Attractive bald man in making, YOU, me dome time ago and many many others out there in the world often think they don’t have competing power to men with hair in attractiveness race. If we can call it that for now.
But this is simply not true. As you’ll see later in this article, it’s actually very easy to destroy your competition. So keep your head up my fellow young bald man and let’s create the plan how to destroy your competition. It’s easier than you think!
Attractive bald man destroys competition and wins video:
Men with hair – your competition
Yes, let’s make men with hair our competition of attractiveness race as our primary competition. A man with hair has only one advantage or attractiveness perk if we can call it that, over us bald and you, a bald man.
Now you already know that hair on a mans head creates only about 1.3 % of overall mans attractiveness. I actually even disagree with that. I believe, no hair, baldness of a man can add to mans attractiveness. And I talk about that a lot in my articles and videos.
So, let’s just leave it at that and maybe let’s add another 10% to man with hair to his overall attractiveness. It’s just to let them be ahead in the race. I BTW do it all the time when I play tennis. I always let my opponent win first set. And I do it the way my opponent doesn’t notice. I find this to be a great strategy to improvement. I give myself a handicap before competing and I’ll still try to win the race. And bragging aside, I usually always do. But I not only won, I improved substantially in the process too! That’s the right outcome I look for when I compete. I think you too should adopt this strategy my fellow young going bald man.
So yeah my fellow bald man, let’s give ourself a little handicap. Let’s let the beauty with hair start the race much sooner! Don’t worry, we are wining this one anyway my young bald brother!
It’s easy to win
Now what do I mean by winning the attractiveness race is easy to win over men with hair? It’s simple. 99% of men, all men, I don’t discriminate, bald men included are just average slobs.
They don’t have any style.
They are not physically fit.
They don’t know how to approach women the right way.
They not ambitious and don’t have goals in life.
They don’t know how to take care of their health correctly.
They eat crappy food.
They don’t know how to have real fun in life.
They want to be lead instead of them to lead.
They are just poor human beings!
It’s very easy to win the race with these men. And trust me on this my fellow bald man, the wast majority of men are like this!

Average man is a slob
And you already know that in order to be attractive man, you can’t be a lazy slob. And average lazy slob which is BTW very unattractive doesn’t have anything together with baldness. There are men with hair that are slobs as well as men that are bald that are slobs.
Being a lazy slob is not good! It’s very, very, very unattractive!!! And it doesn’t matter how much hair he has.
With that piece of information my fellow bald man, you’re already catching up with a man with hair that we just let run substantially ahead of us in this race of overall attractiveness of a man. Why? Because slobs don’t even realize that they are slobs. It takes some contious thinking, little learning for a man to realize that he’s actually lazy unattractive slob. And that’s already too much to ask from him.
But you know it now my fellow bald man on the mission and you’re catching up hugely in the race for overall attractiveness of a man.
Let’s dissect few things we know about average man that creates the majority. And with that create a plan of attack, so you bald man will destroy your competition every time and will be the most attractive, special, fun to be around, successful man out there. A man who is bald!
Average man/slob is unfit and fat
Now this one is pretty obvious. But you’d be surprised, that majority of men either don’t care about their fitness level, or they think they are in pretty good shape in spite of not being in good shape at all.
And you’d be also surprised, that almost every woman pays a lot of attention to a mans fitness levell. Yes being so so fit and very fit makes a huge difference in beautiful woman’s eye.
So what are we learning here my fellow bald man on the mission? And how is this going to get you ahead in our race for overall attractiveness of a man – YOU THE WINNER?
Us bald men, yes you too, we have to strive for fantastic physical fitness. We can’t settle only for ok fitness. The best fitness possible is the goal to shoot for here my fellow bald man. How do you achieve it? I wrote many articles on this subject, but you can summarize it in one simple sentence:
Regular intensive strength training with combination of interval training, some sprints aded to workout and heathy whole foods diet.
Are you my fellow bald man doing these incredibly great tools to get and stay in top physical shape? If not, you’re a part of the majority of men. And you might want to consider braking away from that majority. I strongly recommend it.
Plus it’s not that hard. And everything else in your life will benefit too. Being in a perfect physical shape won’t only get you a great look and health. It will substantially rise your confidence and self belief. You’re very likely to succeed wildly in every aspect of your life when you’re exceptionally physically fit. Don’t take it lightly. Start your perfect shape program today.
Average man doesn’t pay attention about his style
But an attractive, successful bald man – YOU! Does!!! You’re already ahead in the race with a man with hair. You’re fitter than him. You’re physically fitter than the majority of men out there competing with you in attracting the most beautiful women. With that, you’re more confident, you respect yourself more. You’re already ahead.
Now you want to get ahead even further! And the style comes into place here. Average man, yes I call him slob, and majority of men are slobs, doesn’t pay attention about his style. He dresses the same old, worn out clothes. He rationalizes. It’s still good. It’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t want to spend any money on this. I’ll keep wearing it.
That’s a very wrong attitude to apply here. Especially because the most attractive women really notice what you dress. It’s very important! And it’s really not that expensive. Those beautiful women don’t care how much you paid for your clothes. All they care about is that you care. And now you do care about your style my fellow bald man. And that puts you so much further ahead of the guy with hair on the racetrack to attractiveness.
So what do you have to do to really stand ou as an attractive fit bald man with style to have great style? It’s quite simple. You just pay attention to it everyday and you dress better. Take some cash and go to the discount clothing store. They are all over the place in here and they must be where you live too. Now, these are discounted clothes. And they offer great brand names. Guess what? Once you buy it, nobody will think you bought it in discounted clothing store! And even if they do, it’s not a problem.
Buy some great fitting pants, jeans, nice great tight fitting shirts and some button up shirts. Try to match up at least 2 combinations of these. If you need help with this, ask some lady in the store to help you choose. Tell her this: I’m trying to buy some new clothes. What kind of clothes you like on men? And just risk it and buy it. But make sure it really fits well on you.
Another great strategy is to get some fashion magazines and pick what you like. Tear the pages and go find similar clothes in your discount clothing store. That’s exactly what I do. And it’s working.
And than start donating and throwing your old shirts, pants and other old clothes away.
My fellow bald man on the mission, give yourself some time here. Get some fashion magazines, make yourself a coffee or go to the coffee shop and go through them. Than look into your wardrobe. Get rid of the old stuff. And go shopping! It should be fun!
Now, not only it is fun to shop for nice clothes that fits you well, this habit becomes life transformational. If you dress well and you’re physically very fit, you basically don’t have competition anymore. And I don’t care how beautiful that guy with Tom Cruise kind if hair is. The pretty eyes are on you my fellow bald man! So don’t underestimate your style in dressing well and get really ahead in the attractiveness competitive race. It’s easy to win here!!!!
Average man doesn’t have goals and is not ambitious.
You on the other have have goals, are passionate, and you are also ambitious. Now what if you think that you’re not? I don’t believe you!!! Everybody has secret dreams and goals in life. You too! Now don’t make them secret anymore my fellow bald man.
You should start sharing them, talking about them and pursuing them aggressively! Make your dreams and goals come true my fellow going bald or already bald man. Having big goals and dreams is exciting, it is motivating and it makes you apear larger than life. And yes that’s what you are.
Being ambitious and having goals and dreams is also going to keep you very positively bussy. You are less likely to dwell on your shortcomings and feel sorry for yourself because there are things to do and finish. You’re on the mission.
If you want to get anything done give it to the bussiest person.
And that statement is valid. If you’re ambitious, busy man on a mission, you’re basically sitting in driver seat of your life ship. You get things done. You’re are responsible for your actions and where you’re heading. And you’re also responsible for your overall attractiveness too. Being ambitious man with large exciting dreams and goals is very attractive!
Average man doesn’t dream big. He just flounders from day to day waiting untill his 9-5 shift is over so he can go home and watch TV and complain. How fucking miserable that kind of life must be.
You on the other hand my fellow bald man are different. You’re pursuing your ambitious dreams and goals. That makes you busy, excited and energized. And your surroundings notices. You appear immediately more attractive.
Few examples how you can apply this strategy to become happier, more productive and more attractive bald man. Plus few examples from my life:
Start interesting project
I’m a personal trainer and I love it. But I haven’t come up lately with anything new to challenge me in my profession. Yes workouts I give my clients are always fun, hard and very intensive and fun. But it’s been one on one training for way too long.
So I started early morning bootcamp class. Now this one really stretches me and I love it. I have to face 20 people and make them work out, have fun and enjoy it. And many times I’m facing a group of beautiful women too. This is quite challenging and I’m learning a lot by doing this. Not only I make good amount of cash from my bootcamp session, I’m also learning to be comfortable in front of the crowds. You can also call it public speaking. And public speaking was named the number 1 scary thing people tend to avoid at any cost. But if you can conquer the fear and learn to be comfortable in front of the crowds, you’ll not only apear special, expert, mentor and many other beautiful names, people will find you incredibly attractive. If I really wanted to, I could start collecting phone numbers from the hottest girls in my town in my bootcamp. Off course that’s not my intention ๐
How about you my fellow bald man? Can you start some interesting, your own growth supporting, possibly profitable project like this? Even though it can be very scary to face a group if people, you should still do it. The benefits that come from it even if you fail miserably are amazing.
People gravitate to those who move beyond the fear. Even those who fail miserably. What do you know well? What do you like doing? Teach it to a group of people my fellow bald man. Charge for it, make some money if you want. But the benefits go far beyond it. Far, far, far beyond it!
This is just a very simple example of starting an interesting new project. Be creative my fellow bald man. Start whatever you please. Just don’t stay still. Keep starting. Keep failing. Learn more in the process. And yes! Collect some phone numbers from the beauties on the way too!
Get more education
I became recently a licensed California Real Estate agent. I always wanted to do it. So why not! Will I ever use it? I think I will. Maybe not. Anyways, it did stretched me nicely. It took me about a year to finish the program. And I learned a lot. And that was my intention. And maybe I’ll sell few houses and certainly buy my own in the future. Again I love it!
How about you my fellow bald man. What is the thing you always wanted to study? Don’t tell me you have no ambition to know something new. To be qualified to do something new. You do have things you would live to know. Go sign up for a class this week and see what happens!
Start learning a new skill
I’m recently learning guitar playing and fiction writing. I play guitar for at least 15 minutes per day. And I just finished reading a book from Steven King – On Writing. But this 2 are just the example of many other skills I’m honing.
How about you my fellow going bald or already bald man? What skill would you like to master? Learning new language, learning to play musical instrument or interesting sport like tennis or skating? Pick few and start engaging in them for at least 15 minutes several times per week.
Start a business
10 years ago I decided to start my own little personal training bussiness. I made 7 fliers with my picture on it and people started calling. Now I’m almost full time trainer. It’s a great income and I made a lot of friends training people. And it was just the simple decission to do it.
How about you my fellow bald man? Do you have a special skill you can offer? I’m sure you do! Everybody does! Start your little business today! You never know where that can lead you to.
These are few actionable things to do to apear and be more ambitious, attractive, successful bald man. Because being a an ambitious doer matters a lot to your overall attractiveness. And your whole life, success and well being benefits hugely too.
Average man is man without hobies and interests – he’s a boring slob
No, that’s not you my fellow bald man. You are an interesting man. You have hobbies, you know how to have fun. Yes because that’s exactly why you have hobbies. To have fun! And people who we see having fun appear very attractive to us. Having fun, doing what you love doing is very attractive!
Your goal for this week my fellow bald man is to develop 3 interesting hobbies. One of them should be active hobby preferably outdoors.
Let me give you few examples of my fun hobbies. I engage and have fun in at least 2 of them daily. I surf at least once per week. I play guitar almost everyday for at least 15 minutes. I play tennis several times per week, 3 – 4 times or so. And I have a very weird and interesting hobby collecting stamps. I know it’s pretty weird. But it brings me joy so why not.
Other example of great hobbies:
Soccer playing
Roller blading
Harmonica or piano or electric guitar playing
Hiking in woods
Chess playing
Mountain biking
The list goes on and on. The examples are endless my fellow attractive bald man. The key is to pick something that brings you joy and lots of fun. It doesn’t matter how weird the activity might seem like. Just make sure some of those hobbies are active and outdoors. That’s a rule! Now go crazy developing your own hobbies. Than have lots of fun engaging in them. And appear and be immediately incredibly attractive to the other people. To the most attractive!

It’s easy to destroy your competition – other men with hair ๐
If you do all this, and you have to agree with me here my fellow bald man it’s not hard to do, you won’t have competition in attractiveness and dating life anymore. You’ll be so far ahead of other men, yes very beautiful men with hair included, that they’ll never catch up with you in the attractiveness race track you’re already winning by so much.
Now all you have to do my fellow going bald soon to be the most attractive man out there is to follow my advice. Do all the steps described above. Do them consistently! Take them seriously! And your competition – other men, men with hair won’t have any chance beating you at the attractiveness scale. The only attractive men out there competing with you will be most likely other bald men on the mission to become attractive bald men.
And with that enjoy the prettiest eyes of the prettiest most attractive women being on you instead of other man. Yes that’s a very real possibility for bald man. How do I know? Bragging aside here. I experience all those great things in my life. It’s so worth it. Now, don’t wait young going bald man or already bald man on a mission, make it happen in your life. Start today! Become the most attractive, successful man out there – the attractive bald man!
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Young going bald man – never give up!
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Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 11