Mental toughness beats every adversity in this world! Way too young baldness included!
Mental toughness is behind all great achievement in this world too.
It also makes a young bald man very attractive. And it’s likely that he will succeed wildly in his life if he possesses this skill.
And mental toughness can be acquired by anyone.
Everyone of you, yes YOU too have to become mentally very tough.
It’s required my fellow bald man! Period!
Surprisingly the mentally toughest people I have ever met in my life were women.
I don’t mean to downgrade us guys here, but it is quite true. Women are mentally tougher than we are.
That’s a fact!
But we can also change that and become mentally tougher ourselves.
And if you do, it will serve you very well.
How to achieve mental toughness:
Never complain – go on complaining diet for 30 days and than stick to it forever.
I repeat: Never complain about anything!
Get and stay very physically fit – strength train and interval train regularly.
Adopt growth mindset – learn from your failures.
Fail often!
If you are failing often, that means you’re trying hard enough stuff.
If you’re not failing much, do more challenging stuff.
Get up at 5 AM in the morning and be productive before everyone else wakes up.
Expose yourself to cold often – cold showers and purposefully underdress.
Stay organized.
Stay relaxed in chaos and mess. Don’t get paralyzed by mess. Mess and chaos is here to stay. The trick is to thrive in it.
Spend at least 11 hours per day on your feet. Or, don’t spend much time sitting on your ass!
Follow your goals and actions aggressively to completion – you are getting up at 5 AM, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Don’t eat for a whole day occasionally – endure hunger.
Don’t watch and read news.
Don’t watch tv at all.
Don’t eat any processed foods.
Lie down on concrete floor outside regularly for few seconds. It’s not that bad! I do it all the time.
Eat simply – eggs, fresh meats, vegetables and fruit mainly.
Stay positive, read your mantras every day.
Serve and help others, don’t be selfish.
Do all that and you’ll achieve incredible mental toughness.
With that, great confidence comes.
With that success comes.
And all of that will make you to be an Attractive Bald Man that everybody wants to be around.
Go make it happen my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Achieve hight mental toughness! Starting today!
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