My fellow young going bald man, promise me one thing – you’ll never give up and settle for mediocre life. A life of what ifs and holding back because of your early baldness. No matter how severe and early your early baldness comes, you’ll be the winner eventually. You’ll go through hell and you’ll keep going through it no matter what. And if you don’t find the way out of it, you’ll keep going until the hell freezer over 1000 times. That’s the way to persist and win!
The hell you’re going throug
And boy, it is a hell! You’re young and nobody from your peers is bald. You suffer a lot by it and you don’t see a solution in your baldness situation. You get depressed several times per day and every time you look in the mirror. Just looking at a pretty girl makes you frightened and think: “I will never have a girl like that in my life because I am a bald man!”
Now that’s bullshit of course. I dated some of the most beautiful women in the world while completely bald and so will you if you don’t give up and come out of this hell as a winner. And I am convinced you will me fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Keep going!
So how do you keep going through this miserable situation you’re in now? I have an answer for you my fellow young going bald man.
Life is a marathon! You don’t see it now. You’re a teenager or a man in his twenties and you think this is it. But it is not. Not at all my fellow bald man. I repeat: Life is a marathon! And you have very long way to go.
So what does that have together with not giving up and keeping marching forward through hell? A lot!
So, let’s say you’re in your last year of high school. That makes you about 17 years old. Maybe you’re much younger, or much older, like 27. It doesn’t matter. You create a plan that will guide you through this hell and you’ll emerge from that hell like a true winner. Several years ago I was in the same situation you’re now my fellow young going bald man.
When I finish my marge through the hell and came out of it, I was 25 years old. I was the fittest from all my peers. I was the most self confident man around. I met love of my life. I was a man on a mission. I had big goals and I was going aggressively after them. I had growth positive mindset that I developed in my hell. Life felt fantastic!
But I paid my dues while I was in my very similar to yours hell. And I believe you can create the same situation and experience for yourself. You simply must young bald man on mission!
Create a plan
Now you’re still in hell my fellow young bald man! But now you’re creating path out of it. The plan consists of:
Achieving fantastic physical fitness!
Achieving fantastic mental fitness!
Achieving bulletproof high self confidence!
Developing goals and a sense of mission and going aggressively after them!
Striving for overall self improvement!
Gaining high motivation!
Developing positive, growth, abundant mindset and positive thinking!
Becoming a little bit more selfish and engaging more in activities that bring you joy/fulfill you!
So how do you achieve all these beautiful traits that will shoot you to the stardom and make you irresistibly attractive bald man living fantastic bold life with no regretts? Dig little deeper into where you’re now: Baldattraction.com That is exactly a focus of this website.
Young going bald man that’s going through hell: Persist! And keep going through that hell. But use that time effectively to become attractive successful bald man that actually emerges from that hell as an attractive successful confident happy bold in his actions bald man. I’ll tell you, it’s the fantastic thing to be! Do anything you can to get there and enjoy the incredible benefits it brings! Deep down you already want it!
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17 things every 17 year young going bald man should know
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