One of my New Years resolutions is to question my limited believes.
My Examples:
I can change only so many lives of young going bald men – is a limited belief.
I can change and influence every suffering young going bald mans life – is belief without limits.
Now I’m not going to bore you with my other limited beliefs. They’ll be all gone this year! All!!!
But instead, I’m going to remind you a limited belief you almost certainly have. This limited belief is your number one to brake.
Here it is:
Being bald and young at the same time makes you less attractive – is a limited belief most if not all young going bald men have.
And you my fellow young going bald or already bald man have almost certainly this limited belief too. I wasn’t any different. I suffered way too long with this belief.
Yes this belief is limited and wrong and you need to change it. And time to change this belief is now!
From now on or maybe some time this year you’ll be believing in something else in this young and bald matter.
Something that is true!
Something that is unlimited!
And that belief is this:
I can be and will be more attractive bald than ever before with hair.
This is a true belief. There is a lot of evidence out there in the world about the truthfulness of this belief!
I’m the proof of it! 🙂 No bragging! Just making a point here.
The sexiest man alive for 2016 is the proof of it!
The many many many young going bald or already bald men in the world walking proudly with attractive intelligent girlfriends or spouses or partners are proof of it!
The proofs are everywhere!
Now it’s your turn!
Question your believes!
Question particularly this single limited belief of yours that baldness is not attractive.
It might be the most important limited belief you brake and rise from it. It will change your direction and life!
Happy new year my fellow going bald or already bald man! Make this one be the one that changes the belief that holds you back the most. Make it a start of attractive bald bold life!