Become bald bold man
Being bold, bald man is attractive. Being timid is a tun off. I am not saying, that you should be crazy in your actions and do stupid things. Being bold means, that if you have an idea and you want to do something even if you are not sure that it is the right thing to do, you do it.
If your partner asks you to go dancing with her and you feel like dancing, you say yes and go dancing. And you will dance all night long, even if you have to be back in your office at 8 am in the morning.
Being bold means that you make a decision, and however that decision hard might be, you hold it and execute that decision. Its a done deal. You don’t show, how doubtful you are about your decision. You decide fast, execute immediately and face the consequences.
Being bold is attractive. Bold people tend to attract other people with their energy and decisiveness. Even though, they are not really sure, that what they are about to do is a right thing. Human nature is to wait until somebody tells us what to do. We like to be led and have clear direction.
Bold people know what to do, without anybody telling them. If you can show people direction you are heading with self confidence you will attract other people. It makes you ultimately more attractive. So be bold bald attractive man that is decisive, not afraid, and confident in your actions. Even if you have to fake it. Eventually, you will fake yourself to reality.
Bald and attractive man is unpredictable
Bald and attractive man sometimes terrorizes his environment with his relentless energy and appetite to do certain unexpected actions. He is always changing, evolving, initiating and executing.
Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep others off balance and it will make you more interesting. Do cool stuff, just don’t go overboard with it. Brake the rules often and in unpredictable times and you will appear more attractive and mysterious! Talk about a smart seduction! 🙂
Stand out!
Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, or hurried in oblivion. Stand out! Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious than the bland and timid masses.
Once I put tennis shorts on me with shirt, tie and suit with dress shoes on a pure black tie event. Yes everything was right on like it was expected. I had nice white shirt, I had a black tie, I had a suit on. Black socks and nice dress shoes. The only different think was my diadora tennis shorts I was wearing instead of the black pants. Talk about attention! I collected more phone numbers for people interested in training with me than I collected in 3 years.
Being different then a crowd works. You become more visible. Yes some people might resent you for that. But, that’s part of it. Having haters on one side means, you have a lot of people that love what you did. It’s bold and it’s attractive. Period!
Recreate yourself
Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Recreate yourself by forging new ideas and identity, ones that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than others creating one for you.
Change is good for everybody. Once we get very comfortable with our situation, we stop growing. And we hover in our comfortable zone. It’s natural. It’s what almost everybody is doing. And the majority is expecting you to do it too. Don’t! Change often! Quit and start new thing. Or change direction 180 degrees. Become comfortable in being uncomfortable. And become bald attraction magnet in the process.
Avoid the unhappy and unlucky
Emotional states are as infectious as diseases. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves. They will also draw it on you. It’s the same with attraction. If you want to be attractive, hang out with happy and attractive people. Those sad, overweight, bald, unhappy man are doing it to themselves. Don’t let them infect you with their unhappiness and unattractiveness. Associate with attractive, happy people and you are more likely to become and stay one too. I have nothing else to add here. I think, you get the point.
Just be yourself
It all comes down to being yourself. Have your own goals. Have your ideals. Make your own plans. It’s ok to learn from others. And be willing to do bald moves. Develop the strength do do bald things, not the strength to suffer. Make mistakes of ambition, not mistakes of sloth. If you fail miserably pursuing interesting activity or other bold plan, that’s ok. It will add toward your overall attractiveness. If you fail because you didn’t follow your goals and dream, than you are a sucker. And sort of unattractive one too.
Yes, it adds to our overall attractiveness, the way we bald and potentially attractive men behave. So take it seriously. It all comes down to be independent thinker, to care more about other people, to be bolder, decisive, to have manners, to dream bigger and live larger life. And all that makes you more attractive bald man.