I know we bald men asked this question before and most likely many times: Can I still be very attractive man when I am bald? And if that’s possible, what do I have to do?
The answer to that question is an astounding: Yes! You, my fellow bald friend
can become the most attractive man out there. But it won’t happen just like that. It takes work. And it takes a lot of work. But, I don’t know how about you, but I would do anything to become more attractive. And, I am pretty sure, you will do the same think.
Common! Being very attractive is fantastic thing to have. People care more about being attractive than being healthy. That of course doesn’t mean, you won’t be healthy. Becoming attractive bald man means also becoming very healthy man. Almost to the point of becoming invincible.
Let me just give you an example. When I came to US almost completely bald, I didn’t feel confident. And I also felt kind of weak too and not as healthy. My English was non existent. The feeling sorry about myself creeped back again.
I mastered myself back in Slovakia, I stayed confident, in great shape. And I felt good. Things were going great. I was dating beautiful women, that found me very attractive. But, when I came to the States, things sort of fell apart again.
I had to get a job, based on my non existent English language skills. Working in a restaurant and moving furniture for local moving company is not necessarily major confidence boost. So I started wallowing in my mind again. I was slipping fast on my attractiveness factor.
One day after a grueling moving job in San Francisco that took 15 hours and I barely made my last metro – BART back to east bay, I decided something has to change. And it was my attitude. I decided right there, where I was sitting in that BART stained seat to stop feeling sorry for myself. And start working very hard to feel confident again.
I started working intensively on my English language. I got in perfect shape. And most of all, I felt excited and very ambitious again. I knew, I am going to dig myself from this hole. And I did. It was a hard work. But at the end, I ended up with perfect job that I really loved, my fitness was amazing, I was very confident in my actions. And I loved every second of it. This struggle – progress made me feel very happy.
I still consider this period of my life – first 3 years as an emigrant in US as the best years of my life. Those were very intensive years. I was incredibly proud of myself and I was making things happen. It offed hurt. But I enjoyed the pain in the process. Progress takes some pain after all. If there is no struggle, there is no progress either.
Anyway, this is what makes bald man attractive. Your actions, your attitude, your willingness to overcome your struggles. And, it might sound odd, but also enjoyment of it all. Yes, you can make yourself enjoy overcoming your pains and struggles. Stop feeling sorry about yourself now! And get to work!
Take life into your hands potentially attractive bald man. Take care of yourself and get to work. Eat healthy, exercise, lift weights, study, be confident of your looks and enjoy it all in the process. And that’s what makes a bald man, very attractive bald man.
Read more here about becoming bald attractive man
How to become bald attractive man
I’ll be doing my first shaved bald young man Red Carpet for the Hollywood Sunset Pictures film Bruce The Challenge in which I star as real life American Kenpo Karate Master Dave Gonzales who has a student who challenged Bruce Lee to a fight in the 1960’s . It’s Sunday September 20th, 2015 at the Kikorian Theater in Monrovia, CA during the Action on Film Festival. If you are in the area please come to the premiere. it starts at 1pm please say hello and maybe take some photos on the Red Carpet with me. I’ve never posted or appeared at a Red Carpet event shaved bald. I plan to wear my Scottish Kilt .. Hope you can make it if it is conveniet for you. You are an inspiration. Thanks you.. Liam Stone http://www.youtube.com/LovinglyStonedProd
Liam, thank you for invitation! And congratulations to your success!You are quite a star! Keep rocking! I’ll try to make it. Milan