Hard work for Bald Superman.
Bald superman not only has huge amount of fun in his life, he also works hard on himself. That is Superman’s way of having fun too.
He wants to get better.
He wants to improve all the time.
Now you too my fellow young going bald or already bald man should strive to work hard on yourself.
In what particularly?
Better fitness.
Better health.
Better mind.
Better look.
Specific knowledge to your field.
Building stuff. Any kind of building.
Marketable skills.
List goes on and on. The bottom line is that, you can only become better at any of these great traits if you work hard on yourself.
If your idea of fun is to lie on the beach in a hammock drinking exotic drinks and do nothing, that’s ok. As long as you don’t get stuck doing that for too long.
It’s ok to relax for a while. But do that for too long and you start heading to completely different direction than Superman. And it won’t be pretty.
Yes relax for a bit! But be careful to not find yourself wanting to relax all the time. Because you’ll turn into bald loser instead of Bald Superman.
Combination of those 2 creates lifestyle of Bald Superman.
Now combine hard work and fun together, apply them consistently and you’re on the right track to be a Superman yourself.
How do I know that? Well I am one!
I am Superman!
I just visited my father over the weekend in my homeland – Kryptonite planet. Things didn’t chance much since I left. Everybody is doing well – having lots of fun and working very hard at the same time!
Can you lead a lifestyle like Superman my fellow young going bald man? Off course you can! It’s really not that dificult. And it’s very rewarding. Not only others, yes pretty ladies too, will find you very attractive, but you’ll also feel amazing about yourself. And that my friend is a true Superman like skill. Have fun, work hard, have fun, work hard. Rinse and repeat every single day!
Related articles:
From balding loser to bald Superman
Becoming Bald Superman – part 2
Becoming Bald Superman – part 3