Young man like I was – with a little or a big insecurities, in my case it was early baldness often become their own worst enemies.
And it has to stop!
Stop being your worst enemy video:
Now you might be a man that has a different insecurity like being too short or being shy or being red headed or being too tall or too fat.
It doesn’t matter. Every man has an insecurity. Every single one of us has one.
There is not a perfect guy out there!
We all battle something.
Now the key here is to make your insecurity work for you.
And to not let it to sabotage you.
The key is to become comfortable with it and using it to your advantage.
How? The man who is bald, shy, too short or red headed like my brother is, will confidently move over these insecurities and won’t find them as such anymore.
The environment – people notice the confidence.
People you meet only care about what you think about yourself and themselves. That’s it.
Off course there is nothing wrong with being bald.
Off course there is nothing wrong with being red headed.
Off course there is nothing wrong with being too short and too tall.
And people know it!
Beautiful girls know it!
Everyone knows it!
But they also notice when you’re not ok with it.
They can smell it from far away!
And only than it becomes a problem. They might start pointing it out, if they are mean. Or they just keep it to themselves. But now they see what you suffer from. It becomes visible.
You make it visible!
And that’s the self sabotaging effect I wanted to point out.
I know it sounds harsh. But I’m trying to be brutally honest with you on this.
Your insecurities whatever they might be, only become a problem when you see them as a problem. Until than, nobody really notices at all.
The solution:
Simple yes?
Stop being your worst enemy!
Yes it sounds simple, but it’s not easy to accomplish.
It’s a process of change. And it takes some time. And sometimes it takes a lot of time.
But it’s very doable!
And you my fellow man with some kind if insecurity have to make it your mission.
If you become secure with your insecurities, you’ll move to a different level.
A level of high confidence, attractiveness and success in life.
So dig deeper into this web site my fellow man with some kind of insecurity and start conquering your worst enemy – YOU!
Make him to become your ally and your life changes forever.
It certainly worked for me that way.
I still have to remind myself from time to time when my worst enemy turns against myself. And than I go and conquer him. It all works out fine eventually and the enemy turns into a partner with whom you win every time!
I became a bald winner and you’ll become a winner too. Rock on! Don’t leave it to a chance. It’s a done deal! You’re the winner who wins every time!
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