Cardiovascular training for bald and attractive man
Bald and attractive man still does some kind of cardiovascular exercise on most of the days he doesn’t strength train. Now, you already know that you are suppose to be doing strength training 2 nonconsecutive times per week.
Strength training is way more important than cardiovascular training for bald and attractive man. Don’t let anybody convince you otherwise. They don’t know what they are talking about. They are stuck in early 80s chronic cardio times that already showed no progress at all in health and weight management. So what kind of exercise are you suppose to do on your non strength training days? The answer is:
Fun, intensive, preferably outside, preferably learning new skill cardiovascular exercise.
By learning new fun activity and getting your cardiovascular workout done outside, you are creating new nerve connections, you are loosing track of time, you are having fun and getting some natural vitamin D from sun exposure. And last but not least, you are more attractive by having fun and potentially developing a cool hobby like for example kayaking.
Common, do those men on treadmills or ellipticals seem like they are having fun to you? Hell no! They are suffering there because somebody told them, that they have to. Let them suffer there with their lack of imagination. You are different now! You are future bald and attractive man. Cardiovascular equipment should not exist in your world.
Cool, fun, healthy, brain developing cardio
What does this mean? I will give you an example what my cardiovascular exercise looks like. Since I do my strength training workouts on Wednesdays and Sundays, the rest of my days look like this: Monday’s and Fridays I usually play competitive tennis. Saturday’s and sometimes Wednesday’s I surf. Tuesdays I rollerblade or ice skate. And sometimes I play soccer on Fridays, windsurf on Saturday’s and so on. And occasionally I just run sprints on the beach, bike in the hills or swim in SF bay.
They are all intensive and they are all fun activities. I am learning new skill while doing them and they are all done outside. And preferably I have my shirt off while doing them to get as much sun exposure as I can (be careful with this. I will talk more about healthy sun exposure later).
Let’s break it down little bit. I can get an incredible workout playing tennis, soccer, skating, bicycling, swimming or surfing. But I developed already a certain proficiency in these sports, so I can really push myself. If you haven’t played tennis in your life, or surfed, or skated, don’t despair. Start learning those skills in some way right now.
I would pick another fun activity that you would like to master, like for example beach volleyball or water polo. Just don’t pick billiard or pool playing as your cardiovascular fun activity. That’s not what I mean. Those are great socializing activities, but they won’t do much good to improve your overall cardiovascular health and performance.
Have fun but hustle for certain period of time
If I started learning how to play tennis now, I would find a wall and start hitting the wall for an hour, several times per week. You can build an incredible eye-hand coordination skills doing this. And when you start hitting that wall hard, and you start running after the escaping ball, you will get a great cardiovascular exercise.
The goal here is to keep hitting, not stopping for conversations and keeping it intensive. And after a little while, show up at your neighborhood tennis courts and find a partner to play more. You never know, it might be that hottest girl from your apartment building 🙂 That’s actually exactly the same way I met my now wife. She was the hottest girl I new and I happened to be that attractive bald guy for her. We started playing tennis together. Happy end!
Same with surfing. When I started learning sport of surfing, I found an easy spot where I paddled out and instead of sitting on the board and waiting for a wave I would paddle up and down looking for waves. That’s the way to use surfing as a fun cardiovascular activity. Don’t just go there and wait for the wave. Look for it! You have to hustle there. Your heart rate will stay elevated, you will get better workout and your surfing skill will improve faster. This applies to every fun cardiovascular activity. Be active, don’t just stand there. Hustle for certain period of time. It’s required to do for bald and attractive man.
Of course now, when I already mastered the basics, I paddle out to San Francisco Ocean Beach, where the waves are much bigger. I don’t need to paddle left and right anymore. I simply catch the wave and paddle back.
Doing this for 2 hours is an incredible, intensive cardiovascular activity. And I don’t even realize how time passes by. Two hours later I am getting out of the water pleasantly tired, with great cardiovascular exercise under my belt, I improved my skill, I got some sun, smiled at few good looking girls sunbathing on the beach, life is good! And I don’t have to hit some stinky, dusty gym in the evening or feel the pressure, that I haven’t done any cardiovascular exercise that day.
Cardiovascular fitness and health is a part of every bald and attractive man to do list. So, find a way to get it done. Without it you won’t become fully attractive bald man. But remember to have fun with it! Seeing somebody doing something supporting their health while having fun with it is very, very attractive.
I like this way of keeping fit and healthy. They are fun activities and thanks for all the suggestions.
Kind regards,