Every young bald man should have some serious fun everyday. A serious play time! Why? It’s not only great for your mind, confidence, it is very attractive to watch too. Yes it’s the moment of having that fun that makes you incredibly attractive. But that transforms to your entire life. Having fun is therapeutic! It’s great for your soul. And it’s great for your body. It improves your overall life. What would life be without having a lot of fun in it.
Here is my definition of serious fun having:
Engaging in an activity, physical or mental (balance them) where you loose track of time and get in the zone just purely enjoying the activity and not thinking of anything else.
What should serious fun look like:
I was on the playground with my 3 and a half year old son and I observed the true picture of a wild fun. I serious play. I snapped few pictures for you to have an idea what I mean.
It looks like this:

No he’s not bald just yet. But he most likely will be eventually. And if he is to become bald like his daddy, he will be bald soon 🙂
More power to him!
Anyway, kids naturally fall into a serious fun zone everyday. Why us adults don’t? We take ourselves and everything around us way too seriously, not realizing we are just a bigger kids. Yes we are!
Well, there is an opportunity for us young bald men. We have to find a way to engage in serious fun. Actually, we have to let ourselves to fall into serious fun and play. And with that, we will stand out of the crowds and we will be more healthy, happy and attractive at the same time.
Can you pull this off my fellow going bald way too young man?
Of course you can!
Examples of my serious bald mans fun times:
Surfing – I seriously turn into a little kid doing this serious fun sport. I even got into a fight for a good wave out there in the ocean. Talk about turning into a kid. It doesn’t get more childish than that! I love that!
Stamp collection – old Slovakia, czechoslovakia, trains, Olympics, cars, anymals, air planes. I love it! And I have one huge stock book for each of them.
Mountain biking
Cartoon painting
What are yours fun times young going bald man?
Young bald man, it’s your duty to engage in serious fun everyday!
It’s our duty to engage in serious fun in our life’s everyday. Lets have that young boy on the pictures (my boy!) above to be a little guidance for you and me and all young bald men out there to show us what serious fun should look like. It really should look like that! Wide smile, running, sweating, laughing, screaming fun times. Yes it’s important! Don’t underestimate it my fellow young going bald men.
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