Young going bald or already bald man has to fight with a lot of insecurities in his days. I know I’ve been there!
And I have a great strategy for young going bald man how to win this battle. It proved very effective in my own young going bald situation.
The strategy is: Engaging in your own passions and activities that make you happy and make you better at some aspect of your life like fitness, health, intelligence, knowledge, relax and so on.
It could be anything from all kinds of sports, outdoors activities to chess playing, woodworking or rare coins collection.
And preferably you’ll have several passions like this.
My biggest one is surfing in ocean. I can’t tell you how much I gained in life from this simple activity in nature.
Yours will be different my fellow going bald man. And you will have more of them too. Like I do.
This kind of productive, feel good, self fulfilling activities are a must for every young going bald man.
Especially the kind of young man I was – with a little or a big insecurity – early baldness.
It all starts with pressure and desperation
You are losing your hair. It seams like it’s going fast!
And you’re only 22. That’s a big hit into your psyche. It will leave a mark on you.
Now how do you react?
What do you do?
Well, it doesn’t matter. Because whatever you do it’s going to be tough!
But no matter how tough it is, you’re still going to win in life my fellow young going bald man!
You have a lot of energy
You’re young and you have a huge amount of energy.
Young healthy guys do have a lot of energy.
Huge amounts!
And that’s great! As long as you use it and channel it into right direction – into your advantage and point it toward your winning in life.
How do you do that?
Don’t sabotage yourself
First, don’t sabotage yourself!
Don’t become your own worst enemy my fellow way too young going bald mam.
There is a solution to your problem.
But you have to go easy on yourself and use some ignorance too.
It’s so easy to just go and turn against yourself, like thinking you look ugly and you’ll never have a hot date and you’ll never succeed in life as a bald man.
Not true!
Nothing can be further from truth!
Let’s get you on the right mindset mode my fellow suffering young man!
Chanel your abundant energy into a right direction
You’re young and you have a ton of energy. That energy has to be channeled. And it has to be channeled into a right direction.
I know I repeat myself here. But it is that important.
That direction is: You spend your energy getting better at every aspect of your life, staying healthy, happy and very positive.
Here is were your hobbies and passions come in place.
And you have to make sure, you engage in them very regularly.
They’ll set your mind on the right tune my fellow going bald way too young man.
Do stuff that make you happy and fulfill you
What activities make you happy?
What is your idea of fun? Do it!
And do much more of it!
Gain confidence and respect with it
When you have fun in life engaging in doing your favorite activities and passions and making them your priority, people notice.
You and your well being is your number 1 priority! Everything else is secondary.
Your and mine too number 1 duty in life is too keep yourself happy, healthy and comfortable with who you are.
And that’s way being little or a lot selfish by concentrating on activities that make you happy, better and fulfill you emotionally is your number 1 duty.
Be more selfish!
Be more cocky!
Than and only than you will be at a great position to help others.
First you have to help yourself!
Than and only than other people will see a young man that is on a mission and a man that respects himself no matter if he has hair or not.
People automatically gravitate to a person like that – YOU! With all that your confidence rises young bald man on a mission. And with that everything in your life benefits! Go now and start applying it in your own life!
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