Your life depends on what you’re seeking young going bald man. It depends on what you concentrate your mind in.
It’s as simple as this quote:
What you seek is seeking you. – Rumi
Now, think about it my fellow young going bald man. What do you seek? What do you actively seek?
I am not sure what you seek, but I know what I seek. And I can confirm that the same is seeking me.
The important point I took from my seeking things is that I am getting exactly that. I’m getting what I’m seeking.
And if that is true and I believe it is, than it’s very, very, very important what I and You are seeking.
I’m seeking intensively and actively great fitness, health and energy. I’m getting exactly that!
I’m seeking high confidence and boldness in life. I could be little bolder in my actions. That means I need to seek the boldness more and more intensively.
Confidence-vise I’m satisfied. No need to seek more. Actually my confidence is so high, it gets me in trouble a lot these days. Ding! Ding! Seek that confidence little less now Milan!
I’m not seeking to be super attractive anymore. I’m happily married, I have 2 great kids, life is good.
It’s all you my fellow young going bald or already bald man – if you really seek to be attractive, sky’s the limit and you can become the most attractive man alive. Easy!
I’m seeking balanced family life these days. I have kids. They need me and I like being with them. And that’s exactly what I’m getting – great balanced life.
These are the most important things that I’m seeking. But enough about me!
What are you seeking young going bald man these days?
Whatever it is, you’ll most likely get it. So go concentrate aggressively on seeking some great positive stuff in the world that are worth seeking. Because if you seek long enough and intensively enough, you’ll get it! Guaranteed!