Young going bald or already bald man, can you identify a major fear in your life that’s irrational, meaning that you wouldn’t be in any real danger if you acted in spite of that fear?
Let me give you few examples from my early fearful young going bald mans experience:
Approaching attractive women and asking them for date
I used to be frightened to approach a beautiful girl and start a conversation. It was debilitating fear. It was seriously a kind of fear like she would chop my head off with machete just turning around and reacting on my: Hi how are you?
And I know a lot of bald men that are frightened of approaching beautiful girl. Now this kind of fear is very irrational. And if you really think about it. I mean really think about the moment when you approach this girl, there is only one outcome: You can only gain from it!
First, you mustered the courage and used the courage muscles. They just got stronger. Second, you actually got a chance to face and talk to this beauty. And third, you might get that date eventually.
If not, there is no harm!
You didn’t have your yes before you talked to her and you don’t have your yes now. Nothing changed!
So, I too eventually broke this irrational fear. And I broke it by forcing myself to approach and talk to many beautiful girls. It certainly needs to be a right approach and I’ll talk about it in some other articles, but mustering the courage to make the move is crucially important.
And I started having hot dates in my life since I did put this debilitating fear into proper perspective. And you need to do the same my fellow bald man. And you’ll certainly get the same results I did.
Now I’m out of the dating game. I am happily married to one of those beauties I took the courage of approaching her in spite of me being very afraid to do so. Happy ending!!! You’ll get the same results my fellow young going bald man! Just act inspire of your fear! That’s where the real benefits lie! That’s the first thing I’ll teach my own kids!
Cutting my hair very short and my fear of doing it
I still remember the the fear I felt before I finally cut my hair very short. I would contemplate doing it for over a year, but I didn’t find enough courage to just do it.
After I finally made it happen and cut my hair short, I realized how unreasonable this fear actually was. Yes I changed my overall look and image drastically, but the feedback I got from other people was great! I even started really liking my very short cut in about 3 days. And I never turned back. Now I cut my hair regularly in 3 mm length and maintain it that way.
What seemed like a very scary action to do – biting a bulletproof and just cutting my hair very short, turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
My fellow young bald man, if you’re afraid of what’s going to happen, how people will react after you cut your hair very short, that’s ok. But if you really want to do it, than just do it! It’s ok to be afraid. Be afraid, but move boldly and make it happen! Today! My guess is, that 3 days later you’ll be telling yourself why you haven’t done it long time ago.
Speaking in front of large group of people and fear that comes with it
I used to start seriously shaking when I had to say something in front of larger group of people when the eyes were all on me. I would get frightened, turn red and of course the speech would turn out terrible. I was scared! And I wasn’t alone.
There was a research done about what scares people the most. And number one thing ended up being – speaking in larger group of people.
Everybody is afraid to speak in front of the crowds. And off course everybody avoids it. I used to avoid it too. Not anymore!
One beautiful day in one fitness centre where I used to work I had to have a group orientation for members about some safe, effective core exercises. I was a beginner trainer than. The one almost everybody is. A personal trainer with no clients to train.
Of course I wanted them, but for some reason nobody wanted to hire me. Very typical for personal training industry.
Now my presentation was coming. I was scared! I tried to get out of it several times. But looking at it from hind side luckily with no success. I had to do the presentation. I was frightened! I felt sick just before it. That’s how scared I was.
The morning came and people were ready. There were about 30 of them. I didn’t sleep the whole night. I was a scared wreck!
Now the presentation started. I dove in and did my thing surprisingly with confidence. Yes I was still very afraid mainly in the beginning of it. But as time passed and I realized that nobody will bite my head of and probably won’t anymore, I grew less afraid and more confident.
When my presentation ended after an hour or so, people were standing around me with more questions and requests for private personal training sessions.
To make this story little shorter, this presentation kick started my personal training successful profitable bussiness. I have been doing more of it ever since. I’m still very afraid before any presentation I have in front of larger group of people, but I force myself to do it always no matter what.
Public speaking is one of those initially scary activities attractive successful bald man should master. The fact that everybody is afraid of it and nobody is doing it will make a bald man stand out of the crowds immediately! He will appear more attractive, more confident man everybody wants to be around. And his bank account will grow substantially too!
Attractive successful bald man turn toward your fears
It turns out that if you too my fellow young going bald man push through your fears and do what you really are afraid of doing, you’ll be surprised what will follow. Because, simply if you’re afraid to do something, face an uncomfortable situation or do something downright scarry, the outcome will always surprise you in a very positive way. You’ll be more likely to respect yourself and feel great about yourself. Because many would not act in your shoes. You’ll be growing more confident, calm and successful with every acted upon situation. You’ll be becoming an incredibly attractive, confident, successful bald man!
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