Us attractive bald men on a mission are all humans. Every single one of us. And I am a human lover. I love all people the way the are. Off course as long as they’re not hurting anybody in any form.
Lately I was accused of heading the Bald Attraction empowerment strictly the heterosexual way. And it is truth, because quite simply, I am a straight man and I write exactly as I feel and experience life as a bald man. But that doesn’t mean gay men can’t benefit from it either.
We are the human beings with the very similar needs and wants and I respect all deeply. I don’t discriminate.
So off course Bald Attraction is for gay men as well as for straight men.
World belongs to attractive bald men gay and straight video:
My only bald discrimination
So who do I discriminate against? Do I discriminate against somebody out there? Yes I do. And I am not ashamed of it 🙂
I discriminate a little against guys with hair. Bald Attraction is not for men with hair. You’re most likely a bald or going bald young man if you’re reading this article. With all my respect to men with hair, I prefer a bald men audience. And I think, that’s what exactly I’m getting. And I love that!
If you’re a young man with hair reading this web site, fine. You can actually find a lot of usefully information to help you live attractive bold full off fulfilled potential life. Keep reading and learning! It makes me happy if I can help to motivate you into positive action too!
But my primary target are young bald men. And I don’t care if they are gay or straight. They are bald. They have the same challenges in life and I am here to help if they are willing to listen.
So, if you’re a young going bald man gay or straight, and you find information on this website useful, encouraging and helpful, please stick around! Come back for more. It’s for you! You’re are the young bald ROCKSTAR on the mission of becoming attractive successful bald man! You belong here! I mean it from depth of my heart.
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One thing young bald men have everybody wants
Bald men should be little cocky
Hi Milan, greetings from Barcelona. Thanks for affirming gay guys in your website too. I love how you mix a practical with a spiritual approach. You’re right: confidence, boldness, humor, authenticity is what people like. If you have that you’ll be magnetic! I never became “down” as a result of loosing my hair. I’m 39 now and when I realized I was loosing my hair in my early 30s I just cut it shorter and understood it to be one more of life’s processes. Yes, I tried Rogaine for a few weeks, but my interest never went as far as trying Propecia or other treatments. Luckily most of us (in addition to being recognized as having a healthy sex drive) have a nice beard, in my case being Mediterranean I find I like my dark hair very short, just buzzed to zero (never shaved) and then have the scruff be the same length, and enjoy its growing length until the following week and a half’s cutting. I find it looks great, and I feel great. My husband thinks I look great and tells me all the time. Thx for being so inspirational, we have been hitting the gym a bit more lately, cutting sugars, etc as a result of your guidelines. Keep up the good stuff! Un abrazo!!!
Tony, thank you for your note. I am so honored to have friends in Barcelona! You and your husband are obviously very attractive successful men. You being the bold one. Fantastic! Say hi to Europe Tony. I truly miss it. But I also love my new home here in San Francisco. Thank you Tony and stay proud of who you are – Bald Attractive Man. Keep rocking Tony. Milan