Young bald man in search for answers, what’s ahead and how to deal with his own early baldness stumbles across many opinions what to do. And a lot of them are terrible obtions!
My advice for young bald man would be: Be you, be new, be true! Magnify those 3 beautiful things by 10 fold by being confident, courageous and bold in your actions and the result is incredibly attractive successful young bald man!
Young bald man be you be new be true video:
Young bald man be you!
You are unique my fellow young going bald or already bald man! That’s very valuable! Non of us has exact replica. But a lot of us want to be someone else. We want to be like someone we admire. While it’s not bad to copy certain qualities of successful people, it’s a great idea to be mainly you! You with all your own great qualities. And yes you with all the bad ones too. That’s imperfectly perfect!
I still remember when I was teenager, I always wanted to be like someone else. I was a follower and I copied everything. Nothing what was I was good enough for me. It happens quite often to young people. And yes you guessed it right, I was a looser for the most part!
Than things changed for me. I realized that to live a great life I need to be more me. Me only! And things started to change. I really liked being me! And you’ll really like being you too! It takes little confidence and you can start becoming your true amazing, unique you. You have to shoot for that! You have to my fellow young going bald man! The results it brings are amazing!
It might take some time and trying to truly find your own true you and being you. But if you stick to that quest you’re going to love the result of it. Don’t give up! Get on the road to become true 100% you and stick to that quest. Because you, truly you, is where your success lies in life.
Young bald man be new!
Why being new is important? Because everything old is already known, boring and taken. You want to be just a little bit ahead of the curve. You want to be creative and you need to recreate yourself often. That doesn’t mean you’ll compromise your true YOU. It means you’re bold enough and adventurous to pursue uncharted waters.
Let me give you few examples:
All your peers go and get the “real jobs” right after college. You go and travel around the world instead. Than you come home and start your own bussiness.
You develop your own style in dressing. Your own bold style!
You do cool activities outdoors while everybody plays computer games. Than you ad some new ones.
You pick up electric guitar and learn some metal tunes while everybody listens to techno music.
And so on. Examples are endless. The key here is to be creative, adventurous and unstuck YOU! People gravitate to adventurous fearless bold always new recreated people. Now go make it happen! Become new! And become new often.
Young bald man be true!
There is no need to hide anything about yourself. Even the most intimate stuff about you and your family. Share it! Be true! People love people who are real and true. And guess why that is? Because they are very likely to have very similar problems and issues you do.
I am not afraid to share that my whole family is crazy. Me included! I have some serious crazy genes in my family. And I am truly open with that, instead of being ashamed of it. And I openly talk about it! I openly share with people that one of my biggest fears in life is that my kids will inherit my crazy genes. Which on a different matter can make them very happy human beings too. I am! So why not them? Even though they might be little crazy. There is nothing to be ashamed of that!
Be real my fellow young going bald man. Be true! There is no need to hide and lie. Be honest! Be true! People will love you for that. You’ll appear more attractive and confident to them. You’ll spear honestly and confidently real!
10X rule for young bald man
Now, my fellow young going bald or already bald man, try to magnify all those 3 qualities by 10 fold! How do you do it? You do it with confidence, courage and bold actions! That’s exactly how you become 10X more you, 10X more new and 10X more true!
It’s hard for you, young going bald or already bald man to follow this advice I am giving you. I know! I’ve been there! You’re young and you want to fit in. You want to follow the croud. That seems like right, safe thing to do. But I believe you shouldn’t. From the depth of my heart I believe you should be just you, new and true!
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