I was told by one of the young going bald man and Bald Attraction reader a little while ago this:
“It’s not fair, us bald guys have to stay fit and work much harder on ourselves than guys with hair”!
Now first of all it is not true! If you’re fat and lazy slob, beautiful hair is not going to save you!
You’re a just a fat, lazy slob, no matter o your hair situation.
Now let’s take a man with beautiful hair, fantastic fitness level and work ethic that is the same as yours – fit attractive bald man.
Who’s better here? Who’s more attractive?
There are more variables here at play off course. Like who is more comfortable with who he is? Who more confident?
But off course it’s you – Bald Attractive Man! Because you are taking my advice seriously!
What I just described above about any man being physically fit and with incredible work ethic is rare.
Very rare!
Very, very rare!
The simple truth is that the bar is set very low.
Guys are not interested in being fit, having style, having manners, being comfortable and confident who they are.
Why is that? It takes work! It takes constant effort. And unfortunately wast majority of young men don’t find that an attractive proposition.
What a shame! What a waist! I’ll go as far as to say: What a wasted life!
Please, please, please don’t be like that my fellow young bald man!
It’s Sunday 9 AM right now. I already did my workout. I’m at work I love. I’m dressed in style. I feel amazing! I already got a lot of work done. Few hot women already checked my ass out. Not bragging! Just a fact. And pretty much, that’s my day everyday like that. And I love, love, love, LOVE it!
I won’t lye, it’s a hard work. And I sweat a lot. And sometimes I wish I could stay in bed. But the end result – my confidence, my fitness, health and well being beats it all!
If you as a bald man can become and stay very physically fit and mentally too. And you work on other aspects of your life and well being, you’ll hardly have any competition at all.
I go occasionally out with my beautiful wife. Not as much anymore because of our kids.
And about only once per year I see a man, fit and dressed well, with nice hair, with great manners, smiling and confidently relaxed. And at that situation I really feel I have competition. It happens very rarely though.
Off course my wife is not googling the man, even though I know he’s an eye candy to look at. This happens only about once per year. The rest of the time, the men I see around me just look awfully out of shape, out if style, with no smile and confidence radiating into environment.
The wast majority of men are simply invisible.
Without sounding like I’m bragging, I wander how many men with their girlfriends and wife’s feel awful when they see a man like you or me, that has a great fit body and everything else with it.
It’s sad, but it happens daily. And I feel sorry for these guys. Often the reason for them to be below average young unfit guys who no one looks at, is a lack of awareness. Often they don’t know it’s in their power to change. And the change can be dramatic if some effort is applied.
Now I’ll ask you a very simple, rude, straight forward into your eyes question my fellow young bald man that sums up this article:
Do you want to have a hot quality girlfriend, or wife, women looking at you, get laid?
Get of your ass and start working on yourself daily and consistently!
That’s it! It’s that simple! You can pretty much have it all than!
Now to finish this article, I want to remind you that, to achieve that doesn’t take too much of that effort. The bar is set low. Very low!
But you don’t care about that! You’ll rise to the top. You’ll be for the most part the fittest, best dressed, with highest confidence and great mood man in the room. Always! Always! Always! A man who’s bald and very attractive! A man who has it all! Now you know the secret. Get to work and don’t stop! Enough said.
Related articles:
Becoming Bald Superman – part 3
Sports are mandatory for young going bald man
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 2
Going bald too young – part 1
Bald Attractive Man – most effective way to get fit