Young bald man can be very insecure. I know. I was! Big time!
But guess what, the rest of the world is too.
They all are very very insecure! They really are! All of them!
For young going bald man, it is very important to realize, process and digest right this single piece of information.
Because when I was 21 and bald I thought that I’m the only one feeling and being totally insecure.
And guess what that creates?
It creates low self confidence. You give credit to everyone else and you bring down yourself.
That has to stop!
Never ever think that somebody is better than you, better looking, more self confident than you just because you’re bald!
Never ever from now on think that! Promise me that!
Here are the most common insecurities men have:
I’m fat.
I have big ass.
I have a small dick.
I’m ugly.
Women don’t like me.
I can’t talk to beautiful woman.
I’m too short.
I’m too tall.
I have big nose.
I have big ears.
And so on…………….
My point here is not to show you what king of insecurities men have.
My point is that every single one of them has them.
I will name you few of mine right of the bet:
I have too hairy chest.
I have ugly nails on my legs.
And I’m missing a tooth but I’m afraid to go to the dentist. So I smile the way it’s visible.
My forehead looks like a forehead of orangutan when you’re looking at me from the side.
I have much more of them, but these are just 4 that came right into my mind.
The point here is that even the overly confident man out there in the world has his own insecurities.
And you young going bald or already bald man has to keep that in mind.
That will immediately help you realize that you are not any worst than anybody else. And actually for the most part you’re much better at everything and anything than the other guy you give way too much respect to.
Primary source of insecurity for young going bald or already bald man is the early baldness. Yes like I said. I’ve been there. But usually everything else for young bald man is fine. Now brake that piece of insecurity too by becoming attractive, confident successful bald man. And stop giving too much respect to others. Rather give it to yourself. Enough said!
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