“Did you record this video on your toaster?”
That was the question I received from one of my YouTube subscribers. Which followed:
BTW I love what you said there in that video.
What a fantastic feedback that is!
And I’m very pleased with it. It means I’m on a right track.
Yes the quality of the video might be poor and it could be done much better if I spend countless hours preparing the extra video room I don’t really have and getting the lighting right and sound perfect. And off course dressing for it appropriately. In short, just basically faking it 🙂
Instead, I get out of the house fast in my workout clothes. I grab the only tool I use for my videos – my ipad. I get my coffee in my local favorite coffee shop, flip through my favorite websites. I read few articles and when time feels right, I open the Ipad and record the video without any editing at all.
High impact message, poor quality of the video. I’m fine with that!
I love it!
It’s my art and gift to the world.
Now how about you? Are you putting too many obstacles in front of you to make your own art? To get your message across? If so, I urge you to stop that. It’s not sustainable.
The genius and the true artist and creator is the one that uses the simplest tools to create his art. And he manages and removes obstacles standing in his way ruthlessly and effectivelly.
And the opposite is always true too. The artist who has beautiful, state of the art late technology, complex tools to create his art, but there is no message in his art is just sterile, polished piece of material no one really cares about.
Now who are you? Who do you choose to be? Do you have an important message you want to share? Do you have burning desire to create? That’s fantastic! Because it’s so rare!
Now my message and advice to you would be to remove all the obstacles and complexities from your way to focus only on your art and creation.
Maybe next time you’re inspired and burning desire is there to say something important, say it! And go ahead and record it on your toaster like I did the other day. People will appreciate your art greatly. And they really won’t care what tools were used to create it.