Keep your child playful mind forever.
If you know what you want go for it. If you don’t know, don’t worry, wait until you do know.
Learn and play lots games and sports, they keep your mind fresh and resilient. They also turn you into a killer without you ever having to hurt someone.
Don’t read newspaper and news much. They sometimes breed the worst horror fiction.
Never do anything you don’t want to do. Even if it seems selfish at first, life is too short.
Don’t listen to anyone who says “You can’t do that”. Those are usually the people who can’t do it. Not you!
Do some intensive regular strength training – push ups, pull ups, squats, crunches and others on regular bases. Eat healthy diet free of sugar, flour and processed foods. Health is your true wealth!
The luckiest ones out there work the hardest. Prepare, work hard and you’ll be the luckiest one. But don’t over do it. Life is not about work.
Every day is an adventure. Stay positive and enjoy your moment every day.
Conventional wisdom is usually wrong. Think differently than masses. Be creative.
Adopt growth mindset. When you fail, don’t get down on yourself. Celebrate it! Celebrate you trying, failing and learning from the situation.
Save some money, so no bosses own you and require you to do some ridiculous thing. You own yourself! Keep it that way by staying out of debt and having money saved.
Learn to make people feel special. That’s where the success really lies.
Surf and play tennis. That’s just my selfish father recommendation. Feel free to not follow that one.
Approach situations with boldness and confidence. Trust yourself and everything you’ll do will be right.
From every bad thing that happens to you, something good comes. Never give up!
If you ever go bald, don’t worry about it. Control what you can control – stay fit, learn, have large goals, have style, be bold, have fun and even the most attractive will find you always attractive.
If you want to have kids some day, don’t wait too long to have them. I see people regretting not having them way too often. It’s sad to see.
Live with a sense of urgency of understanding what really is important in life. Live well, slow down, enjoy the moment. Life really is short!
Have deep empathy for others. Love all humans. We all are ridiculous imperfect beings after all. Some little more, some little less. But we all crave to be loved.
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