Intelligence for bald and attractive man
This is going to be a shorter post, but by no means less important for potential bald and attractive man. Take it very, very seriously.
Bald and attractive man is not only strong, lean, tan and muscular, he is also intelligent. Being intelligent is very important and it adds hugely to your overall attractiveness. They say, that you have to be born with intelligence. I disagree. I think that, if you work hard on your overall intelligence and you already have certain manners, you will be on the right track on being bald and attractive intelligent man.
I know a guy. He is muscular and lean. He has clearly visible six-pack abs. He is good looking and other people turn around whenever they see him. Yes, he has a beautiful hear too – the Jesus Christ kind of look. Very attractive. But when this guy opens his mouth and says something stupid, which he is very well known doing, or when he is being rude to other people and women, it suddenly makes him incredibly ugly. And I don’t care, that he has supermodel like looks. He is ugly and completely unattractive. Being fit, good looking, muscular but dumb like a telephone post is still pretty ugly.
How do you become more intelligent? Study the manners. Study, learn or hire somebody to show you how to have manners. Read books on many different topics. Intelligent bald attractive man knows that more he knows, the more he knows that he doesn’t know. That makes him humble. And that makes him also want to know more, to study more, to learn more. Learning, studying and reading humbles people to the point that they get very nice, intelligent, knowledgeable and fun to be around.
I don’t mean to suggest to you to be invisible, quite and stay in the line of the crowds. No, not at all. You should be confident, bold, often controversial and offensive too if you feel like it. There is nothing wrong with that. Just judge the situation. A little hint: I purposely offend, or piss off only more powerful people than me and only men. Powerful men tend to act like they know it all and saw it all.
Even if I strongly disagree with somebody unfortunate, I never try to verbally offend the person. And like I said before. I have a deep respect for women. I strongly believe they are the better species in this world than us adrenaline, testosterone driven men. And I do absolutely the best to be nice to every woman. And so should you!
Sometimes bad manners are ingrained by our families in which we grew up. Are you judging people too much? Are you complainer? Are you egoistic? You don’t like people? You don’t respect old people? Women? Do you have manners? Have you seen it in your family when you were growing up?
Yes, we all have some things going on that we observed from our families. And that’s ok. Important thing is to being able to point those things and start slowly changing.
I have a friend who judges people way too much by how they dress and how they look. And he likes talking about it way too much. And it is such a turn off. First, he should mind his own business. Second, you can tell that he doesn’t have anything better to do either, just observing people and judging them. And he is not that pleasant to be around also. He looks great, he is fit, but somehow his behavior is such a not pleasant part of him that makes you run far million miles away.
Bald and attractive man has manners
Look at your behavior. Can you point few things that don’t seem that right. Be critical. It’s important here. And start slowly changing.
Bald and attractive man has the whole package. He works hard on his fit, muscular and lean body and he works same hard on his intelligence and behavior. Yes, to be attractive, you still have to have both. One without the other one is like having only one sock on your foot and the other foot is naked.