Carbohydrates for bald and attractive man
The single most important factor to look in your diet are carbohydrates. For the most part in this modern world, they are the enemies for bald and attractive mans body. Those processed ones like flour, all kinds of sugars, yes brown sugar and honey included, and all kinds of sweeteners are making our bodies sick and look very unattractive.
Not saturated fat, but sugars and processed carbohydrates are the main reason for epidemic in massive unattractiveness in people. So, that fat free yogurt, that is advertised as a healthy/beauty alternative is really not that healthy/beauty making stuff at all. It is actually terrible for your looks and health. I repeat, fat is not your enemy. Get over this terribly wrong myth about fat.
Now you know, that carbohydrates are the enemy of your energy, health and attractiveness with it. At least I hope you believe me in this. I am convinced it is truth. So, can you still eat some carbohydrates? Of course you can. Carbohydrates have a big place in our diet. They are our main source of energy. But only the good, favorable carbohydrates play this role. Which ones are those? It’s very simple and you can remember it easily. Fresh vegetables and fruits. Take potatoes away from this category.
Yes fruits and vegetables are the most natural, food industry untouched carbohydrates that are good for us bald and attractive men. Why? They actually contain very little of carbohydrates, compared to processed dense carbohydrate choices like flour, pasta, breads, bagels, sweetened drinks. And on top of it, they come with a healthy dose of fiber, that actually regulates the sugar entry to our blood stream even more.
Slow carbohydrates
Vegetables and fruits are the slow carbohydrates. And slow means, very, very, very healthy with beautification properties for bald and attractive man. Isn’t slow suppose to be bad? Don’t we want to be a fast attractive bald men? Let me answer that question for you. Slow in carbohydrates actually means very fast.
This is how it works. Let’s say you have a bagel with cream cheese for your breakfast and you have it with coffee and you put 2 spoons of brown sugar in it.
Now, what’s happening in your body after you put these fast, about 75 grams of carbohydrates is this: sugar enters your blood stream very fast. Suddenly, there is more sugar in your blood than it’s necessary and healthy for your blood arteries. Brain sends impulse to your pancreas to do something with that dangerous sugar. At this point, you are still feeling pretty good. There is a slight sugar rush and that makes you feel energized.
Now pancreas releases higher amount of insulin to the blood stream to take care of this sugar. And it starts clearing the sugars fast. Your pancreas is not that smart, or better said it didn’t evolve yet for these kind of sugar spikes and it releases too much of insulin. Suddenly there is not enough sugar in your bloodstream. And there is too much insulin in it, that creates inflammation and you start feeling like S..t.
Yes, about an hour after your processed carbohydrate dense meal, you start feeling tired, your mind is foggy, and you don’t feel good. Carbohydrate overload crush just happened. And on top of it, this inflammation now happening all over your body creates fertile conditions for storing fat and making you look very unattractive. So, majority of those fast carbs are now transferred to fat and stored as very unattractive love handles.
Now, take another example. You have 3 eggs omelet with spinach and some mushrooms on it and maybe some salad on the side for breakfast. You have a coffee with some milk and no sugar. Now very different scenario will be unfolding. Omelet is rich in protein and good fats. Yes, the fat in eggs is good for you. How about all that cholesterol in eggs? If you think that eggs are the enemy because of the cholesterol in them, you’ve got things to learn my friend. You are very behind in you nutritional knowledge. But that’s ok. Keep learning. But there is no time right now for yet another discussion about eggs. They are good for you. Make peace with it.
All carbohydrates you have in your second choice of breakfast are those in spinach, mushrooms, salad and little bit of milk. Let’s say, it’s 25 grams of carbs. 25 grams is not too much and it also comes with fiber, protein and fat together.
These carbohydrates will be entering your blood stream at a very slow rate. There is no need for the brain to send the impulse to release too much insulin, because the sugar levels are stable. 1 hour later after you eat this healthy choice of breakfast, your blood sugar levels are the same as they were before. There is no excess insulin in your blood which creates happy no inflammation condition.
And how about you? How are you feeling? You are feeling great, energized, ready for your exciting day. You are feeling exactly how bald and attractive man is suppose to feel. And there is probably somebody from behind looking at you saying: Who is that attractive bald man?
Bald and attractive man best carbohydrate choices
Yellow squash
Bell peppers
Green beans
Brussels sprouts
Lettuce (Arugula, Butterhead, Romaine)
Mustard greens
Swiss chard
Turnip greens
Bok choy
Wine – in moderation
Processed foods
Bald men who eat processed junk foods are not bald and attractive. They are just bald eating garbage cans where these foods are stored, making the garbage can rusty, ugly and old. If you want to be bald and attractive, you will not touch these foods. They are the enemy for your health, looks, energy levels and overall attractiveness.
Processed foods like frozen meals, frozen pizzas, commercial baked goods, soups in cans, candy, store deserts, hot pockets, sausages, and many, many others are loaded with salt, sugar, flour, conservatives, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors and other exotic poisonous tasty ingredients. And all these are slowly killing you. They are robbing you slowly and certainly of you life energy, health and attractiveness. And bald and attractive man can not afford that. The message is pretty clear. Stay away from these foods!
Protein for bald and attractive man
Protein is a building material for our bodies and muscles. And bald and attractive man needs to build some muscles! I don’t mean by building some muscles as to become one of those ugly huge bodybuilders. No, that’s not attractive. That’s obsession with getting ever bigger, no mater what. And you don’t have to be afraid to get to that level. It takes some serious effort and some scary nutritional supplements that we will stay away from. Athletic, skinny muscular body, that’s what we are shooting for here.
By muscular body that needs constant supply of healthy protein I mean athletic looking body that is lean, muscular, potentially with clearly visible six-pack abs, that actually looks kind of skinny.
Simple example: I am 6’3″ and I weigh 189 lb and I have about 10% of fat, which makes my six-pack abs clearly visible. That’s skinny athletic body. While it is not important to be tall, we cannot control that, it is important to be athletic, skinny and muscular to become bald and attractive man. So if you are 5’4″ and weigh 125 pounds on skinny muscular body with visible six-pack abs, that’s attractive athletic bald man body.
And you have to feed these muscles. Your muscles are constantly rebuilding and they need protein for this rebuilding process. And you are going to supply it. First rule is to eat abut 0.7 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. This is not that important, that you have to count it everyday with a calculator and obsess about it. If you just get it approximately right, that will be fine. Than, the second rule is to spread this protein intake throughout the day. You should eat some protein with every meal.
For example for me, being 189 lb. heavy, I will need to consume approximately 132 grams of protein per day. And I am going to try to spread it throughout the day. Each meal will contain some protein. Again, you don’t have to stress too much about this. Just try to get it right. Even if you eat all your protein in one meal occasionally, you will be fine.
If you eat 3 large meals per day and 2 small snacks between, than you should add some protein to each of them. It will look something like this:
Breakfast – 3 egg omelet with vegetables and mushrooms – 18 grams of protein
Snack – 2 apples with 3 spoons of almond butter – 20 grams of protein
Lunch – grilled chicken breast salad – 30 grams of protein
Snack – raw tofu and some pear with it – 35 grams of protein
Dinner – grilled salmon and asparagus – 35 grams of protein
That’s 137 grams of protein spread throughout the day. Lets count it again. 187 pound lean bald attractive man who strength trains regularly to promote maintenance of strong muscles and some growth of it, needs about 130 grams of protein per day – 187 x 0.7 = 130.9 grams.
This kind of eating planed day would be perfect for him, even if he consumes little bit more or little bit less of protein in his day. Like I said. You don’t need to obsess about your protein intake. As long as you eat some of it with every meal, you will reach your optimal daily level.
Protein besides it’s muscle building properties has one other huge benefit in our health. When eaten with carbohydrates, in our example very healthy carbohydrates like vegetables, greens, mushrooms, it slows their entry to the blood stream even further. With that, it prevents insulin spikes in our blood, protecting our body from inflammation that these spikes cause in our arteries and whole bodies. It is a clearly bald and attractive man seeking benefit. And that’s because inflammation causes premature aging, fat stores and is responsible for many scary diseases.
Bald and attractive man best protein choices:
Cod fish
Haddock fish
Grass fed beef
Crab meat
Whole milk
Sea bass
Chicken pastured
Grass fed beef
Cottage cheese whole
Soy cheese
Whole yogurt
Protein powder (100% whey or soy protein)
Fat for bald and attractive man
There are some incredible health advantages of eating fat in our diet. I am going to blow you away with this statement – more fat in your diet is healthier than less fat. Let explain that to you. Fat has 2 incredible benefits in our diet. Of course it’s a source of energy. But, in this modern world that’s more disadvantage than advantage. So the other 2 benefits of fat are.
First, as with protein, it slows down the sugar, carbohydrate entry to our blood stream after we eat a meal. It’s slowing sugar entry nature is even bigger that the one of protein. Second, and it correlates with the first one. It’s satiety effect makes us actually eat less and consume less calories over the day.
If you add some fat to each meal you eat, each of that meal will keep you satisfied longer. Your blood sugar level will be stable for long time – up to 5-6 hours. So basically, while you have’n eaten for 4 hours yet, you are energized, you are not hungry and you feel great. And you are less likely to reach for some crappy snack. That’s what fat does.
Stay away from frozen yogurt
One of the biggest health scams out there in real world is a frozen yogurt. It’s advertised as a healthy food. Healthy junk food, better said. It’s marketing message is, that it’s fat free. And misinformed fat scared public buys it in masses! Frozen yogurt is loaded with sugar and it doesn’t have any sugar entry slowing fat in it. I doubt it has any protein too. Which makes frozen yogurt one of the worst things you can actually eat. And general public considers it a healthy food. They think, they found a way to hack the system. But, their body’s suffer with inflammation, causing them sick and prematurely getting old. It would be way healthier if you reached for regular whole fat ice cream instead of frozen yogurt.
Don’t be afraid of fat! Increase fat in your diet. And stay away from fat free processed foods. They are terrible for your health.
Bald and attractive man best fat choices:
Butter and all saturated fats – preferably grass fed
Coconut oil
Coconut butter and milk
Olive oil
All nuts raw
Macadamia nuts
Peanut butter (unbleached and unsalted)
Almond butter (unbleached and unsalted)
Healthy diet is crucially important for bald and attractive man. Diet can make you very healthy, good looking and full of energy. It can actually make you look attractive without even doing anything else. And many people can’t define why.
The healthy balanced levels of your hormones in your body create certain kind of magnet that you become. And diet can keep this hormonal balance in perfect order. Don’t underestimate the effects of perfect diet and its benefits. Learn it, apply it, stick with it, and you will become bald and seriously attractive man.
Dear Milan, first of all thank you for this website, your doing a great job and helped me a lot coping with my hairloss (started at 18 now I’m 20, shave it since 19), you’ve spread lots of good advice and even though i dont know you i feel like ur a genuine guy trying to help other people who feel miserable even though they shouldn’t cause life can be beautiful if we just concentrate on the things we can control and don’t obsess over the things we don’t.
So here’s my question: I am 185cm tall and I weigh about 72 kg (since you are european i hope you are still familiar with this lol)
So I’m trying to gain weight in order to have a bigger physik , maybe until 80 or 85 kg, obviously I’m watching my diet, trying to eat plenty of fruits vegetables nuts fish meat, I exercise 4 times a week(intense bodyweight training, pushups, pullups, squats, handstands and so on) And I try to do some other sport once a week like soccer or running. I try to have a calorie surplus of 300-500 calories a day.
So my questions are, how can I eat more than 3000 calories a day and still eat very healthy? did you ever try to gain weight or did you just go straight in to building muscles with the weight you got?
Thank you, your will
Will, great question and thank you for your compliment about this website. I really apreciate it.
We are very similarly built Will. I used to be very skinny up untill I was about 22 or so.
I’m 1.88 m and I used to weigh 72 kg I still rember that. Exactly like you Will. Since I’m little taller than you, I was skinnier.
Now I’m 85 kg. that is still skinny. I’m not trying to gain more muscle. And at my age it’s almost impossible naturally. I’m pretty happy with my body musculature now.
You Will, maybe try to reach 80-82 kg.
You’ll achieve it by eating healthy and regular intensive strength training. You’re doing pull ups, push ups and other exercises. Add some heavy dumbell workout too and start doing shoulder presses, squats, curls, bar dips.
The healthiest way to increase calories in your diet is throug eating lots of good carbohydrates – all kinds of fruit, rice, lentils.
Than add lots of fat too – olive oil, nuts, nut butters, whole yogurts, whole sour cream and others. As long as all off these are whole unprocessed healthy foods you’ll stay lean and muscular. But you have to maintain intensive regular strength training Will.
I hope that helps a little Will. Let me know how you are doing. And keep rocking! Milan